CRAVA / crava

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wavelet length estimated too long #47

Closed ganpan closed 8 years ago

ganpan commented 10 years ago

I have observed in some cases the CRAVA estimated too long wavelet than what we expected. The default wavelet length in CRAVA is 200ms. And the CRAVA estimated wavelet should usually be close to 200ms. But there are some cases CRAVA estimate wavelets which are as long as 2000ms. It will easily end to an abortion because there are usually no wells have such long continuous logs.

okATnr commented 10 years ago

Hi Ganpan If you want us to look into this please send

1)log file and 2)model file,

for one case where this occurs.

Best Odd

From: ganpan [] Sent: 29. oktober 2013 14:50 To: CRAVA/crava Subject: [crava] wavelet length estimated too long (#47)

I have observed in some cases the CRAVA estimated too long wavelet than what we expected. The default wavelet length in CRAVA is 200ms. And the CRAVA estimated wavelet should usually be close to 200ms. But there are some cases CRAVA estimate wavelets which are as long as 2000ms. It will easily end to an abortion because there are usually no wells have such long continuous logs.

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ganpan commented 10 years ago

Hi, FYI. Thanks.

Best regards,


From: okATnr [] Sent: 29. oktober 2013 15:33 To: CRAVA/crava Cc: Ganpan Ke Subject: Re: [crava] wavelet length estimated too long (#47)

Hi Ganpan If you want us to look into this please send

1)log file and 2)model file,

for one case where this occurs.

Best Odd

From: ganpan [] Sent: 29. oktober 2013 14:50 To: CRAVA/crava Subject: [crava] wavelet length estimated too long (#47)

I have observed in some cases the CRAVA estimated too long wavelet than what we expected. The default wavelet length in CRAVA is 200ms. And the CRAVA estimated wavelet should usually be close to 200ms. But there are some cases CRAVA estimate wavelets which are as long as 2000ms. It will easily end to an abortion because there are usually no wells have such long continuous logs.

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* C R A V A - 4.0.0 beta *

Compiled: Oct 25 2013/03:57:18

License expiration : Never Licensed to : Norsk Regnesentral/Statoil

Log written by : gank Date and time : Fri Oct 25 16:58:36 2013 Host : tr-lcdapp02

* Model settings *

General settings: Modelling mode : prediction Kriging : no Facies probabilities : yes Synthetic seismic : no

Settings for facies probability estimation: Use elastic parameters relative to trend : yes Include Vs information in estimation : yes Use filtered well logs for estimation : yes

Input/Output settings: Log level : HIGH Output directory : Gankrun_MultizoneBG_25Oct2013_06Cube_test1/

Grid output formats: Segy - SeisWorks : yes

Grid output domains: Time : yes

Output of elastic parameters: Pressure-wave velocity (Vp) : yes Shear-wave velocity (Vs) : yes Density (Rho) : yes Vp/Vs ratio : yes Background (Vp, Vs, Rho) : yes Background trend (Vp, Vs, Rho) : yes

Output of facies probability volumes: Facies probabilities : yes

Other grid output: Posterior correlations : yes

Advanced settings: Use intermediate disk storage for grids : no RMS panel mode : no Smallest allowed length increment (dxy) : 5.00 Smallest allowed time increment (dt) : 0.50

Unit settings/assumptions: Time : ms TWT Frequency : Hz Length : m Velocities : m/s Density : g/cm3 Angles : degrees (clockwise relative to north when applicable)

Settings for well processing: Threshold for merging log entries : 0.01 ms Threshold for Vp-Vs rank correlation : 0.99 Threshold for deviation angle : 30.0 (=0.58m/ms TWT) High cut for background modelling : 9.0 High cut for seismic resolution : 40.0 Estimate Vp-Vs ratio from well data : yes

Range of allowed parameter values: Vp - min : 1500 Vp - max : 4500 Vs - min : 100 Vs - max : 3000 Rho - min : 1.6 Rho - max : 2.8

Well logs: Time : TWT p-wave velocity : VP s-wave velocity : VS Density : RHOB Facies : FACIES

Well files: 1 : log_data/NO_6507_7_2.rms 2 : log_data/NO_6507_7_3.rms 3 : log_data/NO_6507_7_4.rms 4 : log_data/NO_6507_7_5.rms 5 : log_data/NO_6507_7_6.rms 6 : log_data/NO_6507_7_8.rms 7 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_17.rms 8 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_23.rms 9 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_27.rms 10 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_33.rms 11 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_35.rms 12 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_40.rms 13 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_43.rms 14 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_46.rms 15 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_49.rms 16 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_50.rms 17 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_51.rms 18 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_52.rms 19 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_53.rms 20 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_56.rms 21 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_9.rms

