COSIMA / access-om3

ACCESS-OM3 global ocean-sea ice-wave coupled model
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Essential diagnostics #190

Open dougiesquire opened 1 month ago

dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

The set of diagnostics output by access-om3 configurations is still mostly just inherited from CESM. There are possibly many diagnostics that we want that aren't requested, and others that are requested that we don't want. It would be helpful to compile a set of "essential" diagnostics that should always be requested in configurations so that key metrics/analyses can be calculated.

I'm probably being naive in thinking that it's possible to come up with a single list of essential diagnsotics. In that case, we still need to know what diagnostics are needed to calculate particular metrics so that we can ensure everything we need is saved in upcoming test runs.

aekiss commented 1 month ago

We should start with the CICE and MOM diagnostics used in ACCESS-OM2.

dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

Is there a single list of diagnostics for ACCESS-OM2?

aekiss commented 1 month ago

The default configs are pretty consistent

aekiss commented 1 month ago

It would be good if we could use make_diag_table to generate diag_table, as this makes it easier to create consistent filenames, e.g. when creating one file per variable.

I'm looking into this - see

dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

It would be good if we could use make_diag_table to generate diag_table, as this makes it easier to create consistent filenames, e.g. when creating one file per variable.

I'm looking into this - see COSIMA/make_diag_table#5

I was just doing the same thing. I'll leave it with you :)

minghangli-uni commented 1 month ago

Essential diagnostics are needed as discussed in TWG.

  1. Zonal average temperature and salinity (i.e. depth/latitude maps) (Fig. 12 Kiss et al. 2020) [1993 - 2017]
  2. Time series of global average temperature, salinity and sea surface temperature. (Fig. 3 in Kiss et al. 2020), and sea surface height.
  3. Zonally integrated overturning in density / latitude space (Fig. 7 Kiss et al. 2020) [1993 - 2017]
  4. Time series of Drake Passage zonal transport. (Fig. 4 in Kiss et al. 2020)
dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

@minghang is working through what MOM5 diagnostics output in the ACCESS-OM2 default configs are available in MOM6 and what they are called.

aekiss commented 1 month ago

I've confirmed that make_diag_table is compatible with MOM6 - see

minghangli-uni commented 1 month ago

Great to know! Thanks @aekiss

aekiss commented 1 month ago

To handle many output files I used these settings in input.nml:

    debug_diag_manager = .true.
    issue_oor_warnings = .true.
    flush_nc_files = .true.
    max_axes          = 400
    max_files         = 200
    max_num_axis_sets = 200

This also issues warnings in access-om3.err for any unavailable diagnostics, so a test run with an OM2 diag_table will reveal which diagnostics need to be renamed.

aekiss commented 1 month ago

We'll also need to consider which ones to vertically remap onto a non-native grid - see

minghangli-uni commented 1 month ago

Ref, we currently dont have a proper isopycnal coordinate at the moment.

However we dont have a proper 0.25deg density coordinate as was noted from

minghangli-uni commented 1 month ago

Below diagnostics are the conversion between MOM5 and MOM6. The table is still being updated.

The diagnostics of MOM5, including description, unit, method and packing are generated by matching information from the MOM_diags.txt and diag_table. For diagnostics with missing description, unit, method and packing, these details are not present in the MOM_diags.txt or in mom5. I am not sure how these diagnostiics are traced. Any thoughts? @aekiss

Static 2D Grid Data

Diagnostic (MOM6) Diagnostic (MOM5) Description Unit Method Packing
area_t area_t Tracer cell area none real*4
area_u area_u Surface area of x-direction flow (U) cells none real*4
area_v N/A Surface area of y-direction flow (V) cells none real*4
drag_coeff drag_coeff Dimensionless bottom drag coefficient dimensionless none real*4
dxt dxt Ocean dxt on t-cells m none real*4
dxu dxu Ocean dxu on u-cells m none real*4
dyt dyt Ocean dyt on t-cells m none real*4
dyu dyu Ocean dyu on u-cells m none real*4
N/A geolat_c Ucell latitude degrees_N none real*4
N/A geolat_t Tracer latitude degrees_N none real*4
N/A geolon_c UV longitude degrees_E none real*4
N/A geolon_t Tracer longitude degrees_E none real*4
geolat_c N/A Latitude of corner (Bu) points degrees_north none real*4
geolat N/A Latitude of tracer (T) points degrees_north none real*4
geolat_v N/A Latitude of meridional velocity (Cv) points degrees_north none real*4
geolon_c N/A Longitude of corner (Bu) points degrees_east none real*4
geolon N/A Longitude of tracer (T) points degrees_east none real*4
geolon_v N/A Longitude of meridional velocity (Cv) points degrees_east none real*4
depth_ocean ht Ocean depth on t-cells m none real*4
depth_ocean hu Ocean depth on u-cells m none real*4
kmt Number of depth levels on t-grid dimensionless none real*4
kmu Number of depth levels on u-grid dimensionless none real*4

