CQFIO / PhotographicImageSynthesis

Photographic Image Synthesis with Cascaded Refinement Networks
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print_semantic_map in helpers not working as expected #14

Closed jkschin closed 6 years ago

jkschin commented 6 years ago

Perhaps the inputs are supposed to be a different format, but changing it to this works much better for me.

def print_semantic_map(semantic,path):
    prediction=np.argmax(semantic,axis=3) # this used to be axis=2 and had a transpose before this
    prediction=np.squeeze(prediction) # added this 

Once this is done, we can simply print using:

a = get_semantic_map('../cityscapes_data/gtFine/train/aachen/aachen_000000_000019_gtFine_color.png')
print_semantic_map(a, 'test.png')

@CQFIO perhaps you have another intended use for this function?

jkschin commented 6 years ago

P.S. simply changing this


and ensuring that the input semantic has a dimension of 19 works as well.

CQFIO commented 6 years ago

This was originally intended for the Caffe format. I should have changed it Tensorflow format. Thanks for pointing out the problem.