CR6Community / Marlin

This Marlin fork has the goal of cleaning-up the source code changes for the CR-6 so it can be merged upstream. We also want to extend the functionality to make it fully functional
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] Serial port for pronterface or octoprint not working in branch extui-btt-skr-stock-tft #64

Closed NickDevoctomy closed 3 years ago

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

Bug Description

After flashing extui-btt-skr-stock-tft branch to a BTT SKR CR6, the serial port is non functional and showing as an unknown USB device in Windows. After some looking about it seems it may be down to the way the serial ports are configured in Marlin.

Configuration Files

Config files in extui-btt-skr-stock-tft branch

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Flash extui-btt-skr-stock-tft
  2. Connect USB to Windows device
  3. Check device manager to see if the device has been detected as a virtual serial port or unknown device

Expected behavior:

Should expect a virtual serial device to be detected

Actual behavior:

Uknown usb device is detected

Sebazzz commented 3 years ago

You need to install the drivers. This is not a firmware bug - in fact - the firmware has no control over how the USB-to-serial chip identifies itself. Other people have successfully flashed this branch - so that also leads me to think it is not a firmware issue.

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

Okay, I'm not sure I'm aware of any drivers? Also no other printer board that I've connected to has required drivers.

I was lead to believe it is the firmware by BTT themselves who have suggested the SERIAL_PORT definitions being incorrect when the problem has been experienced with other boards of theirs.

The CR6 is different in this case as the LCD screen is using the second serial port.

Have you managed to connect to it via usb using this firmware?

Sebazzz commented 3 years ago

Yes, without issue.

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

In Windows, and you installed some drivers?

Sebazzz commented 3 years ago

Yes, in Windows. No drivers, but I suppose they were installed automatically because I used a similar board (in the BIQU B1) earlier.

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

Okay, well everything I'm finding online about this suggests it's a Marlin issue and the SERIAL_PORT definitions as these literally control how the board communicates with the host. So if it works for you im now under the impression that I have a faulty board as there are no drivers advertised for either boards that I can see at a glance. This sort of thing is usual part of Windows.

Sebazzz commented 3 years ago

Can you make a screenshot of device manager? Do you have the issue on stock firmware too?

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

Sure thing, I'll get some screenshots this morning. I hadn't tried connecting to Pronterface as it was unusable, crashed when attempting to print from the SD card for example.

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

Okay great, not sure what happened but that actually fixed it. Done quick sanity check as it was, USB serial from laptop didn't work (didn't take a screenshot though), flashed stock firmware, USB worked, flashed extui branch back and now it works with that too. Awesome.

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

Okay so I was wrong about it working perfectly now, I seem to have some other kind of issue which I can only assume is hardware related and may have been the cause of this original problem. This probably has nothing to do with the firmware but am writing it here just incase.

Basically when I plug in a USB lead to my laptop, after about 15 seconds or so, an audible alarm sound starts. Now I have no idea if it's an actual alarm, or a fan making a weird noise, but it is entirely related to having a USB lead connected to my laptop.

I thought it may have had something to do with me disabling the filament runout sensor, as that's the only difference between my image and the btt extui branch. So I re-enabled it again and tested it, but the "alarm" continues to sound. If the machine is printing when I plug in the USB, the alarm starts and the printer crashes, so it's not just a sound, it's causing some weird issues.

I should confirm that is with or without the power line being present on the USB or not. Unplugging the lead does not stop the sound until I power down the machine.

Also... If I connect it when the printer is cool, (20c ~), it doesn't sound the "alarm".

A video of the issue is here,


  1. "Alarm" sounds when the following occurs, a. printer plugged into laptop via usb (with or without power line present) b. printer hot end being hot (but not actively heating, and not directly linked to the fan) c. after about 10-15 seconds of being plugged in
Sebazzz commented 3 years ago

Very odd. There is nothing that can give an audible noise from the hot-end except the fan - that alarm is the fan.

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

The part cooling fan does have a tendency to rattle, so I could replace it, but that doesn't explain the crashing.

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

And yup, I tried with and without the 5v removed. Sorry can't see all messages on my mobile.

Beeble2695 commented 3 years ago

Yeah, that was me not reading ;)

I assume the printer is connected to a grounded wall socket?

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

It should be, I mean I'm in my house. But I'll try a different socket in a bit to see if that makes any difference. I'll report back with my findings...

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

Okay just tried a few other sockets, no change.

Also tried with the USB lead plugged into the printer, but not plugged into anything else, and that didn't set it off (as you'd expect).

64Spaces commented 3 years ago

Just a sidenote. I’ve noticed that PWM fans on my Raspberry Pi’s will make noises like this, when running at less than 100%.

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

Interesting... Just tried connected to my Raspberry Pi 4, no alarm sound. Whilst running I connected to my Surfacebook, no alarm sound. Turn printer off, and on again whilst connected to Surfacebook, alarm starts.

Basically it only seems to make the noise when connected to my laptop, so that means my laptop has a power issue?

Beeble2695 commented 3 years ago

Could you try another USB port? see if that matters?

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

Yeah only have 2 on the laptop, tried both and they all set it off.

Tried all 4 on the pi and none of them make the noise.

Sebazzz commented 3 years ago

I must say that I have observed this also a few times, that connecting or disconnecting can result in a reboot. It doesn't always happen. It isn't the serial handshake causing it - it is the physical connection. So I've just stopped connecting or disconnecting when I have something important running. Except for this - it is completely stable for me.

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

Just tried another laptop, and it didn't make the noise. COM port appeared as expected in device manager too.

Beeble2695 commented 3 years ago

Just like those cases with people who've had those metal covered laptops and felt a tingling sensation when touching it. Was mostly due to it being a non-grounded AC connection. So the person would act as a way to ground.

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

Aaah! I get that sensation when running my fingers on the surface to the side of the trackpad, almost feels like some weird static friction.

So my laptop isn't grounded properly?

Beeble2695 commented 3 years ago

Most likely yes, and thats the fault of the manufacturer. Dell even has an article on it

Beeble2695 commented 3 years ago

I wouldn't be suprised if that sensation is gone when you do connect it to the printer (when the printer starts making sound)

Edit: Still weird that it could cause the sound to happen in the first place. Shows some design error somewhere.

NickDevoctomy commented 3 years ago

Well that's been an eye opener, thanks for all the help everyone, I'll just have to use a different laptop for connecting it.

damiani8 commented 3 years ago

My fan makes that exact noise on mine with pronterface running.