Monthly 3D Fields

Diagnostic (MOM6) Diagnostic (MOM5) Description Unit Method Packing
agessc age_global Sea water age since surface contact yr average real*4
buoyfreq2_wt Squared buoyancy frequency at T-cell bottom 1/s² average real*4
difvho diff_cbt_t Total vertical diffusion of temperature (w/o neutral) m²/s average real*4
dzt T-cell thickness m average real*4
rhopot0 pot_rho_0 Potential density referenced to 0 dbar kg/m³ average real*4
rhopot2 pot_rho_2 Potential density referenced to 2000 dbar kg/m³ average real*4
thetao pot_temp Potential temperature °C average real*4
so salt Practical Salinity psu average real*4
temp_xflux_adv Temperature x flux (advection)
temp_yflux_adv Temperature y flux (advection)
temp Conservative temperature °C average real*4
umo tx_trans T-cell i-mass transport kg/s average real*4
ty_trans_gm T-cell mass j-transport from GM kg/s average real*4
ty_trans_nrho_submeso T-cell j-mass transport from submesoscale param on neutral rho kg/s average real*4
ty_trans_rho_gm T-cell j-mass transport from GM on potential density kg/s average real*4
ty_trans_rho T-cell j-mass transport on potential density kg/s average real*4
ty_trans_submeso T-cell mass j-transport from submesoscale param kg/s average real*4
vmo ty_trans T-cell j-mass transport kg/s average real*4
uo u i-current m/sec average real*4
vo v j-current m/sec average real*4
vert_pv Vertical piece of Ertel PV: (f+zeta)*N² 1/sec³ average real*4
wd wt Dia-surface velocity T-points m/sec average real*4

Monthly 3D Squared Fields

Diagnostic (MOM6) Diagnostic (MOM5) Description Unit Method Packing
uo u i-current m/sec pow02 real*4
vo v j-current m/sec pow02 real*4

