CQCL / text_to_discocirc

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Change possessive pronoun coref to not change noun order #22

Open BenjaminRodatz opened 1 year ago

BenjaminRodatz commented 1 year ago

Currently, the pronoun expansion can change the input order of the nouns, such that the top of the circuit and the bottom don't line up.

JosephNathaniel commented 11 months ago

not sure if this is related or a separate issue, but general intra-sentence coref resolution (not involving possessive pronouns) can also cause some noun wire order mismatch

e.g. for the test sentence Alice loves Bob and Bob loves Claire, note the order of wires going into the coref frame at the top is Bob-Alice-Claire but the order coming out is Alice-Bob-Claire.

Additionally, we would probably also want the order of wires inside the coref frame to match as well, but at the top of the order is Bob-Bob-Alice-Claire, but at the bottom it is Alice-Bob-Bob-Claire