Use well in estimation of: BackgroundTrend WaveletEstimation FaciesProbabilities 1 : yes no no
2 : yes yes yes
3 : yes yes yes
4 : yes no yes
5 : yes yes yes
6 : yes no no
7 : yes no no
8 : yes no no
9 : yes no no
10 : yes no no
11 : yes no no
12 : yes no no
13 : yes no no
14 : yes no no
15 : yes no no
16 : yes no no
17 : yes no no
18 : yes no no
19 : yes no no
20 : yes no no
21 : yes no no

Inversion area taken from grid Grid : 06near16.segy In-line start : 180 In-line end : 1500 In-line step : 1 Cross-line start : 900 Cross-line end : 1700 Cross-line step : 1

Time surfaces: Top surface : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Base_springar-300ms_chopped.storm Base surface : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Aare1+300ms_chopped.storm Number of layers : 300 Minimum allowed value for lmin/lmax : 0.41

Wavelet estimation interval: Start time : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Base_springar_for_wavelet_refined.storm Stop time : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Aare1_for_wavelet_refined.storm

Background model (estimated): Variogram Model : Generalised exponential Power : 1.0 Range : 1000.0 Subrange : 100.0 Azimuth : -0.0 High cut frequency for well logs : 9.0

Multizone background model: Top surface file : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Base_springar-300ms_chopped.storm Top surface erosion priority : 1

Zone 1
  Base surface file                    : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Base_springar_chopped.storm
  Base surface erosion priority        :          2
  Base surface Beta uncertainty        :       60.0
  Correlation structure                :       Base

Zone 2
  Base surface file                    : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Garn_chopped.storm
  Base surface erosion priority        :          3
  Base surface Beta uncertainty        :       60.0
  Correlation structure                :       Base

Zone 3
  Base surface file                    : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Ile1_chopped.storm
  Base surface erosion priority        :          4
  Base surface Beta uncertainty        :       60.0
  Correlation structure                :       Base

Zone 4
  Base surface file                    : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Tilje34_chopped.storm
  Base surface erosion priority        :          5
  Base surface Beta uncertainty        :       60.0
  Correlation structure                :       Base

Zone 5
  Base surface file                    : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Aare62_chopped.storm
  Base surface erosion priority        :          6
  Base surface Beta uncertainty        :       60.0
  Correlation structure                :       Base

Zone 6
  Base surface file                    : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Aare1_chopped.storm
  Base surface erosion priority        :          7
  Base surface Beta uncertainty        :       60.0
  Correlation structure                :       Base

Zone 7
  Base surface file                    : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Aare1+300ms_chopped.storm
  Base surface erosion priority        :          8
  Base surface Beta uncertainty        :        0.0
  Correlation structure                :        Top

Prior correlation (of residuals): Range of allowed parameter values: Var{Vp} - min : 5.0e-04 Var{Vp} - max : 2.5e-02 Var{Vs} - min : 1.0e-03 Var{Vs} - max : 5.0e-02 Var{Rho} - min : 2.0e-04 Var{Rho} - max : 1.0e-02 Lateral correlation: Model : Generalised exponential Power : 1.0 Range : 1000.0

Prior facies probabilities: Nonsand : 0.50 Sand : 0.50

General settings for seismic: White noise component : 0.10 Low cut for inversion : 8.0 High cut for inversion : 50.0 Guard zone outside interval of interest : 100.0 ms Smoothing length in guard zone : 100.0 ms Interpolation threshold : 0.0 ms Angular correlation: Model : Generalised exponential Power : 1.0 Range : 10.0

General settings for wavelet: Minimum relative amplitude : 0.040 Wavelet tapering length : 200.0 Tuning factor for 3D wavelet estimation : 50.0 Smoothing range for gradient (3D wavelet): 100.0 Estimate well gradient for seismic data : no

Settings for AVO stack 1: Angle : 7.0 SegY start time : 0.0 Data : 06near16.segy Estimate wavelet : yes Signal-to-noise ratio : 2.8

Settings for AVO stack 2: Angle : 21.0 SegY start time : 0.0 Data : 06mid16.segy Estimate wavelet : yes Signal-to-noise ratio : 2.8

