COSIMA / 3D_animations

This repository contains examples of 3D animations generated using Blender.
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Instructions #3

Open navidcy opened 2 years ago

navidcy commented 2 years ago

The instructions in README seem rather cumbersome... I mean, that's fine for me, but it does sound like "a big project"... not something anybody would do. Also they seem to imply that they are specifically tuned for VDI, is this correct? What about non-VDI users?

I guess the question "could the instructions become simpler?" is pointless here because I assume that if the answer is yes then @josuemtzmo would have already gone that path... :(

josuemtzmo commented 2 years ago

You can use non-VDI, but It will be a harder "big project" than following the installation in VDI.

navidcy commented 2 years ago

Let's make this clear in the instructions then?

josuemtzmo commented 2 years ago

The current plan is to get feedback on the animations I'm currently producing. Although It is possible to use Blender and BlenderNC in VDI and the new VDI replacement, I'm not expecting everyone to start using it now.

josuemtzmo commented 2 years ago

Let's make this clear in the instructions then?

Make clear you mean to explain how? It requires you to code in Blender, which I'm sure less people will try.

navidcy commented 2 years ago

Well I didn't know that!

josuemtzmo commented 2 years ago

There are some tutorials in the BlenderNC docs on how to render animation headless (i.e. from command line), I will add a reference to it, but I hope most people won't need to do that.