monthly 2d fields

Diagnostic (MOM6) Diagnostic (MOM5) Description Unit Method Packing
KHTH_t agm GM diffusivity at surface m^2/sec average real*4
KHTR_h aredi neutral diffusivity at k=1 m^2/sec average real*4
bmf_u bmf_u Bottom u-stress via bottom drag N/m^2 average real*4
bmf_v bmf_v Bottom v-stress via bottom drag N/m^2 average real*4
ekman_we Ekman vertical velocity averaged to wt-point m/s average real*4
eta_nonbouss surface height including steric contribution meter average real*4
latent_evap evap_heat latent heat flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) W/m^2 average real*4
evap evap mass flux from evaporation/condensation (>0 enters ocean) (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) average real*4
heat_content_fprec fprec_melt_heat heat flux to melt frozen precip (<0 cools ocean) W/m^2 average real*4
fprec fprec snow falling onto ocean (>0 enters ocean) (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) average real*4
frazil_3d_int_z Vertical sum of ocn frazil heat flux over time step W/m^2 average real*4
lprec lprec liquid precip (including ice melt/form) into ocean (>0 enters ocean) (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) average real*4
LW lw_heat longwave flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) W/m^2 average real*4
melt water flux transferred with sea ice form/melt (>0 enters ocean) (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) average real*4
seaice_melt_heat mh_flux heat into ocean due to melting ice (>0 heats ocean) (W/m^2) average real*4
MLD_003 mld mixed layer depth determined by density criteria m average real*4
net_sfc_heating surface ocean heat flux coming through coupler and mass transfer Watts/m^2 average real*4
pbo pbot_t bottom pressure on T cells' // trim ( model_type ) dbar average real*4
pme_net precip-evap into ocean (total w/ restore + normalize) (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) average real*4
pme_river mass flux of precip-evap+river via sbc (liquid frozen average real*4
N/A river mass flux of river (runoff + calving) entering ocean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) average real*4
ficeberg N/A Frozen runoff (calving) and iceberg melt into ocean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) average real*4
friver runoff Liquid runoff (rivers) into ocean (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) average real*4
N/A sea_level_sq square of effective sea level (eta_t + patm/(rho0*g)) on T cells m^2 average real*4
e_D sea_level effective sea level (eta_t + patm/(rho0*g)) on T cells meter average real*4
hfsso sens_heat sensible heat into ocean (<0 cools ocean) W/m^2 average real*4
net_heat_coupler sfc_hflux_coupler surface heat flux coming through coupler Watts/m^2 average real*4
heat_content_lrunoff sfc_hflux_from_runoff heat flux (relative to 0C) from liquid river runoff Watts/m^2 average real*4
Heat_PmE sfc_hflux_pme heat flux (relative to 0C) from pme transfer of water across ocean surface Watts/m^2 average real*4
salt_flux_in sfc_salt_flux_coupler sfc_salt_flux_coupler: flux from the coupler kg m-2 s-1 average real*4
sfc_salt_flux_ice kg m-2 s-1 average real*4
sfc_salt_flux_restore kg m-2 s-1 average real*4
sfdsi N/A Net salt flux into ocean at surface (restoring + sea-ice) kg m-2 s-1 average real*4
tos surface_pot_temp Sea Surface Temperature degC average real*4
sos surface_salt Sea Surface Salinity psu average real*4
SW_pen swflx shortwave flux into ocean (>0 heats ocean) W/m^2 average real*4
taux tau_x i-directed wind stress forcing u-velocity N/m^2 average real*4
tauy tau_y j-directed wind stress forcing v-velocity N/m^2 average real*4
temp_int_rhodz vertical sum of Conservative temperature * rho_dzt deg_C(kg/m^3)m average real*4
temp_xflux_adv_int_z z-integral of cprhodytutemp W average real*4
temp_xflux_gm_int_z z-integral cpgm_xfluxdytrho_dzttemp W average real*4
temp_xflux_ndiffuse_int_z z-integral cpndiffuse_xfluxdytrho_dzttemp W average real*4
temp_xflux_submeso_int_z z-integral cpsubmeso_xfluxdytrho_dzttemp W average real*4
temp_yflux_adv_int_z z-integral of cprhodxtvtemp W average real*4
temp_yflux_gm_int_z z-integral cpgm_yfluxdytrho_dzttemp W average real*4
temp_yflux_ndiffuse_int_z z-integral cpndiffuse_yfluxdxtrho_dzttemp W average real*4
temp_yflux_submeso_int_z z-integral cpsubmeso_yfluxdxtrho_dzttemp W average real*4
umo_2d tx_trans_int_z T-cell i-mass transport vertically summed trim ( transport_dims ) average real*4
vmo_2d ty_trans_int_z T-cell j-mass transport vertically summed trim ( transport_dims ) average real*4
seaice_melt wfiform water out of ocean due to ice form (>0 enters ocean) (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) average real*4
seaice_melt wfimelt water into ocean due to ice melt (>0 enters ocean) (kg/m^3)*(m/sec) average real*4

monthly 2d fields with different reduction methods

Diagnostic (MOM6) Diagnostic (MOM5) Description Unit Method Packing
MLD_003 mld mixed layer depth determined by density criteria m max real*4
tos surface_pot_temp Sea Surface Temperature degC max real*4

daily 2d fields

Diagnostic (MOM6) Diagnostic (MOM5) Description Unit Method Packing
bottom_temp Conservative temperature degC average real*4
frazil_3d_int_z Vertical sum of ocn frazil heat flux over time step W/m^2 average real*4
MLD_003 mld mixed layer depth determined by density criteria m average real*4
pme_river mass flux of precip-evap+river via sbc (liquid frozen average real*4
e_D sea_level effective sea level (eta_t + patm/(rho0*g)) on T cells meter average real*4
net_heat_coupler sfc_hflux_coupler surface heat flux coming through coupler Watts/m^2 average real*4
heat_content_lrunoff sfc_hflux_from_runoff heat flux (relative to 0C) from liquid river runoff Watts/m^2 average real*4
Heat_PmE. sfc_hflux_pme heat flux (relative to 0C) from pme transfer of water across ocean surface Watts/m^2 average real*4
tos surface_pot_temp
sos surface_salt
SSU usurf i-surface current m/sec average real*4
SSV vsurf j-surface current m/sec average real*4