Settings for AVO stack 3: Angle : 33.0 SegY start time : 0.0 Data : 06far16.segy Estimate wavelet : yes Signal-to-noise ratio : 3.0

* Defining modelling grid *

Finding inversion area from grid data in file '06near16.segy'

Seismic data of type 'SIP' detected This traceheader format has the following values:

utmxLoc utmyLoc inlineLoc crosslineLoc scalcoLoc

181 185 189 193 71

Largest distance between trace location and centre of assigned grid node: 1.00m

         ReferencePoint      Length Increment

X-coordinate 412680.23 14262.59 12.50 Y-coordinate 7243699.35 20999.63 12.50 Azimuth 23.420

              Inline                Crossline    
         Start   End  Step      Start   End  Step

SEGY-grid 141 1820 1 670 1810 1 Requested 180 1500 1 900 1700 1

Resolution x0 y0 lx ly azimuth dx dy

Grid data 414135.75 7243600.50 10012.56 16512.21 23.420 12.50 12.50

Time output interval: Two-way-time avg / min / max : 1952.0 / 1505.9 / 3359.5 Interval thickness avg / min / max : 892.1 / 600.0 / 1100.4 Sampling density avg / min / max : 2.97 / 3.67 / 2.00

Padding sizes estimated from lateral correlation ranges in internal grid: xPad, xPadFac, nx, nxPad : 488m, 0.049, 801, 840 yPad, yPadFac, ny, nyPad : 637m, 0.039, 1321, 1372

Padding sizes estimated from an assumed wavelet length: zPad, zPadFac, nz, nzPad : 200ms, 0.333, 300, 400

Time simulation grids: Output grid 801 * 1321 * 300 : 317436300 FFT grid 840 * 1372 * 400 : 460992000

