COSMIC (Compact Object Synthesis and Monte Carlo Investigation Code)
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Possible bug in the if conditions for white dwarf dynamical mass transfer #572

Open claireshiye opened 2 years ago

claireshiye commented 2 years ago

On line 2486 elseif(kstar(j1).eq.10.or.kstar(j2).gt.10)then in evolv2.f the 'or' should probably be 'and' in this if condition according to the comments for this block.

If using the default COSMIC, when there is a dynamical mass transfer from a CO WD, for example, to a ONe WD, the ONe WD will temporarily become a type 8 giant star. This will cause the ONe WD to be destroyed (turned into type 15) instead of forming an NS if the WD accretes a lot of mass during dynamical mass transfer (e.g., when eddfac>=10).

Here are a few outputs as examples for comparison. All outputs are for this binary initial condition single_binary = InitialBinaryTable.InitialBinaries(m1=1.2, m2=1.37999, porb=0.2, ecc=0., tphysf=13700.0, kstar1=11, kstar2=12, metallicity=0.002) If change the 'or' in the if condition to 'and':


if use eddfac=10:


If using the default as in COSMIC V3.4:


and then if use eddfac=10:
