CQCL / hugr

Hierarchical Unified Graph Representation for quantum and classical programs
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Inference Redux #639

Closed acl-cqc closed 9 months ago

acl-cqc commented 11 months ago

First a couple of notes:

So, I propose removing/splitting main_loop, and the two calls to main_loop, as follows:

  1. Solve equality constraints (merge_equal_metas). Maybe we only generate the equality graph (by scanning constraints) just prior to this. The result is a load of entries in shunted, new entries in constraints (i.e. keyed by the merged vars, but containing only Plus's), and a smaller set of variables (i.e. remaining in main_loop - the new vars, and everything that wasn't shunted.)
    • Since shunted is a member of UnificationContext I suspect that remaining should be too. It'd be nice to use constraints.keys() but not sure whether that works(?)
  2. Solve cycles of Plus constraints (for variables in remaining). Probably build that graph now. Variables on cycles can be shunted/merged; note they had no Equals constraints, but may still have Plus constraints pointing out of the cycle.
    • Since Petgraphs's tarjan_sccs allows to return SCCs in an order (where cycle A depends upon cycle B, then B before A, say), we could solve the remaining constraints as we go here, but let's not.
    • Instead we merely add more entries to shunted, make some more metas and move remaining non-cyclic constraints around, and build a new map lower_bound (from merged meta to all Extensions on the cycle it was merged from).
    • In particular, the case of a single-node cycle on itself must be handled here (whether we delete the constraint and add a lower_bound for existing meta, or "merge" the single meta into a new meta without the cycle, doesn't really matter).
  3. Note that nothing so far has depended upon the graph variables (root node input extensions)....and nothing after this alters the constraint graph (or generates new variables), so there's a clear split here....
  4. For the single graph variable, we could
    • Require Hugr root node to have specified input extensions
    • Take root node input ExtensionSet as an extra parameter
    • If root node is open, solve it to it's lower_bound, or empty ExtensionSet otherwise.
  5. Now we solve everything. The graph of Plus constraints is acyclic, so first error if any leaf (with no outgoing Plus constraints) doesn't have a solution. Then, proceed in topological sort order (leaves first) ==> at each node, there are some outgoing Plus constraints, all of which are solved. Compute solution for each of those, error if different, then
    • in the current Hugr-with-lift-nodes, check the solution includes the lower_bound
    • in proposed Hugr-without-lift-nodes (below), add the lower_bound.

Hugr-without-Lift-nodes ==> update validation to require extensions at source of edge are a subset of extensions of target of edge. Beyond change in step 5, I think that's all that's required.

acl-cqc commented 11 months ago
  1. For the single graph variable, we could

Alternatively, if there really is only one variable, if we add to the lower_bound the total of all Constraint::Plus delta's on the path from each meta to that variable, then we have a partial solution: the "complete" "solution" is just obtained by taking union of partial-solutions for each meta with the value of the variable, which could be left to the caller.

(And/or: add an ExtensionId <the_root_node_variable> that stands for any extra extension-ids on the root inputs)

croyzor commented 11 months ago

I'm not really sure that there should be only one "variable" in a hugr. What if the hugr is a Module containing 3 dataflow graphs - then the root of each of those graphs should be a variable?

acl-cqc commented 11 months ago

I'm not really sure that there should be only one "variable" in a hugr. What if the hugr is a Module containing 3 dataflow graphs - then the root of each of those graphs should be a variable?

Yes, that's a fair question - seems like a reasonable thing to do - I note merely that it's not what we do at the moment: https://github.com/CQCL/hugr/blob/b3062e9b8d0f081c1ce65295e30066aa16c39ee4/src/extension/infer.rs#L270-L273

So I think we can still handle items 1+2 first, without any consideration of variable(s), and then handle even multiple variables in stage 5 (e.g. passing an extra Map<Location,ExtensionSet> into the topsort), without changing the overall approach. Moreover, I think we can do even that in a few stages / incremental changes.

I'm still thinking I'd like to change handling of DFGs such that the Input node always has empty ExtensionSet; this guarantees computation of correct "delta", whereas current approach means the delta could underapproximate (by anything in input-extensions). The top-level FunctionDefn's in the Module would then have unused input-extensions, which TBH seems pretty reasonable. However there is a big downside in that the Constraint::Plus then has to take two Metas (rather than a Meta and an ExtensionSet) - but I'm nervous as to whether the algorithm above would still work if we changed Constraint in that way.

acl-cqc commented 11 months ago

So I think we can break this up into two themes: firstly, reordering steps in the algorithm; secondly, changing the approach to variables. The second is less certain and needs more thought, so on the first...