daily 2d maximum fields

Diagnostic (MOM6) Diagnostic (MOM5) Description Unit Method Packing
e_D sea_level effective sea level (eta_t + patm/(rho0*g)) on T cells meter max real*4
tos surface_pot_temp Sea Surface Temperature deg_C max real*4

daily 2d minimum fields

Diagnostic (MOM6) Diagnostic (MOM5) Description Unit Method Packing
tos surface_pot_temp Sea Surface Temperature deg_C min real*4

daily scalar snapshots

Diagnostic (MOM6) Diagnostic (MOM5) Description Unit Method Packing
eta_global global ave eta_t plus patm_t/(g*rho0) meter none real*8
KE ke_tot Globally integrated ocean kinetic energy 10^15 Joules none real*8
pe_tot Globally integrated ocean potential energy 10^15 Joules none real*8
rhoinsitu rhoave global mean ocean in-situ density from ocean_density_mod kg/m^3 none real*8
soga salt_global_ave Global mean salt in liquid seawater psu none real*8
sosga salt_surface_ave Global mass weighted mean surface salt in liquid seawater psu none real*8
thetaoga temp_global_ave Global mean temp in liquid seawater deg_C none real*8
tosga temp_surface_ave Global mass weighted mean surface temp in liquid seawater deg_C none real*8
total_net_sfc_heating total ocean surface flux from coupler and mass transfer Watts/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_evap_heat total latent heat flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) Watts/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_evap total evaporative ocean mass flux (>0 enters ocean) (kg/sec)/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_fprec_melt_heat total heat flux to melt frozen precip (<0 cools ocean) Watts/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_fprec total snow falling onto ocean (>0 enters ocean) (kg/sec)/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_heat Total heat in the liquid ocean referenced to 0degC Joule/1e25 none real*8
total_net_heat_coupler total_ocean_hflux_coupler total surface heat flux passed through coupler Watts/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_hflux_evap total ocean heat flux from evap transferring water across surface Watts/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_hflux_prec total ocean heat flux from precip transferring water across surface Watts/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_lprec total liquid precip into ocean (>0 enters ocean) (kg/sec)/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_lw_heat total longwave flux into ocean (<0 cools ocean) Watts/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_melt total liquid water melted from sea ice (>0 enters ocean) (kg/sec)/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_mh_flux total heat flux into ocean from melting ice (>0 heats ocean) Watts/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_pme_river total ocean precip-evap+river via sbc (liquid frozen none real*8
total_ocean_river_heat total heat flux into ocean from liquid+solid runoff (<0 cools ocean) Watts/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_river total liquid river water and calving ice entering ocean kg/sec/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_runoff_heat total ocean heat flux from liquid river runoff Watts/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_runoff total liquid river runoff (>0 water enters ocean) (kg/sec)/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_salt total mass of salt in liquid seawater kg/1e18 none real*8
total_ocean_sens_heat total sensible heat into ocean (<0 cools ocean) Watts/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_swflx_vis total visible shortwave into ocean (>0 heats ocean) Watts/1e15 none real*8
total_ocean_swflx total shortwave flux into ocean (>0 heats ocean) Watts/1e15 none real*8
aekiss commented 1 month ago

Awesome, thanks @minghangli-uni this is super helpful!

aekiss commented 1 month ago

For diagnostics with missing description, unit, method and packing, these details are not present in the MOM_diags.txt or in mom5. I am not sure how these diagnostiics are traced. Any thoughts? @aekiss

Some diagnostic names are generated algorithmically, so they don't show up if you search for them in the code. The description and unit should be available from output .nc files, e.g. in /g/data/cj50/access-om2/raw-output/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v140_iaf/output000/ocean, but it might be easier to use the cookbook tools (cc.querying.get_variables), since the cookbook database has indexed this metadata - see

minghangli-uni commented 1 month ago

Thank you @aekiss !

