COSIMA / cosima-recipes

Example recipes for analyzing model output using the cosima-cookbook infrastructure
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Tutorial: Making animations #62

Open AndyHoggANU opened 4 years ago

AndyHoggANU commented 4 years ago

Write a tutorial on how to make simple animations with the cookbook. Examples could be to show the seasonal cycle of Antarctic sea ice, or a transect that is dragged through a static, or moving, ocean...

navidcy commented 4 years ago

this notebook might be a good starting point?

aekiss commented 4 years ago

This notebook shows how this movie was done

claireyung commented 4 years ago

FYI this is how I made gifs @AndyHoggANU

import imageio

from pathlib import Path
image_path = Path('.')
images = list(image_path.glob('*.png'))
image_list = []
for file_name in images:

This finds all the images in the folder of the notebook, ordered by date made.


Lists the pictures, usually I check that the last few ones are the pictures I want to use if they've just been computed and saved using plt.savefig

imageio.mimwrite('drygalskideeper_T-S_monthly_volume.gif', image_list[-12:], fps=0.7)

Makes the gif using the most recent 12 images (e.g. monthly pictures for one year)

navidcy commented 3 years ago

@AndyHoggANU, this is where your code

import numpy as np
from celluloid import Camera
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import xarray as xr
import cmocean as cm
from IPython.display import HTML
data = xr.open_dataset('')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6.5))
camera = Camera(fig)
for i in range(90):
    array = data.sfc_hflux_coupler.isel(time=i).sel(yt_ocean=slice(-50,-25)).sel(xt_ocean=slice(10,75))
HTML(animation.to_html5_video())  # shows in notebook'out.mp4')         # saves file

could come very handy.

navidcy commented 1 year ago

adele-morrison commented 3 months ago

Relevant from our recent discussion @Hangyum. Let's make a new example for Hackathon # 4?

Hangyum commented 2 months ago

Yes sure. As it is my first time to do a pull request in COSIMA_recipes, is there any tutorial that tells me how to do this?

navidcy commented 2 months ago

Relevant from our recent discussion @Hangyum. Let's make a new example for Hackathon #4?

I see where the confusion stemmed.... @adele-morrison wrote ... for Hackathon #4 meaning the 4th Hackathon that we'll be having in July. But in Github when you write a hash (#) and next to it a number, Github creates a link to the issue or PR of the repository with that number! @Hangyum clicked on that and asked their question...