Open chaorace opened 8 years ago
Dunno when the SDK will be out.. but i'll just start looking into the XML/LUA sources for this. Can't commit yet to offer proper alterations though. :) If anything, i'll share opinions & hints once you have code templates for it.
Alright.. i feel it's time for a mockup that would develop the generic coding principles from which anyone should be able to actually make this work. I've already made a few attempts.. but my LUA solutions must be flawed.
First -- a calibration reference image of the necessary XML framework;
-- The colored underlines were inserted for clarity. -- Each Labels are supposed to be "Centered" relatively to the entire Panel width of 470 pixels while ideally adding the Equal sign after the pseudo-string of Six Values & before the default slot for Total Score(s).
Second -- a general coding theory (based on WorldRankings files) that should give direct hints on the possible Logic steps involved; --------------- XML/Coding..... Lines #287/298 ---------------
<Instance Name="ScoreInstance">
<GridButton ID="ButtonBG" Size="470,180" Texture="Controls_ListButton" SliceCorner="209,29" SliceTextureSize="417,51">
<Grid ID="LocalPlayer" Offset="-7,-5" Size="parent+14,parent+9" Texture="Controls_YouIndicatorLine" SliceCorner="28,42" SliceSize="2,1" SliceTextureSize="60,60"/>
<Image ID="CivIconBacking" Offset="10,10" Size="36,36" Texture="CircleBacking36"/>
<Image ID="CivIcon" Offset="10,10" Size="36,36" Texture="CivSymbols36"/>
<Label ID="CivName" Offset="55,20" String="CivName" Style="FontNormal18" FontStyle="shadow" Color="206,218,225,255" EffectColor="0,0,0,191"/>
---------))) ! We need to insert 6 more individual Custom/Labels here...
<Label ID="Civics" Offset="150,15" Align="center" Anchor="C,T" String="ScoreCV" Style="FontFlair18" FontStyle="shadow" Color="207,94,205,255" EffectColor="0,0,0,191"/>
<Label ID="Empire" Offset="190,15" Align="center" Anchor="C,T" String="ScoreEM" Style="FontFlair18" FontStyle="shadow" Color="166,230,74,255" EffectColor="0,0,0,191"/>
<Label ID="GPeople" Offset="230,15" Align="center" Anchor="C,T" String="ScoreGP" Style="FontFlair18" FontStyle="shadow" Color="178,115,0,255" EffectColor="0,0,0,191"/>
<Label ID="Religion" Offset="270,15" Align="center" Anchor="C,T" String="ScoreRL" Style="FontFlair18" FontStyle="shadow" Color="230,230,242,255" EffectColor="0,0,0,191"/>
<Label ID="Technology" Offset="310,15" Align="center" Anchor="C,T" String="ScoreTC" Style="FontFlair18" FontStyle="shadow" Color="33,191,247,255" EffectColor="0,0,0,191"/>
<Label ID="Wonders" Offset="350,15" Align="center" Anchor="C,T" String="ScoreWD" Style="FontFlair18" FontStyle="shadow" Color="232,214,0,255" EffectColor="0,0,0,191"/>
<Label ID="Details" Offset="15,40" Align="right" Anchor="R,T" String="Details" Style="FontNormalMedium14" Color="206,218,225,255"/>
<Label ID="Score" Offset="13,15" Align="right" Anchor="R,T" String="Score" Style="FontFlair26" FontStyle="shadow" Color="206,218,225,255" EffectColor="0,0,0,191"/>
--------------- AND --- --------------- LUA/Coding..... Lines #802/840 ---------------
function PopulateScoreInstance(instance:table, pPlayer:table)
local playerID:number = pPlayer:GetID();
local civName, civIcon:string = GetCivNameAndIcon(playerID, true);
local textureOffsetX:number, textureOffsetY:number, textureSheet:string = IconManager:FindIconAtlas(civIcon, SIZE_CIV_ICON);
if(textureSheet == nil or textureSheet == "") then
UI.DataError("Could not find icon in PopulateScoreInstance: icon=\""..civIcon.."\", iconSize="..tostring(SIZE_CIV_ICON));
instance.CivIcon:SetTexture(textureOffsetX, textureOffsetY, textureSheet);
SetLeaderTooltip(instance, playerID);
ColorCivIcon(instance, playerID);
---------))) ! New instance.Score2:SetText(pPlayer:gGetScore()); of six strings
instance.LocalPlayer:SetHide(pPlayer ~= m_LocalPlayer);
---------))) !! We'll probably need to rewrite this kind of Logic and insert it as/for a new Instance above..
if(m_ShowScoreDetails) then
local detailsText:string = "";
local scoreCategories = GameInfo.ScoringCategories;
local numCategories:number = #scoreCategories;
for i = 0, numCategories - 1 do
if scoreCategories[i].Multiplier > 0 or m_isDebugForceShowAllScoreCategories then
local category:table = scoreCategories[i];
detailsText = detailsText .. Locale.Lookup(category.Name) .. ": " .. pPlayer:GetCategoryScore(i);
if(i <= numCategories) then
detailsText = detailsText .. "[NEWLINE]";
Of course, this stuff might very well be flawed as is. Feel free to offer a better (or real!) solution. Good luck to anyone willing to pick this task up! :)
PS; Sorry about the formatting issues.. but i just can't grasp the whole editing principles in this limited set of UI controls! :(
Compress information on the victory panel so it's easier to use. See here for discussion