COSMIC (Compact Object Synthesis and Monte Carlo Investigation Code)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Remove Massless Remnant Evolutions #553

Closed pan1c22 closed 1 year ago

pan1c22 commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to evolve WD binary systems such that they still end up in a binary with neither of the stars being a massless remnant. I thought it would work by setting both final_kstar1 and 2 to [10,11,12] to force it to evolve only into those 3 types. However when running I still end up with a good number of massless remnants, is there a way to stop this?

katiebreivik commented 2 years ago

Hey @pan1c22 -- can you copy your command line call to cosmic-pop to help diagnose the problem? (sorry for the slow response!!)

katiebreivik commented 1 year ago

@pan1c22 : I'm going to close this in the spirit of cleanup, but feel free to reopen if you get back to this.