Implemented user authentication using Firebase Auth, including support for email and Google sign-in. This allows users to create new accounts and log in to the app.
Use firebase_ui_auth for UI components
Configure Firebase
Handle sign-in and sign-out flows
Enable email access feature for users
Integrated Google Sign-In to authenticate users and obtain access tokens.
Utilized Gmail API to fetch emails using obtained access tokens.
Created EmailService to handle API communication and data parsing.
Developed EmailsScreen to display the list of emails with basic details.
Added "Access Email" button in HomeScreen for easy access to this new feature.
Rerouted App pages
Removed/unstaged sensitve files & auto generated files
Add login feature using Firebase Auth
Implemented user authentication using Firebase Auth, including support for email and Google sign-in. This allows users to create new accounts and log in to the app.
Enable email access feature for users
Removed/unstaged sensitve files & auto generated files
Updated .gitignore