Closed nichannah closed 5 years ago
Another sample output from the 1 degree:
{ timer-coupling_step time( 28 ): 0.182 }
{ timer-coupling_step time( 29 ): 0.182 }
{ timer-coupling_step time( 30 ): 0.182 }
{ timer-coupling_step time( 31 ): 36.765 }
{ timer-coupling_step time( 32 ): 0.191 }
{ timer-coupling_step time( 33 ): 0.179 }
{ timer-coupling_step time( 34 ): 0.178 }
AFAIK this anomalous slowdown happens at timestep 32 (note removal of step 1 by the timer) but does not happen again over the next ~900 steps.
In the 0.1 degee results @nichannah cites above, this is observed every 216 steps (=1 day) so it's a repeating issue. The 1-degree results above are (as best I can tell) a one-time event.
Here is some output from a 1 month 1deg run:
{ timer-field_read min: 0.001 }
{ timer-field_read max: 0.035 }
{ timer-field_read mean: 0.002 }
{ timer-field_read variance: 0.000 }
{ timer-field_read count: 0002190 }
{ timer-ice_wait min: 0.100 }
{ timer-ice_wait max: 5.266 }
{ timer-ice_wait mean: 0.290 }
{ timer-ice_wait variance: 0.105 }
{ timer-ice_wait count: 0000240 }
{ timer-init_runoff min: 0.082 }
{ timer-init_runoff max: 0.082 }
{ timer-init_runoff mean: 0.082 }
{ timer-init_runoff variance: 0.000 }
{ timer-init_runoff count: 0000001 }
{ timer-remap_runoff min: 0.016 }
{ timer-remap_runoff max: 0.020 }
{ timer-remap_runoff mean: 0.017 }
{ timer-remap_runoff variance: 0.000 }
{ timer-remap_runoff count: 0000030 }
The notable things I can see are:
These numbers look OK to me, I'm curious to see what the 0.1 looks like.
I’m going to put three new timers into YATM: 1) field read from disk 2) wait for ice 3) remap runoff
OK, I think we need a 4th timer: time to build k-d tree. That is happening once for every run
These are needed to help understand the variance in model timestep timing. e.g. @marshallward reported that in the 0.1 deg config: