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Using 'validate' attritbute when using VSS with VISS for access-control #349

Open renjithrajagopal-sudo opened 2 months ago

renjithrajagopal-sudo commented 2 months ago

Hey, I'm just wondering if 'validate' attribute is part of standard VSS catalogue or not. As it is only applicable to use along with VISS for access-control & token validation, what would be best way to generate the VISS binary without hitting 'strict' compiler termination that was introduced recently. Patching Makefile to bypass 'strict' is short term solution for sure.

erikbosch commented 2 months ago

It is true that validate is not a VSS standard atttribute. The VSS Makefile is mostly intended for testing of the VSS standard catalog. If you modify VSS in your own fork then you could as you say modify Makefile to use the arguments you need. But if you are only interested in the binary tool, you could as well run the relevant code ( manually from you build-environment. That makes it easier

    cd ${TOOLSDIR}/binary && $(MAKE)
    ${TOOLSDIR}/ -u ./spec/units.yaml ./spec/VehicleSignalSpecification.vspec vss_rel_$$(
cat VERSION).binary

The tooling is as of today not adapted to have tool-specfic attributes like validate A possible improvement could be that tools like could add tool-specific attributes that would be considered OK if running in strict mode for that particular tool

FYI: @UlfBj

UlfBj commented 2 months ago

I think it should be possible to call the Makefile with an "no-strict" argument to avoid strict to be applied. Strict would be default, but it would offer the possibility for those who want so to not apply it, without having to do a lot of manual work.

renjithrajagopal-sudo commented 2 months ago

Fork & patched solution is bit costly considering with the maintenance overhead down the line. Having no-strict also could introduce 'invalid attribute or unknown styling' to binary targeted for VISS which is not an optimal solution?