CRAG666 / code_runner.nvim

Neovim plugin.The best code runner you could have, it is like the one in vscode but with super powers, it manages projects like in intellij but without being slow
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Is it possible to add an option to modify the concat command? #103

Closed heheda123123 closed 8 months ago

heheda123123 commented 8 months ago

I use Lazyvim I changed the neovim shell to powershell = "powershell"
vim.o.shellcmdflag = "-command"
vim.o.shellquote = '"'
vim.o.shellxquote = ""

when I use default code_runner setting, it will occur error because default use && to concat each command powershell not allowed && concat two command , it can use ; instead so I use below setting

return {
    config = true,
    keys = { { "<leader>cc", ":RunCode<cr>", desc = "RunCode" } },
    opts = {
      filetype = {
        c = { "cd $dir ;", "clang $fileName ;", "./a.exe" },
        cpp = { "cd $dir ;", "clang++ $fileName ;", "./a.exe" },
        go = { "cd $dir ;", "go mod tidy;", "go run $dir" },

the above setting can work, but I should changed every language with the ; manully, Is it possible to add an option to modify the concat command? such as when I set the concat command to ;, it will work