Systems Identification Package for PYthon
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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SISO system identification with multiple input/output signals #22

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

The doc specifies that the input to system_identification() should be of shape (n_y x L) for the output data y and of shape (n_u x L) for the input data u, where n_u and n_y refer to the number of output/input variables. In my case, for a SISO system n_u = n_y = 1.

I have a collection of input/output identification signals of shape (1 x L) for my SISO system which I would like to feed into the identification process at once. So, for instance, if I have a collection of K signals I can create u matrix of size K x M and y matrix of the same size. Is there a way to feed that into system_identification()?

CPCLAB-UNIPI commented 4 years ago

Dear SM-MAI,

Sorry, we are not sure we are hearing from you right. Could you explain further, please?

Do you have K signals from the same SISO system? You could try to vectorize your data, but you should consider that the algorithm is designed for continuous data over time.

Best, the Sippy teams.