* Reading and processing wells *

FaciesLabel FaciesName

 0           Nonsand             
 1           Sand                

6507_7_2 : Set undefined: time = 2130.54 Vp = 4762.50 Set undefined: time = 2163.77 Rho = 3.14 Set undefined: time = 2179.69 Rho = 2.97 Set undefined: time = 2185.86 Rho = 2.91 Set undefined: time = 2187.22 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2190.63 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2253.86 Vp = 4507.21 Set undefined: time = 2274.47 Rho = 1.43 Set undefined: time = 2274.58 Rho = 1.44 Set undefined: time = 2299.22 Rho = 1.39 Set undefined: time = 2299.33 Rho = 1.56 Set undefined: time = 2299.43 Rho = 1.59 Set undefined: time = 2299.52 Rho = 1.41 Set undefined: time = 2305.66 Vp = 4771.57 Set undefined: time = 2305.75 Vp = 5358.96 Set undefined: time = 2305.75 Vs = 3287.15 Set undefined: time = 2305.84 Vp = 5605.52 Set undefined: time = 2305.84 Vs = 3413.52 Set undefined: time = 2305.93 Vp = 5467.36 Set undefined: time = 2305.93 Vs = 3310.49 Set undefined: time = 2306.02 Vp = 5017.53 Set undefined: time = 2306.02 Vs = 3000.49 Set undefined: time = 2309.19 Rho = 1.41 Set undefined: time = 2344.48 Vp = 1493.24 Set undefined: time = 2344.58 Vp = 1490.47 Set undefined: time = 2344.68 Vp = 1486.83 Set undefined: time = 2344.79 Vp = 1492.28 Set undefined: time = 2365.68 Rho = 1.46 Set undefined: time = 2368.65 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2368.75 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2368.85 Vp = 4540.78 Set undefined: time = 2368.85 Rho = 1.37 Set undefined: time = 2374.40 Vp = 4955.90 Set undefined: time = 2374.40 Vs = 3006.52 Set undefined: time = 2374.40 Rho = 3.76 Set undefined: time = 2374.49 Vp = 5232.62 Set undefined: time = 2374.49 Vs = 3148.14 Set undefined: time = 2374.49 Rho = 3.52 Set undefined: time = 2374.58 Vp = 4976.48 Set undefined: time = 2374.58 Rho = 3.24 Set undefined: time = 2374.67 Vp = 4566.50 Set undefined: time = 2374.67 Rho = 2.94 Set undefined: time = 2377.93 Rho = 3.20 Set undefined: time = 2383.77 Rho = 1.50 Set undefined: time = 2384.76 Rho = 1.52 Set undefined: time = 2389.16 Rho = 3.04 Set undefined: time = 2389.72 Rho = 1.54 Set undefined: time = 2389.84 Rho = 1.54 Set undefined: time = 2390.07 Rho = 1.35 Set undefined: time = 2390.75 Rho = 1.52 Set undefined: time = 2390.98 Rho = 1.37 Set undefined: time = 2391.33 Rho = 1.60 Set undefined: time = 2394.75 Rho = 1.60 Set undefined: time = 2398.63 Rho = 1.57 Set undefined: time = 2398.73 Rho = 1.19 Set undefined: time = 2398.84 Rho = 1.15 Set undefined: time = 2399.35 Rho = 1.04 Set undefined: time = 2399.97 Rho = 1.39 Set undefined: time = 2400.07 Rho = 1.31 Set undefined: time = 2400.28 Rho = 1.22 Set undefined: time = 2407.62 Rho = 1.43 Set undefined: time = 2407.73 Rho = 1.34 Set undefined: time = 2407.95 Rho = 1.55 Set undefined: time = 2408.61 Rho = 1.48 Set undefined: time = 2409.05 Rho = 1.54 Set undefined: time = 2409.16 Rho = 1.59 Set undefined: time = 2409.59 Rho = 1.50 Set undefined: time = 2409.70 Rho = 1.37 Set undefined: time = 2411.38 Rho = 1.36 Set undefined: time = 2433.92 Rho = 1.58 Set undefined: time = 2464.13 Rho = 3.10 Set undefined: time = 2489.26 Rho = 1.53 Set undefined: time = 2489.36 Rho = 1.44 Set undefined: time = 2489.47 Rho = 1.41 Set undefined: time = 2489.57 Rho = 1.33 Set undefined: time = 2489.68 Rho = 1.49 Set undefined: time = 2489.78 Rho = 1.50 Set undefined: time = 2497.08 Rho = 3.27 Set undefined: time = 2499.92 Rho = 2.91 Set undefined: time = 2511.29 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2511.47 Vp = 4626.79 Set undefined: time = 2511.55 Vp = 4876.67 Set undefined: time = 2511.64 Vp = 5122.60 Set undefined: time = 2511.64 Vs = 3136.02 Set undefined: time = 2511.64 Rho = 2.97 Set undefined: time = 2511.73 Vp = 5243.87 Set undefined: time = 2511.73 Vs = 3211.77 Set undefined: time = 2511.82 Vp = 5166.17 Set undefined: time = 2511.82 Vs = 3189.12 Set undefined: time = 2511.91 Vp = 4867.24 Set undefined: time = 2560.72 Rho = 1.47 Set undefined: time = 2561.08 Rho = 1.43 Set undefined: time = 2561.20 Rho = 1.47 Set undefined: time = 2563.00 Rho = 1.47 Set undefined: time = 2563.12 Rho = 1.37 Set undefined: time = 2564.20 Rho = 1.59 Set undefined: time = 2565.65 Rho = 1.38 Set undefined: time = 2565.75 Rho = 1.55 Set undefined: time = 2567.44 Rho = 1.36 Set undefined: time = 2568.75 Rho = 3.43 Set undefined: time = 2570.49 Rho = 1.56 Set undefined: time = 2570.58 Rho = 1.41 Set undefined: time = 2572.64 Rho = 1.56 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:22 Vs:9 Rho:72) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.995, but well log is defined as real. Maximum local deviation is 3.3 degrees. 