Following #591 I think all the parts are pretty much there, but the current flow is

  1. main_loop, which performs multiple iterations of merging equalities and solving constraints (generating solutions);
  2. instantiate_variables which deals with variables and cycles of plus constraints, generating more solutions
  3. a second pass of main_loop

I think what we can do is

  1. Merge equalities (do not generate solutions) - a single iteration (CCs)
  2. Merge plus constraints - a single iteration (SCCs)
  3. Apply variables (or not), and generate solutions - a single iteration (topsort)

The last step raises questions (allows to address issues) like, what if my meta m is plus-dependent on both a variable v and a solvable meta m2 (e.g. which has a fixed set of (input_)extensions specified in the Hugr) - if we don't have a value for v, do we leave m unsolved? or do we solve m, and optionally report the constraint that places on the variable v? (E.g. if m has Constraint::Plus({E1,E2}, V) then the value of v must be a subset of m and a superset of m \ {E1,E2}.) This might want be part of a bigger rethink of variables, however.

acl-cqc commented 11 months ago

Wrt. variables, we should probably do #657 first. Then we can explicitly declare variables of kind TypeParam::Extensions, rather than the somewhat implicit "open with no constraints" that we use in inference now.

This would allow returning an ExtensionSolution (that is complete, i.e. defined for all nodes) containing those variables, where necessary; and giving the highly-desirable property that instantiating the variables* and then performing inference, would produce the same answers as performing inference and then* instantiating.

** via the normal mechanism for any other type variable, i.e. substitute - we would need to define this on Hugr values too, which we don't have at present, but we're gonna need that for Tierkreis eventually, so this isn't new but just made more urgent.

acl-cqc commented 11 months ago

Note that if there are variables of kind Extensions and annotations fixed/provided already, the latter will probably have to be in terms of the former, or else we will fail; the solution must be valid for all possible instantations of the variable. (Alternative would be to give TypeParam::Extensions an upper and/or lower bound, allowing to deduce things like Constraint::Plus(Lower, Variable) == Variable and Constraint::Plus(Upper - Lower, Variable) == Upper.)

We might allow more variables than in #692 here too, e.g. allowing a Dfg-rooted Hugr to be "parametric" in some variable (perhaps the input extensions to the root node). However, assuming the variable has no upper/lower bounds specified, again for the solution to be valid for all values of that variable, we'll just have to put that variable into extension sets everywhere - exactly as if the "extension variable" were just another extension

(The neat trick might be to infer what upper/lower bounds for the variable would make the Hugr valid e.g. to fit in with existing annotations that don't mention it, but let's skip over this idea for now.)

So we may not need to give any special treatment to "variables" (as extension inference does now), just treat them as either (1) their own identifiers, or (2) if we want to be able to substitute in concrete values for the variable, then a DeBruijn-indexed variable (much harder for Hugr-writers to use, note).

acl-cqc commented 11 months ago

This means variables are their own thing (rather than phase in the algorithm). We could nonetheless have three or four phases: 1.. merge metas along Equal constraints,

  1. merge cycles of Plus constraints (deducing lower bounds), to give a DAG of Plus Constraints;
  2. solve the DAG "forwards" (i.e. any Meta with Constraint::Plus(Extensions, Meta-with-solution) gains a solution. For these Meta's, we have figured out at most one solution that might possibly be valid, so we could stop there; validation will complain if the lower_bounds computed in step 2 are violated (for example - also if not all meta's have solutions, which is quite likely).

Any remaining unsolved nodes require solving Plus constraints backwards, and so may have multiple possible solutions; there may be some element of policy as to which to pick. However the policy of "smallest-possible ExtensionSet" seems reasonable (!). Hence, we can (optionally?) continue:

  1. propagate lower-bounds - starting from all solutions, and including the lower_bounds from step 2 - both backwards along Plus constraints (i.e. if A has Constraint::Plus(Exts, B) and we have a solution or lower-bound for A, then the lower-bound for B must be at least A \ Exts), as well as forwards (using lower-bound for B to compute lower-bound for A). Note that lower-bounds sets only increase; and that adding an extention(set) E to a set, can at most add E to its neighbours; so this must terminate. (However, bidirectional propagation-until-fixpoint seems the only option, we cannot process in a topsort: consider a bipartite graph with all Plus constraints from one half to the other, in the form of a zigzag, with one solution; this eventually affects all nodes, but must propagate forwards then backwards then forwards then back repeatedly zig-zag-zig-zag.)
  2. Finally, turn lower-bounds into solutions for remaining nodes, and check any existing solutions at least include their lower-bounds.
acl-cqc commented 11 months ago