But I am still not sure about the exact process (algorithmically) of how these diagnostics were generated. While the descriptions and units can be tracked from the output nc files, these are essentially the final output files. Are we expected to have similar diagnostics in MOM6 as well? If so, we may end up tracking similar processes as MOM5.

minghangli-uni commented 1 month ago

Below is a sample of the diag_table generated by diag_table_source.yaml and with minor tweaks:

If every of us is happy with this format, I will generate the first draft.

ACCESS-OM3-025 1900 1 1 0 0 0

static 2d grid data

"access-om3.mom6.h.static", -1, "months", 1, "days", "time" "ocean_model", "area_t", "area_t", "access-om3.mom6.h.static", "all", "none", "none", 2 "ocean_model", "area_u", "area_u", "access-om3.mom6.h.static", "all", "none", "none", 2

monthly 3d fields

"access-om3.mom6.h.3d.agessc.1.monthly.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "agessc", "agessc", "access-om3.mom6.h.3d.agessc.1.monthly.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "mean", "none", 2

"access-om3.mom6.h.3d.difvho.1.monthly.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "difvho", "difvho", "access-om3.mom6.h.3d.difvho.1.monthly.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "mean", "none", 2

monthly 3d squared fields

"access-om3.mom6.h.3d.uo.1.monthly.pow02.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "uo", "uo", "access-om3.mom6.h.3d.uo.1.monthly.pow02.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "pow02", "none", 2

"access-om3.mom6.h.3d.vo.1.monthly.pow02.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "vo", "vo", "access-om3.mom6.h.3d.vo.1.monthly.pow02.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "pow02", "none", 2

monthly 2d fields

"access-om3.mom6.h.2d.KHTH_t.1.monthly.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "KHTH_t", "KHTH_t", "access-om3.mom6.h.2d.KHTH_t.1.monthly.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "mean", "none", 2

"access-om3.mom6.h.2d.KHTR_h.1.monthly.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "KHTR_h", "KHTR_h", "access-om3.mom6.h.2d.KHTR_h.1.monthly.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "mean", "none", 2

monthly 2d fields with different reduction methods

"access-om3.mom6.h.2d.mlotst.1.monthly.max.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "mlotst", "mlotst", "access-om3.mom6.h.2d.mlotst.1.monthly.max.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "max", "none", 2

"access-om3.mom6.h.2d.tos.1.monthly.min.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "tos", "tos", "access-om3.mom6.h.2d.tos.1.monthly.min.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "min", "none", 2

daily 2d fields

"access-om3.mom6.h.2d.tob.1.daily.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "tob", "tob", "access-om3.mom6.h.2d.tob.1.daily.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "mean", "none", 2

"access-om3.mom6.h.2d.mlotst.1.daily.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "mlotst", "mlotst", "access-om3.mom6.h.2d.mlotst.1.daily.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "mean", "none", 2

daily 2d maximum fields

"access-om3.mom6.h.2d.tob.1.daily.max.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "tob", "tob", "access-om3.mom6.h.2d.tob.1.daily.max.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "max", "none", 2

"access-om3.mom6.h.2d.e_D.1.daily.max.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "e_D", "e_D", "access-om3.mom6.h.2d.e_D.1.daily.max.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "max", "none", 2

daily 2d minimum fields

"access-om3.mom6.h.2d.tos.1.daily.min.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "tos", "tos", "access-om3.mom6.h.2d.tos.1.daily.min.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "min", "none", 2

daily scalar snapshots

"access-om3.mom6.h.scalar.1.daily.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "days", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" "ocean_model", "soga", "soga", "access-om3.mom6.h.scalar.1.daily.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "none", "none", 1 "ocean_model", "sosga", "sosga", "access-om3.mom6.h.scalar.1.daily.ym%4yr%2mo", "all", "none", "none", 1

monthly 2d snapshots

monthly 3d snapshots

dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

A couple of comments questions using the following as an example:

"access-om3.mom6.h.3d.agessc.1.monthly.mean.ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years"

Altogether, this would mean the above changes to:

"access-om3.mom6.h.3d.agessc.1monthly.mean.%4yr", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years"

or if we want to be more concise we could shorten the frequency to be consistent with CMIP6 vocab (though this only really saves a few characters)

"access-om3.mom6.h.3d.agessc.1mon.mean.%4yr", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years"

Thoughts @minghangli-uni, @aekiss?

minghangli-uni commented 1 month ago

@dougiesquire Thanks for the comments.

