COVAIL / photon

RStudio Add-in to build Shiny apps utilizing the Electron framework
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sh: line 0: cd: /Users/emb3/Desktop/test/R-Portable-Mac: No such file or directory #18

Open EamonnMallon opened 4 years ago

EamonnMallon commented 4 years ago


First can I say thank you for this package. if I can get it to work it will be a life saver. I get the follow error running photon on R 4.0.0 on a mac.

Running Photon

Warning in normalizePath(file.path(input_path, "electron-quick-start")) :

  path[1]="/Users/emb3/Dropbox/associate_dean/dean_data/test/electron-quick-start": No such file or directory

Warning in system2("npm", args = "list -g electron-packager", stdout = TRUE,  :

  running command ''npm' list -g electron-packager 2>&1' had status 1

Warning in system2("npm", args = "install electron-packager -g", stdout = TRUE,  :

  running command ''npm' install electron-packager -g 2>&1' had status 243

Warning in system2("npm", args = "list -g electron-packager", stdout = TRUE,  :

  running command ''npm' list -g electron-packager 2>&1' had status 1

Warning in normalizePath(file.path(input_path, "R-Portable-Mac")) :

  path[1]="/Users/emb3/Dropbox/associate_dean/dean_data/test/R-Portable-Mac": No such file or directory

sh: line 0: cd: /Users/emb3/Dropbox/associate_dean/dean_data/test/R-Portable-Mac: No such file or directory

sh: ./R: No such file or directory

Warning: Error in system: error in running command

  76: system

  75: photon::startFun

  74: observeEventHandler

   3: shiny::runApp

   2: shiny::runGadget

   1: photon:::photon_rstudioaddin

I've npm 6.14.4 node 12.16.3 git 2.15.0 I would assume this has somethig to do with write privileges???

Any help would be much appreciated Thanks Eamonn

roaldarbol commented 4 years ago

I'm getting the same error, would highly appreciate if anoyone has an idea of how to solve it. @EamonnMallon, did you manage to find a solution?

EamonnMallon commented 4 years ago

@roaldarbol Sorry no, I haven't got any further with it. I'm assuming it has something to do with my installs of npm. Not sure. I'll let the forum know if I find anything.