User Story:
As an online retailer, I get loads of emails almost daily and can't spend the time sifting through them all. Having a system that automatically sifts through my emails and uses AI to summarize the important ones would be a massive time save, letting me communicate with interested buyers more effectively.
Persona: Kevin, online retailer. Gets lots of emails regarding the variety of wares he sells online.
Feature: Sending sorted, high priority emails to ChatGPT to summarize them.
Business Value: Second step in summarization process, allows users to get quick and easy to read summaries of important emails that they may miss throughout the day.
[x] Implement a Dart function with the ChatGPT API
[x] Be able to send a text input to ChatGPT
Acceptance Criteria:
ChatGPT should be able to get the text input from the function
ChatGPT should be able to send a message back to the user relating to the input
User Story: As an online retailer, I get loads of emails almost daily and can't spend the time sifting through them all. Having a system that automatically sifts through my emails and uses AI to summarize the important ones would be a massive time save, letting me communicate with interested buyers more effectively.
Acceptance Criteria: