CQUI-Org / cqui

Civilization 6 - Chao's Quick UI. Reduce clicks and manage your empire faster!
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Text alignment on trade route screen #507

Open NoShotz opened 7 years ago

NoShotz commented 7 years ago

civilizationvi_2017-04-20_22-43-43 civilizationvi_2017-04-20_22-50-52

This seems to happen when trade routes also send resources to the destination if it is international along with getting resources to your city

SpaceOgre commented 7 years ago

Do you have a save where this bug appears? It would be best if it only have CQUI enabled so I don't have to hunt down a bunch of mods ;)

chaorace commented 7 years ago

@SpaceOgre How to load saves without all mods: At the load screen open the LoadGameMenu context Invoke Controls.ActionButton:SetDisabled(false) Enjoy