COSIMA / cice5

Clone of The Los Alamos sea ice model (CICE) with ACCESS drivers. See
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BGC updates for the 0.1-degree run and IAMIP2 #58

Closed hakaseh closed 2 years ago

hakaseh commented 3 years ago

Dear the ACCESS-OM2 development team,

I have updated the MOM and CICE code for the 4th cycle of 0.1-degree run and IAMIP2. All updates are related to BGC:

1) activated the BGC coupling between the ocean and sea ice. This required addition of 4 tracers to be coupled. 2) addition of extra diagnostics, such as net primary productivity, photosynthetically active radiation, and export production at 100 m.

These updates have no effect on physics, and there should be no conflict with the current master branch.

Accordingly, we need to update input files (e.g. as well as config (e.g. 1deg_jra55_iaf).

Let me know how we can proceed. It would be great if @russfiedler could double check these updates. I will ask others within my circle to check as well.

aekiss commented 3 years ago

Thanks @hakaseh I haven't given this a careful review but I noticed dz_ocean1 is inconsistently defined.

aekiss commented 3 years ago

Hi @hakaseh your 1 deg config uses cice_auscom_360x300_24p_30ba0cc-modified_libaccessom2_44e8821-modified.exe so it was build with locally-modified source files newer than 30ba0cc. Can you commit and push those modifications to add them to this PR?

aekiss commented 2 years ago

@hakaseh this iamip2 branch has been superseded by iamip2-hh - see

So I think we should close this pull request and you should start a new pull request from

Does that sound right?

aekiss commented 2 years ago

Note that in iamip has been committed as on the iamip2-ak and iamip2-hh branches - see The other commit on iamip ( was incorrect and hasn't been included in iamip-hh.

aekiss commented 2 years ago

PR closed - updated PR is