COSIMA / access-om3

ACCESS-OM3 global ocean-sea ice-wave coupled model
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logging all CICE6 parameters #127

Open aekiss opened 8 months ago

aekiss commented 8 months ago

splitting off as a separate issue

MOM6 outputs all parameters into MOM_parameter_doc.* files, which is very useful for documentation - see

It would be great if we could do something equivalent for CICE6. archive/output000/log/ice.log apparently reports all parameter values, but interspersed with irrelevant text. It would be more useful if this was output separately, ideally as a complete, valid namelist of all runtime parameters.

Thoughts, anyone?

anton-seaice commented 7 months ago

It looks likes there are few main sections where this is written:

Plus some in icepack

It probably wouldn't be too hard to make a patch to write these to a different file? Otherwise, we could probably get most of the information through some clever scripting.

Some of the icepack sections maybe are less relevant and there is a little bit of repetition but with a little iteration we could maybe tidy this up.

aekiss commented 6 months ago

Thanks @anton, it seems cleaner to me (and maybe less work?) to patch cice to write this to a separate file, ideally as a valid namelist file readable by f90nml.