6507_7_3 : Set undefined: time = 2261.01 Rho = 2.97 Set undefined: time = 2261.10 Rho = 3.27 Set undefined: time = 2301.12 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2301.21 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2301.31 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2302.66 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2302.86 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2302.95 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2325.61 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2325.72 Rho = 3.09 Set undefined: time = 2341.76 Vp = 4689.21 Set undefined: time = 2341.86 Vp = 4743.97 Set undefined: time = 2346.63 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2348.02 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2355.41 Rho = 3.06 Set undefined: time = 2356.34 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2356.72 Rho = 2.94 Set undefined: time = 2360.30 Vp = 4557.76 Set undefined: time = 2364.80 Rho = 2.92 Set undefined: time = 2365.46 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2387.27 Vp = 4507.17 Set undefined: time = 2387.36 Vp = 4635.71 Set undefined: time = 2387.45 Vp = 4790.57 Set undefined: time = 2387.53 Vp = 4540.84 Set undefined: time = 2457.54 Rho = 1.47 Set undefined: time = 2457.64 Rho = 1.44 Set undefined: time = 2457.73 Rho = 1.49 Set undefined: time = 2470.06 Vp = 4771.82 Set undefined: time = 2510.04 Vp = 4734.76 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:9 Vs:0 Rho:20) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.997, but well log is defined as real. Maximum local deviation is 1.6 degrees. 6507_7_4 : Set undefined: time = 2338.56 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2338.66 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2338.76 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2408.70 Vp = 4626.91 Set undefined: time = 2408.79 Vp = 4680.23 Set undefined: time = 2414.48 Vp = 4857.37 Set undefined: time = 2414.57 Vp = 4609.49 Set undefined: time = 2414.66 Vp = 4566.32 Set undefined: time = 2444.96 Vp = 4752.89 Set undefined: time = 2445.05 Vp = 5277.92 Set undefined: time = 2445.05 Vs = 3183.39 Set undefined: time = 2445.15 Vp = 5166.19 Set undefined: time = 2445.15 Vs = 3094.23 Set undefined: time = 2445.25 Vp = 4653.68 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:9 Vs:2 Rho:3) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.998, but well log is defined as real. Maximum local deviation is 2.5 degrees. 6507_7_5 : Set undefined: time = 2182.12 Vp = 4790.62 Set undefined: time = 2221.09 Vp = 4566.23 Set undefined: time = 2221.18 Vp = 5038.01 Set undefined: time = 2221.18 Vs = 3092.62 Set undefined: time = 2221.28 Vp = 5080.00 Set undefined: time = 2221.28 Vs = 3124.24 Set undefined: time = 2221.38 Vp = 4819.02 Set undefined: time = 2225.78 Vp = 4818.89 Set undefined: time = 2225.86 Vp = 5312.42 Set undefined: time = 2225.86 Vs = 3005.82 Set undefined: time = 2225.94 Vp = 5232.62 Set undefined: time = 2226.02 Vp = 5188.09 Set undefined: time = 2226.10 Vp = 5166.11 Set undefined: time = 2226.18 Vp = 5069.44 Set undefined: time = 2226.18 Vs = 3039.05 Set undefined: time = 2226.26 Vp = 5166.10 Set undefined: time = 2226.34 Vp = 5199.14 Set undefined: time = 2226.34 Vs = 3017.38 Set undefined: time = 2226.42 Vp = 5359.10 Set undefined: time = 2226.42 Vs = 3334.40 Set undefined: time = 2226.50 Vp = 5567.12 Set undefined: time = 2226.50 Vs = 3167.12 Set undefined: time = 2226.58 Vp = 5529.25 Set undefined: time = 2226.58 Vs = 3462.53 Set undefined: time = 2226.66 Vp = 5529.25 Set undefined: time = 2226.66 Vs = 3148.99 Set undefined: time = 2226.74 Vp = 5467.28 Set undefined: time = 2226.74 Vs = 3249.78 Set undefined: time = 2226.82 Vp = 4936.11 Set undefined: time = 2261.72 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2284.79 Vp = 4515.56 Set undefined: time = 2284.79 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2298.21 Rho = 2.99 Set undefined: time = 2300.50 Vp = 4515.56 Set undefined: time = 2324.43 Vp = 4626.87 Set undefined: time = 2324.52 Vp = 4847.71 Set undefined: time = 2324.61 Vp = 4781.20 Set undefined: time = 2324.70 Vp = 4523.97 Set undefined: time = 2334.79 Vp = 4532.22 Set undefined: time = 2334.89 Vp = 5017.28 Set undefined: time = 2334.98 Vp = 4549.37 Set undefined: time = 2348.31 Rho = 2.93 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:28 Vs:10 Rho:4) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.996, but well log is defined as real. Maximum local deviation is 0.8 degrees. 6507_7_6 : Set undefined: time = 2044.53 Vp = 4557.77 Set undefined: time = 2044.62 Vp = 5277.92 Set undefined: time = 2044.62 Vs = 3273.28 Set undefined: time = 2044.72 Vp = 5188.08 Set undefined: time = 2044.72 Vs = 3205.62 Set undefined: time = 2045.83 Vp = 4523.95 Set undefined: time = 2045.92 Vp = 4753.22 Set undefined: time = 2199.84 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2215.91 Vp = 4566.29 Set undefined: time = 2216.39 Vp = 4644.60 Set undefined: time = 2216.49 Vp = 4867.07 Set undefined: time = 2216.58 Vp = 4653.41 Set undefined: time = 2254.16 Vp = 4566.30 Set undefined: time = 2254.25 Vp = 4635.74 Set undefined: time = 2265.56 Rho = 2.95 Set undefined: time = 2265.65 Vp = 4583.46 Set undefined: time = 2265.65 Rho = 2.82 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:12 Vs:2 Rho:3) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.971. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 4.4 degrees. 6507_7_8 : Set undefined: time = 2339.10 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2339.19 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2339.28 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2339.37 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2340.60 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2389.00 Rho = 2.90 Set undefined: time = 2389.10 Rho = 2.99 Set undefined: time = 2389.19 Rho = 2.95 Set undefined: time = 2389.29 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2389.38 Rho = 3.04 Set undefined: time = 2389.48 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2389.86 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2389.95 Rho = 2.93 Set undefined: time = 2396.65 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2413.82 Vp = 4930.86 Set undefined: time = 2413.91 Vp = 5166.10 Set undefined: time = 2413.91 Vs = 3028.12 Set undefined: time = 2419.40 Vp = 4734.76 Set undefined: time = 2419.49 Vp = 4680.27 Set undefined: time = 2419.68 Vp = 5128.03 Set undefined: time = 2419.68 Vs = 3101.37 Set undefined: time = 2421.77 Vp = 5144.30 Set undefined: time = 2421.77 Vs = 3118.51 Set undefined: time = 2421.86 Vp = 4609.59 Set undefined: time = 2476.83 Vp = 4626.86 Set undefined: time = 2476.92 Vp = 4781.18 Set undefined: time = 2501.65 Rho = 1.49 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:9 Vs:3 Rho:15) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.993, but well log is defined as real. Maximum local deviation is 2.6 degrees. 