COVIDImpact / CovidImpact

COVID-19 is impacting countless small businesses across Canada, we all face uncertainty. Several colleagues and I asked what we could do to help? After a weekend of non-stop coding we’ve put together #CovidImpact, a FREE Small Business Care Package which features: A curated list of programs to help them through the crisis. Real-time news relevant to Canadian ventures Simulation tool to see how their business may be affected across various scenarios depending on how long COVID-19 drags out for. Together, Canadian businesses will get through this by supporting each other! CovidImpact is built in Vue with Javascript, HTML and CSS files. The project utilizes various Bootstrap-Vue components and to get the latest business news. The app is hosted on S3 and uses serverless functions for a mailchimp newsletter.
Apache License 2.0
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Add runway-related recommendations (Business Assessment Tool) #41

Open aPruner opened 4 years ago

aPruner commented 4 years ago


Ideally, our Business Assessment Tool should recommend specific courses of action to business owners based on their runway situation. The course of action a business owner should take will look drastically different if they have a decent amount of runway cash left (say, a year or two) vs if they have very little (maybe only 2-3 months).

What needs to be done:

  1. Outline/define the recommended courses of action for businesses at different risk levels/runway predictions.
  2. Create a button that renders after the risk level/runway is computed, that shows some UI (either a modal, separate page, etc) that recommends courses of action based on the risk level/runway (implement logic and UI based on results of step 1).

Criteria of success:

  1. Realistic recommended courses of actions are created.
  2. Responsive UI is created that recommends courses of action based on risk level/runway.





Aliserag commented 4 years ago

Apologies for the delay, many exciting developments for us :)

Fully agree Adam!

The recommendations should offer specific courses of action and would have: Inputs: Industry (different industries would have different recommendations), Runway (including % decrease in revenue as it's required for some programs), Location (some programs are only available at the provincial level), premise (some things are relevant for companies trying to digitize like Outputs: Tips & Tricks, Opportunities, Funding

Every aid item could have prerequisite fields that correspond to the inputs so that it's easy to parse through everything and return a tailored list of recommendations to the user.

Say if there's a restaurant, after running the simulation a potential aid item might return with:

{ Title: "GMO Food Subsidy, Feed People Plastic!" Description: "People want cheap, you want money! With the new..." Link: "" Prerequsites: {industry: "Restaurant", cashOnHand: 100, monthlyRevenue: 10, monthlyExpenses: 20, location: "V6P 3M5", premise: "offline"} }

For the industries we can use a list like this:

It would make it very easy to dynamically generate relevant recommendations based on the user.

There's two aspects, one is on the data side and the other is on the front-end UI.

I think we can create two more sub-tasks for this:

  1. Create updated mockups.
  2. Create a document to start adding all the aid items with their fields, then creating a database to store them.

We can can organize a call on slack to break this down further if need be :)