COVAIL / photon

RStudio Add-in to build Shiny apps utilizing the Electron framework
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Warning in normalizePath(path.expand(path), winslash, mustWork) #26

Open AMillanFL opened 4 years ago

AMillanFL commented 4 years ago


I try to use photon but it seems to have problem to launch. I'm on Windows 10, Rstudio 1.3.959 and R-4.0.0 (64 bits). In a default and working shiny app project with no specific packages needed, I call photon::photon_rstudioaddin(), the UI open and I chose the folder and click Build, then I get this error messages:

Warning in normalizePath(path.expand(path), winslash, mustWork) :
  path[1]="C:\Users\myname\Documents\R-projects\elektron/electron-quick-start": specified file impossible to find 

The electron-quick-start folder is created but is empty and disappear when I close the UI window.

Do you have an idea of the problem ? Is there a setup I need to change ?


frimane commented 4 years ago

Hey! An easy solution is to create the folder ``electron-quick-start'' manually and then run photon::photon_rstudioaddin()

dcaud commented 3 years ago

That got past one error message, but then:

Running Photon
Warning: Error in system2: error in running command
  76: system2
  75: photon::startFun
  74: observeEventHandler
   3: shiny::runApp
   2: shiny::runGadget
   1: photon:::photon_rstudioaddin

Warning message:
In if (getAttribs(panels[[i]])$value %in% open) { :
  the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
jll48 commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue with the above error message, is there a known fix for this?

wbbqhs commented 3 years ago

use setwd() in RStudio to set the working directory to the one containing electron-quick-start, this worked for me.

Brownsey commented 3 years ago

Mine errors here with the following error message: \app\electron-quick-start\R-Portable-Win\bin/install_packages.R Is it because of the forward slash that it is trying to look for in the install_packages part of the path.

kaiwudufe commented 2 years ago

my solution is to modify windows environment variables control panel/system/advanced system settings

  1. add an environment variable for R_USER 1.1 variable name: R_USER 1.2 click "Browse Directory" and select the path where the application is installed, then click "OK". for example: C:\Program Files\R\R-4.2.1

  2. modify the Path click "Browse Directory" and select the path where the application is installed, then click "OK". for example: C:\Program Files\R\R-4.2.1