COVAIL / photon

RStudio Add-in to build Shiny apps utilizing the Electron framework
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Can I package a shiny app with personal data into a standalone application using photon package? #13

Open chenxiangge12 opened 4 years ago

chenxiangge12 commented 4 years ago

I think Photon package is a incredible packaging tool for standalone shiny app. In the process of packaging executing programs, I encountered a new problem: many people's shiny programs need their own personal data. How can I package a shiny app with personal data (mydata.RData or mydata.rda) into an application by using photon package? Thank you!

D3SL commented 4 years ago

I'm in a similar position wondering about creating a local app with an SQLite backend for persistent data that will survive closing/crashing. I think the overall question is: "Can a photonified shiny app internalize locally stored data, and if so in what ways".