CPLUOS / nano

nanoAOD tools for production and analysis
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Add argument for Events() ( Events(TTree*) -> Events(TTree*, TTree*, TTree*) ) #86

Closed jang00777 closed 6 years ago

jang00777 commented 6 years ago

so you can use had* or hadTruth* from other files. if you creates constructor in your code , you should type like below : myAnalyser myAna(inputTree1, inputTree2 for had, inputTree3 for hadTruth, other arguments); ex ) vtsAnalysis vts(nanoTree, hadTree, hadTruthTree, isMC, isDL, false, false); if you want to use only one tree like before, then : myAnalyser myAna(inputTree, 0, 0, other arguments);

watson-ij commented 6 years ago

I would just add one change: since h2muAnalyser doesn't use hadrons at all, they can just take (TTree* nano, bool ismc) and then send nanoBase(nano, 0, 0, ismc) and never have to think about hadrons again.

jshlee commented 6 years ago


watson-ij commented 6 years ago

Sorry for all the nitpicking Woojin, but I think this is the last major structural change before we can go back to doing analysis!

jang00777 commented 6 years ago

I'm fine and thanks for your advice! They are very helpful to me. I'll try it after I go home.

watson-ij commented 6 years ago

Okay, I think that looks good now. Thanks, Woojin!