6507_7_A_17 : Set undefined: time = 2164.21 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2164.28 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2164.35 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2172.33 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2172.77 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2172.84 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2172.92 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2172.99 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2173.06 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2173.14 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2173.21 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2173.28 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2173.36 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2192.84 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2208.81 Vp = 4511.73 Set undefined: time = 2208.90 Vp = 4829.41 Set undefined: time = 2208.98 Vp = 5048.27 Set undefined: time = 2209.06 Vp = 5147.93 Set undefined: time = 2209.15 Vp = 5249.43 Set undefined: time = 2209.23 Vp = 5402.84 Set undefined: time = 2209.31 Vp = 5288.18 Set undefined: time = 2209.39 Vp = 4635.17 Set undefined: time = 2224.51 Rho = 2.93 Set undefined: time = 2229.17 Vp = 4612.55 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:9 Vs:0 Rho:15) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.667. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 63.6 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_23 : Set undefined: time = 2039.80 Rho = 3.44 Set undefined: time = 2039.89 Rho = 3.45 Set undefined: time = 2041.20 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2041.29 Rho = 3.21 Set undefined: time = 2111.36 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2113.03 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2113.10 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2113.68 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2134.32 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2137.19 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2137.28 Rho = 3.08 Set undefined: time = 2142.85 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2147.25 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2147.79 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2147.88 Rho = 2.91 Set undefined: time = 2147.97 Rho = 2.90 Set undefined: time = 2148.06 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2148.15 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2149.41 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2149.50 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2149.58 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2164.03 Rho = 3.15 Set undefined: time = 2164.12 Rho = 3.14 Set undefined: time = 2169.86 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2198.20 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2198.28 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2198.66 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2198.74 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2239.99 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2246.77 Rho = 1.53 Set undefined: time = 2266.89 Rho = 1.42 Set undefined: time = 2266.96 Rho = 1.36 Set undefined: time = 2267.03 Rho = 1.49 Set undefined: time = 2267.11 Rho = 1.36 Set undefined: time = 2267.18 Rho = 1.45 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:0 Vs:0 Rho:35) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.597. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 56.0 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_27 : Set undefined: time = 2253.66 Rho = 1.31 Set undefined: time = 2253.78 Rho = 1.39 Set undefined: time = 2261.89 Rho = 2.90 Set undefined: time = 2263.61 Rho = 1.52 Set undefined: time = 2300.09 Rho = 1.57 Set undefined: time = 2314.52 Rho = 1.48 Set undefined: time = 2314.63 Rho = 1.32 Set undefined: time = 2314.75 Rho = 1.32 Set undefined: time = 2314.86 Rho = 1.57 Set undefined: time = 2336.40 Rho = 1.56 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:0 Vs:0 Rho:10) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.605. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 23.3 degrees. 6507_7_A_33 : Set undefined: time = 2165.71 Vp = 4660.29 Set undefined: time = 2165.81 Vp = 4503.99 Set undefined: time = 2166.24 Vp = 4505.93 Set undefined: time = 2166.34 Vp = 4631.26 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:4 Vs:0 Rho:0) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.555. