COVAIL / photon

RStudio Add-in to build Shiny apps utilizing the Electron framework
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Photon doesn't work #9

Open wilcar opened 4 years ago

wilcar commented 4 years ago

I have multiple issues on Widows 10 plateform an R 3.6 Can you help me ?

Listening on Running Photon The directory is C:/standaloneapp Warning in system2("git", args = c("clone", : running command '"git" clone C:/standaloneapp' had status 128 Le chemin d'accŠs sp‚cifi‚ est introuvable. Warning in shell(sprintf("%s/R.exe --file=%s/install_packages.R -q --slave --args cran_packages %s github_packages %s bioc_packages %s", : 'C:/standaloneapp/electron-quick-start/R-Portable-Win/bin/R.exe --file=C:/standaloneapp/electron-quick-start/R-Portable-Win/bin/install_packages.R -q --slave --args cran_packages mgcv,matrixStats,tidyverse,DT,shinythemes,bsplus,shinyBS,leaflet, shinyjs,geosphere,googlesheets,waiter,shinyWidgets github_packages bioc_packages ' execution failed with error code 1 Nom de r‚pertoire non valide. Warning in shell(sprintf("cd %s && npm install", electron_win_dir)) : 'cd C:\standaloneapp\electron-quick-start && npm install' execution failed with error code 1 Nom de r‚pertoire non valide. Warning in shell(sprintf("cd %s && npm run package-win", electron_win_dir)) : 'cd C:\standaloneapp\electron-quick-start && npm run package-win' execution failed with error code 1

aarizvi commented 4 years ago

Do you have bioc_packages and github_packages set to NULL in miniUI form?

wilcar commented 4 years ago

Here are my settings : image

aarizvi commented 4 years ago

Put NULL in both the boxes on the bottom right. "GitHub packages" and "Bioconductor packages" And try again. Let me know if/what new errors produce

wilcar commented 4 years ago

Thanks image Listening on Running Photon The directory is C:/standaloneapp Warning in system2("git", args = c("clone", : running command '"git" clone C:/standaloneapp' had status 128 Le chemin d'accŠs sp‚cifi‚ est introuvable. Warning in shell(sprintf("%s/R.exe --file=%s/install_packages.R -q --slave --args cran_packages %s github_packages %s bioc_packages %s", : 'C:/standaloneapp/electron-quick-start/R-Portable-Win/bin/R.exe --file=C:/standaloneapp/electron-quick-start/R-Portable-Win/bin/install_packages.R -q --slave --args cran_packages mgcv,matrixStats,,tidyverse,DT,shinythemes,bsplus,shinyBS,leaflet,shinyjs,geosphere,googlesheets,waiter,shinyWidgets github_packages NULL bioc_packages NULL' execution failed with error code 1 Nom de r‚pertoire non valide. Warning in shell(sprintf("cd %s && npm install", electron_win_dir)) : 'cd C:\standaloneapp\electron-quick-start && npm install' execution failed with error code 1 Nom de r‚pertoire non valide. Warning in shell(sprintf("cd %s && npm run package-win", electron_win_dir)) : 'cd C:\standaloneapp\electron-quick-start && npm run package-win' execution failed with error code 1

aarizvi commented 4 years ago

I notice matrixStats,,tidyverse ... I dont think you want those two commas. Also try installing the tidyverse packages separately. Like dplyr,tidyr,stringr,purrr etc

wilcar commented 4 years ago

Ok, image What is sp and cifi ? path are not found...

The directory is C:/standaloneapp/666736b9a1fd4433bba00cbb0524d8c6 Warning in system2("git", args = c("clone", : running command '"git" clone C:/standaloneapp/666736b9a1fd4433bba00cbb0524d8c6' had status 128 Le chemin d'accŠs sp‚cifi‚ est introuvable. Warning in shell(sprintf("%s/R.exe --file=%s/install_packages.R -q --slave --args cran_packages %s github_packages %s bioc_packages %s", : 'C:/standaloneapp/666736b9a1fd4433bba00cbb0524d8c6/electron-quick-start/R-Portable-Win/bin/R.exe --file=C:/standaloneapp/666736b9a1fd4433bba00cbb0524d8c6/electron-quick-start/R-Portable-Win/bin/install_packages.R -q --slave --args cran_packages mgcv,matrixStats,dplyr,readr,tidyr,DT,shinythemes,bsplus,shinyBS,leaflet,shinyjs,geosphere,googlesheets,waiter,shinyWidgets github_packages NULL bioc_packages NULL' execution failed with error code 1 Le chemin d'accŠs sp‚cifi‚ est introuvable. Warning in shell(sprintf("cd %s && npm install", electron_win_dir)) : 'cd C:\standaloneapp\666736b9a1fd4433bba00cbb0524d8c6\electron-quick-start && npm install' execution failed with error code 1 Le chemin d'accŠs sp‚cifi‚ est introuvable. Warning in shell(sprintf("cd %s && npm run package-win", electron_win_dir)) : 'cd C:\standaloneapp\666736b9a1fd4433bba00cbb0524d8c6\electron-quick-start && npm run package-win' execution failed with error code 1

wilcar commented 4 years ago

Can you bring me more help ? (I installed node.js but non npm )


aarizvi commented 4 years ago

You need npm too.

wilcar commented 4 years ago


wilcar commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm definitely lost despite your help. I think I have performed all the operations correctly. Should I download R mobile phone? Does the "cloud" icon correspond to a link? In my mini Ui, it doesn't work. Can you complete the for more details ? image

aarizvi commented 4 years ago

Email me at and we can set up a screenshare.

tsolloway commented 4 years ago

Did wilcar's issue get resolved? I'm experiencing the same issue.

Also Katie mentioned videos on how to swap out the app.R in her R consortium talk

Do you know were I can find those videos?

aarizvi commented 4 years ago

@tsolloway Can you make your own ticket and describe your issue. Shoot me a sessionInfo() as well. Thanks.

tsolloway commented 4 years ago

sure. Already solved it by cloning the repo in there via terminal, and the script appears to skips that step. Getting a new error in the build, which we're working on. I'll try to get to a reprex before noting the issue.

shamahutoto commented 4 years ago

Did this get resolved? I'm getting the same error.

Is it because I have ui.R and server.R separately?

ahcyip commented 4 years ago

sure. Already solved it by cloning the repo in there via terminal, and the script appears to skips that step. Getting a new error in the build, which we're working on. I'll try to get to a reprex before noting the issue.

I'm also seeing a similar issue. Photon tries to create a electron-quick-start file instead of a electron-quick-start folder. I'm going to try manually cloning the repo.


Listening on Warning: package ‘stringr’ was built under R version 3.5.2 Running Photon The directory is C:/Users/Arthur/Dropbox/Financial/preferred Warning in system2("git", args = c("clone", : running command '"git" clone C:/Users/Arthur/Dropbox/' had status 128 The system cannot find the path specified.

sbr2567 commented 4 years ago

I've getting the same error as ahcyip. Any updates?