COSC481W-2024Fall / Swoop-In

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PBI 3: Make UI for Login Page #3

Closed abhagat8 closed 2 weeks ago

abhagat8 commented 1 month ago

User Story: John wants to became a new user for our application. he needs to be able to have a page where he can log into our application with his emich email and password.


Acceptance Criteria

  1. If the user launches the page, the page should display the login page when the site launches.
  2. If the user clicks on the textbox, the user will be able to fill in their log in information.
  3. Sign-in process and password storage follows industry standards
  4. If the user clicks the login button it will authenticate and the user will be logged in and view the home page.
  5. If the user clicks the login button with either textbox empty a pop-up message will display with the error.
  6. If the user information is incorrect a pop-up message will display with the error.