I am more inclined to this format, "access-om3.mom6.h.3d.agessc.1mon.mean.%4yr", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" It looks concise and doesn’t seem to lose any information.

aekiss commented 1 month ago

ym is just an aesthetic workaround because FMS prepends _ prior to the date, and it looks ugly having that preceded by another separator - see

In our case access-om3.mom6.h.3d.agessc.1mon.mean.%4yr will produce filenames like and the ._ may offend those of a sensitive disposition.

aekiss commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure that .y_1900 looks a whole lot better than ._1900 though.

aekiss commented 1 month ago

Other than that, I'm happy with

"access-om3.mom6.h.3d.agessc.1mon.mean.%4yr", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years"

although it would be even better if the nuopc prefix was shortened somehow to omit h and maybe access- too (ditto for cice6 and ww3 outputs).

aekiss commented 1 month ago

@minghangli-uni I'm happy to look over your diag_table_source.yaml when you've finished.

minghangli-uni commented 1 month ago

I am thinking adding some scripts to to include descriptions for each of the diagnostics. This might make the table a bit messy, but it should clarify the diag_table. It’s not urgent, though.

aekiss commented 1 month ago

hm, that's an interesting idea. But isn't that information already in available_diags.000000?

aekiss commented 1 month ago

BTW, did you need to change to produce the new diag_table, or only diag_table_source.yaml?

minghangli-uni commented 1 month ago

But isn't that information already in available_diags.000000?

Oops, yes, I forgot that info is already existing in OM3.

BTW, did you need to change to produce the new diag_table, or only diag_table_source.yaml

Specifically for 1mon, I think I need to change Other changes will only be needed in diag_table_source.yaml.

minghangli-uni commented 1 month ago

This line

        return indict['file_name_separator'].join(fn)
minghangli-uni commented 1 month ago

This is the snippet to update fn in set_filename to resolve this issue.

def update_fn(fn):
    tmpi = 0
    updated_fn = []

    while tmpi < len(fn):
        if tmpi + 1 < len(fn) and fn[tmpi].isdigit() and fn[tmpi + 1] in ['yr', 'mon', 'day', 'hr']:
            combined = f'{fn[tmpi]}{fn[tmpi + 1]}' # e.g., combine '1' and 'mon'
            tmpi += 2
            tmpi += 1
    return updated_fn

@aekiss I've tested it and it worked. Would you like me to create a PR to the repo with this change? There must be a better way to achieve it.

aekiss commented 1 month ago

Let's move this discussion to

aekiss commented 1 month ago now supports multiple filename separators

dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

FMS prepends _ prior to the date

This annoys me so much. WHY?!

dougiesquire commented 1 month ago


We agreed in a meeting today to go forward with this format (note, this comment has been updated in response to comments below):



Note, to deal with the fact that FMS prepends a "_" to the date stamp, I've used underscores between all the time-related fields (is everyone okay with this? @aekiss, @anton-seaice, @minghangli-uni)

Some examples:

MOM6, 1 year of monthly 3D variable

MOM6, 1 month of monthly 3D variable

MOM6, 1 month of monthly scalar variables

MOM6, 1 month of daily variables or multiple dimensionalities

CICE6, 1 month of daily variables

WW3, 1 month of daily variables

minghangli-uni commented 1 month ago

Thanks @dougiesquire for wrapping this up!

This looks great to me!

aekiss commented 1 month ago

if the file contains 3 months' worth of data", = YYYY_MM, where MM is the first month

I don't think we get to choose MM, because FMS puts the date stamp in the middle of the file saving period (for means), or at the end (for snapshots) - see

dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

I don't think we get to choose MM, because FMS puts the date stamp in the middle of the file saving period (for means), or at the end (for snapshots) - see

Thanks for clarifying. I guess we use whatever FMS decides then? I've updated my comment above

aekiss commented 1 month ago

<variable_info> is only used for MOM output, where it is equal to

  • <variable_name>_<n_dimension> for single-file-per-variable output
  • <descriptor> for multi-variable output (see examples below).

