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Graph SBOM Ontology and Lifecycle #28

Open sjn opened 9 months ago

sjn commented 9 months ago

To get an idea of what an SBOM means in the CPAN ecosystem, put together a flowchart graph to illustrate the most important steps involved in the evolution of an SBOM document.

sjn commented 9 months ago

Ongoing work is happening in the sjn/supplychain-graph-1 branch

sjn commented 8 months ago

Oof, it seems NIST has published something on this topic:

They don't take package ecosystems into account at all, apparently?

Same, when looking through some slides from an SBOM workshop at NIST, they also seem to have a lacking idea of what/who's involved in a supply-chain: (…and later slides)

garu commented 8 months ago

Seems to me the NIST documents simply specify different kinds of SBOM that could be implemented throughout the chain.

My understanding is that:

sjn commented 1 month ago

Hm. I'm unsure. If we assume the following graph is a reasonable simplification of the supply-chain (taking into account the "OSS Steward" role)...

    direction TB

    state "πŸŸ₯🟨🟦 Maintainer Environment" as environment_maintainer
    state "🟩 Collaboration Ecosystem" as ecosystem_repo
    state "🟨🟩 Language Ecosystem" as ecosystem_lang
    state "🟨🟩 Package Ecosystem" as ecosystem_package
    state "πŸŸ₯ Attestation Authority πŸ†•" as authority_attestation
    state "πŸŸ₯🟨🟩🟦 OSS Steward πŸ†•" as ecosystem_steward
    state "πŸŸ₯🟨 Integrator Environment" as environment_integrator
    state "πŸŸ₯🟨🟦πŸŸͺ Manufacturer Environment πŸ†•" as environment_manufacturer
    state "🟦 Production Environment" as environment_prod
    state "🟦 Auditor πŸ†•" as authority_auditor

    [*]                      --> environment_maintainer
    ecosystem_repo           --> environment_maintainer
    environment_maintainer   --> ecosystem_repo
    environment_maintainer   --> ecosystem_lang
    ecosystem_lang           --> ecosystem_lang
    ecosystem_repo           --> ecosystem_lang
    ecosystem_lang           --> ecosystem_package
    ecosystem_repo           --> ecosystem_package
    ecosystem_package        --> ecosystem_package
    ecosystem_package        --> ecosystem_steward
    ecosystem_lang           --> ecosystem_steward
    authority_attestation    --> ecosystem_steward
    ecosystem_repo           --> environment_integrator
    ecosystem_lang           --> environment_integrator
    ecosystem_package        --> environment_integrator
    ecosystem_steward        --> environment_manufacturer
    environment_integrator   --> environment_prod
    environment_manufacturer --> environment_prod
    environment_prod         --> authority_auditor
    environment_manufacturer --> authority_auditor
    authority_auditor        --> [*]

    %% Copyright Β© 2024 Salve J. Nilsen <>
    %% Some rights reserved. Licenced CC-BY-SA-4.0


I'm thinking the following would make sense:

Maintainer Environment = "Source SBOM"

Language Ecosystem = "Source SBOM"

Package Ecosystem = "Build SBOM"

Integrator or Manufacturer Environment = "Build SBOM" or "Deployed SBOM"

Production Environment = "Deployed SBOM" or "Runtime SBOM"

Other SBOM types