CRAG666 / code_runner.nvim

Neovim plugin.The best code runner you could have, it is like the one in vscode but with super powers, it manages projects like in intellij but without being slow
MIT License
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nevim freezes after `:RunClose` #69

Closed azinsharaf closed 1 year ago

azinsharaf commented 1 year ago

hi @CRAG666 posting this here as a separate issue since the other one (#51) is closed. first let me thank you. I'm excited to use it since it would save my coding time.

:RunClose freezes neovim.

NeoVim version : 0.8.3

CRAG666 commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I don't have windows to test that error. After reading this I tried in linux with your specific version and everything works fine so I concluded that maybe it is a matter of the operating system, I will wait for confirmation if someone else has problems with linux

azinsharaf commented 1 year ago

I edited my configuration and now :RunClose doesn't freeze neovim. Hope it stays stable. Just in case someone else has the same issue this is my configuration using lazy.nvim.

NVIM v0.8.3
Build type: RelWithDebInfo
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compiled by runneradmin@fv-az171-224

Features: -acl +iconv +tui
See ":help feature-compile"
system vimrc file: "$VIM\sysinit.vim"
fall-back for $VIM: "C:/Program Files (x86)/nvim/share/nvim"

Run :checkhealth for more info

coderunner.lua plugin configuration:

return {
  lazy = false,
  init = function() require("which-key").register({ ["<leader>r"] = { name = "Code Runner" } }, { mode = "n" }) end,
  opts = {
    filetype = {
      python = "C:/Users/<path>/python.exe"
  keys = {
    { "<leader>rr", "<cmd>RunCode<cr>",    desc = "Run Code" },
    { "<leader>rf", "<cmd>RunFile<cr>",    desc = "Run File" },
    -- { "<leader>rft", "<cmd>RunFile tab<cr>", desc = "Run File Tab" },
    { "<leader>rp", "<cmd>RunProject<cr>", desc = "Run Project" },
    { "<leader>rc", "<cmd>RunClose<cr>",   desc = "Run Close" },
    -- { "<leader>crf", "<cmd>CRFiletype<cr>", desc = "Open Json supported files" },
    -- { "<leader>crp", "<cmd>CRProject<cr>", desc = "Open Json list of projects" },