Many MOM6 (and MOM5) diagnostics contain _ so we we need to disambiguate from that by only using non-underscore characters either side of the variable name (this is why we used - as the separator in ACCESS-OM2). I also prefer having the dimension part preceding the variable name, so the files will be sorted by dimensionality when listed alphabetically. So how about this instead?

<variable_info> is only used for MOM output, where it is equal to

I suggest we include md so that all cases include dimension information in a prefix, so they can all be parsed the same way and will also be grouped by dimensionality if listed alphabetically.

dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

Sounds good to me @aekiss. I've updated the above comment accordingly

dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

Ugh, CICE and WW3 use dashes in their timestamp. So to minimise the mods we have to make to those files, we could do <date_stamp> as YYYY-MM-DD-SSSSS. It makes for a lot of separators (although I guess we already had a dash in access-om3), e.g.

I'll wait for yays/nays before updating the above comment.

aekiss commented 1 month ago

If we're going to modify the filenames in post-processing, we might as well change the _ prior to the date to . and use . as the separator throughout, e.g.
dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

I agree that looks much tidier, but it would be preferable not to have to post-process all files. It's just another thing that can go wrong.

Using at least means no post-processing of MOM output, and the CICE and WW3 caps could be modified to require no/minimal post-processing.

aekiss commented 1 month ago

Wait, so it's possible to make MOM6 output _1900-01-01 natively? I thought it could only do _1900_01_01.

dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

Yup, I think the _ is only appended to the start of the timestamp block. The separators in between are up to the user. E.g. currently we have:

"access-om3.mom6.h.native%4yr-%2mo", 1,  "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "months"
dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

We could fork our own version of FMS and remove the prepended "_" 😆

aekiss commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I knew that. Brain is out of juice this late in the day.

dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

Oh wait, hang on... I'm mistaken. Even though we specify this is the diag_table:

"access-om3.mom6.h.native%4yr-%2mo", 1, "months", 1, "days", "time", 1, "months"

The output is this:


aekiss commented 1 month ago

I retract my apology :-) We use things like "ocean-3d-pot_rho_0-1yearly-mean-ym%4yr%2mo", 1, "years", 1, "days", "time", 1, "years" in OM2 and get ocean-3d-pot_rho_0-1yearly-mean-ym_1900_01 ie it puts the underscores in. How very "helpful"...

aekiss commented 1 month ago

I didn't realise FMS will replace other delimiters with underscores. That's weirdly controlling.

It also ignores anything following date notation, so you have no choice but to put the date at the end.

dougiesquire commented 1 month ago

Okay, my goal is to make a call and move forward on this today. We can always change things later.

I think I've come round to the idea of post-processing so that everything is consistent



Output as access-om3.mom6.<n_dimension>.<variable_name/descriptor>.<frequency>.<time_cell_method><datestamp>.nc and post-process away the annoying underscores


What should we do for multi-variable files that have a range of time cell-methods? Should we just always drop the <time_cell_method> when there are multiple variables as was done for OM2?


Output as access-om3.cice.h.<datestamp>.nc (current cap behaviour) and post-process to remove .h, concatenate daily files in months, and add <frequency> and <time_cell_method> info. (It may be more robust to change some of these in the cap, rather that post-process).



I'm not really across these outputs, but with nuopc I think the outputs currently look like

I don't see why these couldn't be post-processed to a format like but perhaps @ezhilsabareesh8 or @anton-seaice can comment?

anton-seaice commented 1 month ago


Output as access-om3.cice.h.<datestamp>.nc (current cap behaviour) and post-process to remove .h, concatenate daily files in months, and add <frequency> and <time_cell_method> info. (It may be more robust to change some of these in the cap, rather that post-process).


* ``
  is post-processed to

* `access-om3.cice.h.1900-01-*.nc`
  is post-processed to

We can add the frequency & cell method through the namelist option hist_suffix. To remove the .h we need to patch this one line in the driver. Which means we only need to post processing to concatenate daily data into monthly files.

(i.e. hist_suffix = "1day.mean", "1mon.mean", "x" , "x", "x" where histfreq = "d", "m", "x", "x", "x" )