COSIMA / 3D_animations

This repository contains examples of 3D animations generated using Blender.
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Input with visualisations #1

Open josuemtzmo opened 2 years ago

josuemtzmo commented 2 years ago

Hello @AndyHoggANU, @aekiss, @adele157, @navidcy, @wghuneke,

Over the next couple of weeks, I will upload snapshots and short videos of the animations I've been working on. I will really appreciate it if you could give me some feedback on them.

I will create several issues for each of the animation ideas.

Please invite anyone who may be interested!

navidcy commented 2 years ago

Open a PR and ping us when you do and we'll have a look!

aekiss commented 2 years ago

or we could click "watch" to be alerted to all activity...