A fitness tracking/logging application with social media aspects. The purpose of Resolute is to encourage users and their friends to be involved in each other's fitness endeavors through non-intrusive mobile notifications.
This pull request is to merge the branch that gives users the ability to delete previously logged exercises and also checks for exercise existence before sending a reply.
Detailed Summary
Adds "Delete" button to fragment_reply.xml. Adds onClickListener for "Delete" button in ReplyFragment.java to delete exercise document and its replies collection from PreviousActivityFragment.java. Adds onClickListener for table row in inbox table in InboxFragment.java to check whether an exercise exists before sending a reply. If the exercise exists, the reply is sent and the exercise is deleted from the user's inbox. If the exercise does not exist, no reply is sent but the exercise is still deleted from the user's inbox. Adds toast messages for success "Exercise deleted" and failure "Exercise not found". Adds checkDeletion() test in Reply_IT.java to check if an exercise is deleted from previous activity table after clicking "Delete" button. Adds checkDeletedExerciseDeletion() test in Inbox_IT.java to check if a deleted exercise is deleted from inbox table after clicking "Send" button.
Overview This pull request is to merge the branch that gives users the ability to delete previously logged exercises and also checks for exercise existence before sending a reply.
Detailed Summary Adds "Delete" button to fragment_reply.xml. Adds onClickListener for "Delete" button in ReplyFragment.java to delete exercise document and its replies collection from PreviousActivityFragment.java. Adds onClickListener for table row in inbox table in InboxFragment.java to check whether an exercise exists before sending a reply. If the exercise exists, the reply is sent and the exercise is deleted from the user's inbox. If the exercise does not exist, no reply is sent but the exercise is still deleted from the user's inbox. Adds toast messages for success "Exercise deleted" and failure "Exercise not found". Adds checkDeletion() test in Reply_IT.java to check if an exercise is deleted from previous activity table after clicking "Delete" button. Adds checkDeletedExerciseDeletion() test in Inbox_IT.java to check if a deleted exercise is deleted from inbox table after clicking "Send" button.
Removed/Changed Tags N/A
Closes issue #65