CPSC-455-Summer-2022 / WixHub_Project_S22

CPSC 455 Project
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setup mongoDB #27

Closed zkwvcin closed 2 years ago

zkwvcin commented 2 years ago

Step 1: Connect to db in shell: 
mongosh "mongodb+srv://cluster0.grgqp0e.mongodb.net/myFirstDatabase" --apiVersion 1 --username m001-student

Password: m001-mongodb-basics

Step 2:
 cd youfly_server

npm start (Wait till you see connected to Mongo db, db is initialized)

Step 3: In terminal where you connect to db

show dbs (To see all db, Our project db is named test)

use test (Go into our db)

show collections (See all tables)

db.users.find() (See all data in user table)