COVAIL / cognizer

R package to call IBM Watson services.
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API Key not available #12

Open soundaryalaharik opened 6 years ago

soundaryalaharik commented 6 years ago

Hi, what is the alternate to using the API key when making the call? Currently natural language understanding (which has replaced AlchemyAPI) is no longer providing an API Key.

sanjmeh commented 5 years ago

Is there anyone monitoring cognizer GitHub account? Or has ColumbusCollaboratory abandoned the project? @kant @petegordon

petegordon commented 5 years ago

Hi @sanjmeh! We're here "monitoring". But, we haven't been actively working to keep the project up to date with IBM Watson Services changes.

sanjmeh commented 5 years ago

That's sad as IBM Watson interface has changed and therefore your package has broken. It will be so nice if this package is restored. Anyway thanks for responding.

petegordon commented 5 years ago

We are definitely open to pull requests. Is it the Natural Language Understanding Watson Service that you are wanting to use, or something else?