This might be enacted in stages as follows:

  1. Add more explicit notion of variables. There are a few possibilities:
    • DeBruijn-indexed a là "type variables". Thus, we implement a substitute function on Hugrs paralleling that on Type(Arg/Param)s. Each call node instantiating a FuncDe(fn/cl) may do so with ExtensionSet args that substitute into the FunctionType of the function (to give a different concrete delta, ok) and potentially into the body of the function, so (to avoid confusion if not worse) we should probably insist FuncDefn's and their Input-node children have empty input-extensions, but this might be sane anyway. We may also need to do inference on FuncDefn's in some kind of tree-traversal order rather than all together. There are a couple of further sub-options.. a. with FuncDefn/cl's able to refer to variables declared outside (as per current #692). This means that when inference infers a variable should be placed into an ExtensionSet on a particular node, we need to know what DeBruijn-index the variable has there, i.e. how many intervening binders they have, which makes this quite hard to use. b. with "flat" FuncDefn/cl's that don't refer to enclosing variables. Thus, the calls to these defn/cl's must pass any type-variables from enclosing scope. substitute gets simpler, and the same variable has the same name everywhere. Of course we must therefore prevent inference from using an outer Extension-variable inside a function!
    • Some other kind of ExtensionId identifier, i.e. no binders within the Hugr. Then we need a different substitute that takes a Map<ExtensionId,ExtensionSet> - and we'll probably need a DeBruijn version later (for Tierkreis) as well :-(. However, this might make some things much simpler.
  2. Remove existing idea of "variable instantiation", and separate algorithm into the three stages - roughly the same code we have ATM, but without mapping things to empty set. We would need a big test-case reorg here to distinguish (a) those that really want to do something with variables (in which case use mechanism from 1. above) vs (b) those that actually want the empty ExtensionSet as input; this might just mean changing the root node from open() to pure().
  3. Add inference of smallest-possible set by solving Plus's backwards. This would probably "fix" most of the test cases that had to be changed in 2.... (so might we want to skip step 2 and do 2+3 together?)
croyzor commented 11 months ago

I'm in agreement. We just need to plan the order in which we do things. I think:

  1. Split up static edges into "Const" and "Func ref"
  2. Change the handling of variables in inference to coincide with the treatment of extensionset variables from polymorphic hugrs, and add some test cases of inference on such polymorphic hugrs
  3. Restructure the code, per the first post in this thread
  4. Start solving plus constraints backwards
acl-cqc commented 11 months ago

Splitting EdgeKind::Static into Const/Func is #695 or another? I'm not sure that's necessarily the right solution to the problem

acl-cqc commented 11 months ago

We probably also need to handle type-variables's in ExtensionSets even without using these for extension-inference's own notion of variables; I think this means (at the least?!) that inference mustn't propagate such a TV outside its binder.

croyzor commented 11 months ago

We probably also need to handle type-variables's in ExtensionSets even without using these for extension-inference's own notion of variables


I think this means (at the least?!) that inference mustn't propagate such a TV outside its binder.

This is more of a head-scratcher. I think if we get to this point, it says there's something scarily non-parametric about the function!

acl-cqc commented 11 months ago

I think if we get to this point, it says there's something scarily non-parametric about the function!

Yes!! ;-). So at the least, we should verify that any variables in any input_extensions sets are "in scope" (in validate_subtree, where we check TypeArgs for certain leaf ops are too). That'd catch anything apart from some weird awkward case where the variable had "leaked" out into another place that happened to have an identical variable (!).

However, if we restrict the input-extensions to empty for FuncDefn/cl, then the output-extensions are necessarily empty too (as delta is zero), and I think that should prevent any leakage from functions; the Static edge has PolyFuncType that would bind the variable, and any call would instantiate that with some ExtensionSet from outside, so we're all good.

Polymorphic lambdas/constants is another issue (#709), which we don't even have yet ;), but if it's a Const containing a lambda then that's empty delta, so we say the input-extensions and output-extensions of the const are empty, and again anything bound by / inside the PolyFuncType on the static edge should be fine.