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 47.1 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_35 : Set undefined: time = 2231.33 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2231.36 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2231.40 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2231.43 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2297.50 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2297.56 Rho = 2.97 Set undefined: time = 2297.62 Rho = 2.91 Set undefined: time = 2330.08 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2330.14 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2330.19 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2347.79 Vp = 4560.89 Set undefined: time = 2374.36 Vp = 4562.56 Set undefined: time = 2374.42 Vp = 4841.38 Set undefined: time = 2374.47 Vp = 5013.85 Set undefined: time = 2374.53 Vp = 5007.84 Set undefined: time = 2374.59 Vp = 4927.15 Set undefined: time = 2374.65 Vp = 4916.53 Set undefined: time = 2374.71 Vp = 4946.68 Set undefined: time = 2374.77 Vp = 4878.23 Set undefined: time = 2374.83 Vp = 4662.82 Set undefined: time = 2389.66 Vp = 4642.03 Set undefined: time = 2389.72 Vp = 5061.12 Set undefined: time = 2389.78 Vp = 5355.78 Set undefined: time = 2389.84 Vp = 5460.85 Set undefined: time = 2389.91 Vp = 5562.11 Set undefined: time = 2389.97 Vp = 5667.04 Set undefined: time = 2390.03 Vp = 5734.73 Set undefined: time = 2390.09 Vp = 5748.70 Set undefined: time = 2390.15 Vp = 5671.87 Set undefined: time = 2390.21 Vp = 5635.19 Set undefined: time = 2390.27 Vp = 5047.54 Set undefined: time = 2412.25 Vp = 4552.43 Set undefined: time = 2412.31 Vp = 4758.93 Set undefined: time = 2412.37 Vp = 4779.20 Set undefined: time = 2412.43 Vp = 4720.56 Set undefined: time = 2412.49 Vp = 4654.25 Set undefined: time = 2412.56 Vp = 4604.23 Set undefined: time = 2412.62 Vp = 4548.06 Set undefined: time = 2414.18 Vp = 4610.13 Set undefined: time = 2414.24 Vp = 4889.87 Set undefined: time = 2414.29 Vp = 5103.87 Set undefined: time = 2414.35 Vp = 5311.10 Set undefined: time = 2414.41 Vp = 5290.49 Set undefined: time = 2414.47 Vp = 5184.38 Set undefined: time = 2414.53 Vp = 4951.28 Set undefined: time = 2414.58 Vp = 4710.75 Set undefined: time = 2414.64 Vp = 4512.46 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:37 Vs:0 Rho:10) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.701. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 74.0 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_40 : Set undefined: time = 2061.11 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2061.56 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2061.67 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2061.79 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2168.01 Rho = 2.87 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:0 Vs:0 Rho:5) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.674. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 40.5 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_43 : Set undefined: time = 2095.52 Rho = 1.60 Set undefined: time = 2095.62 Rho = 1.60 Set undefined: time = 2095.71 Rho = 1.60 Set undefined: time = 2184.91 Rho = 2.80 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:0 Vs:0 Rho:4) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.590. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 24.5 degrees. 6507_7_A_46 : Set undefined: time = 2036.14 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2036.29 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2036.43 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2065.53 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2065.67 Rho = 2.95 Set undefined: time = 2065.81 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2083.50 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2094.90 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2095.17 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2097.77 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2097.84 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2137.66 Rho = 2.99 Set undefined: time = 2163.73 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2164.54 Rho = 2.85 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:0 Vs:0 Rho:14) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.832. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 30.8 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_49 : Set undefined: time = 2159.47 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2295.82 Rho = 2.80 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:0 Vs:0 Rho:2) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.762. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 40.5 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_50 : Set undefined: time = 2180.34 Rho = 3.79 Set undefined: time = 2180.41 Rho = 3.28 Set undefined: time = 2205.53 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2286.90 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2286.97 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2287.03 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2307.02 Vp = 4602.23 Set undefined: time = 2307.07 Vp = 4669.70 Set undefined: time = 2307.13 Vp = 4647.79 Set undefined: time = 2307.19 Vp = 4548.67 Set undefined: time = 2338.98 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2339.03 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2339.09 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2339.15 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2339.77 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2339.83 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2339.88 Rho = 2.90 Set undefined: time = 2339.94 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2340.00 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2340.05 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2340.11 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2340.40 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2340.45 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2340.51 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2343.52 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2343.57 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2343.63 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2343.69 Rho = 2.86 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:4 Vs:0 Rho:24) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.703. