Compiling a circuit for a H-Series device should fail if the circuit has more qubits than are available on the device.
However compiling a 50 qubit circuit for the H1 device doesn't cause an error
from pytket.extensions.quantinuum import QuantinuumBackend
from pytket import Circuit
circ = Circuit(50).H(0)
for i in range(49):
circ.CX(i, i + 1)
backend = QuantinuumBackend("H1-1", machine_debug=True)
compiled_circ = backend.get_compiled_circuit(circ)
Seems the Predicate is added if machine_debug=False. The predicates themselves are checked by process_circuit as with most pytket Backends. Maybe we should leave this as is
Compiling a circuit for a H-Series device should fail if the circuit has more qubits than are available on the device.
However compiling a 50 qubit circuit for the H1 device doesn't cause an error
The MaxNQubitsPredicate isn't checked by the backend.