COVAIL / photon

RStudio Add-in to build Shiny apps utilizing the Electron framework
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Error in system: 'cd' not found #1

Closed MooJoh closed 5 years ago

MooJoh commented 5 years ago

Hi, keep getting the following error message every time I try to create a photon app. Using R 3.5.3 and the default "old faithfull" shiny app. Both git and node.js are installed on the system.

Listening on
Running Photon
The directory is ...
Warning: Error in system: 'cd' not found
  76: system
  75: photon::startFun
  74: observeEventHandler
   3: shiny::runApp
   2: shiny::runGadget
   1: photon:::photon_rstudioaddin
aarizvi commented 5 years ago

Which operating system are you using? Can you send sessionInfo()?

MooJoh commented 5 years ago
R version 3.5.3 (2019-03-11)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 17134)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=German_Austria.1252  LC_CTYPE=German_Austria.1252   
[3] LC_MONETARY=German_Austria.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                   
[5] LC_TIME=German_Austria.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] stringr_1.4.0 shiny_1.3.2  

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.1       crayon_1.3.4     digest_0.6.20    later_0.8.0     
 [5] mime_0.7         R6_2.4.0         xtable_1.8-4     jsonlite_1.6    
 [9] magrittr_1.5     pillar_1.3.1     rlang_0.4.0      stringi_1.4.3   
[13] rstudioapi_0.10  fs_1.3.1         miniUI_0.1.1.1   promises_1.0.1  
[17] shinyFiles_0.7.3 tools_3.5.3      httpuv_1.5.1     compiler_3.5.3  
[21] pkgconfig_2.0.2  photon_0.0.1     htmltools_0.3.6  tibble_2.1.1
R-Michael commented 5 years ago

Have the same issue here!

aarizvi commented 5 years ago

@R-Michael @MooJoh

I think that this should work on Windows now. Could one of you please test and let me know? I will close this issue if no problems persist.

MooJoh commented 5 years ago

Thanks @aarizvi the build process seems to run through now, thanks! However, I have no idea how to start the resulting app ? Do I need npm installed on the system which shall only run the app too? (with "npm start"?)

aarizvi commented 5 years ago

@MooJoh you should just be able to double click on the electron-quick-start executable in the \ElectronShinyAppWindows\electron-quick-start-win32-ia32 directory and a standalone chromium browser should open up.

Even if the app doesn't work the browser should still open up. Does it?

MooJoh commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, only a white window shows up, but none of the shiny app ui elements is displayed ...

aarizvi commented 5 years ago

@MooJoh -- I believe that issue has been resolved. Try again and let us know.