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 68.1 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_51 : Set undefined: time = 2329.70 Vp = 4508.06 Set undefined: time = 2329.75 Vp = 4911.73 Set undefined: time = 2329.81 Vp = 5066.32 Set undefined: time = 2329.86 Vp = 4959.51 Set undefined: time = 2329.92 Vp = 4694.49 Set undefined: time = 2420.90 Vp = 4534.70 Set undefined: time = 2420.96 Vp = 4535.51 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:7 Vs:0 Rho:0) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.675. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 67.3 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_52 : Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.910. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 62.6 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_53 : Set undefined: time = 2158.94 Rho = 3.00 Set undefined: time = 2159.01 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2172.94 Vp = 4887.21 Set undefined: time = 2173.00 Vp = 4801.60 Set undefined: time = 2173.07 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2173.13 Rho = 3.00 Set undefined: time = 2173.20 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2176.34 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2176.40 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2177.38 Vp = 4725.12 Set undefined: time = 2177.45 Vp = 4964.74 Set undefined: time = 2177.51 Vp = 4703.76 Set undefined: time = 2177.78 Rho = 2.90 Set undefined: time = 2177.84 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2179.87 Rho = 2.95 Set undefined: time = 2179.94 Rho = 3.00 Set undefined: time = 2180.00 Rho = 3.00 Set undefined: time = 2180.46 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2182.56 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2182.69 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2183.68 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2183.74 Rho = 2.93 Set undefined: time = 2187.83 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2297.69 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2297.75 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2297.81 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2297.87 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2298.76 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2298.82 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2298.87 Rho = 2.95 Set undefined: time = 2298.93 Rho = 2.91 Set undefined: time = 2299.23 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2301.43 Vp = 4502.18 Set undefined: time = 2301.49 Vp = 4505.08 Set undefined: time = 2301.61 Vp = 4662.82 Set undefined: time = 2301.67 Vp = 4756.80 Set undefined: time = 2301.73 Vp = 4957.81 Set undefined: time = 2301.79 Vp = 4862.86 Set undefined: time = 2301.85 Vp = 4630.77 Set undefined: time = 2301.91 Vp = 4569.18 Set undefined: time = 2322.76 Vp = 4521.16 Set undefined: time = 2322.83 Vp = 4640.96 Set undefined: time = 2332.54 Rho = 2.94 Set undefined: time = 2332.60 Rho = 3.00 Set undefined: time = 2332.67 Rho = 2.91 Set undefined: time = 2332.73 Rho = 3.00 Set undefined: time = 2339.32 Vp = 4752.01 Set undefined: time = 2339.39 Vp = 5392.08 Set undefined: time = 2339.45 Vp = 4825.64 Set undefined: time = 2339.71 Rho = 2.94 Set undefined: time = 2341.15 Vp = 4688.64 Set undefined: time = 2341.21 Vp = 5143.66 Set undefined: time = 2341.28 Vp = 4948.25 Set undefined: time = 2348.78 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2348.85 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2349.17 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2350.22 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2359.42 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2364.77 Vp = 4633.53 Set undefined: time = 2364.83 Vp = 5000.71 Set undefined: time = 2364.90 Vp = 5169.98 Set undefined: time = 2364.96 Vp = 5029.40 Set undefined: time = 2365.03 Vp = 4521.39 Set undefined: time = 2387.77 Rho = 3.00 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:26 Vs:0 Rho:38) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.750. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 61.7 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_56 : Set undefined: time = 2131.94 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2132.05 Rho = 2.90 Set undefined: time = 2136.54 Vp = 5046.90 Set undefined: time = 2136.65 Vp = 5769.84 Set undefined: time = 2136.76 Vp = 5895.38 Set undefined: time = 2136.86 Vp = 5474.66 Set undefined: time = 2136.97 Vp = 4657.97 Set undefined: time = 2138.06 Vp = 4826.73 Set undefined: time = 2138.06 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2138.16 Vp = 5168.69 Set undefined: time = 2138.27 Vp = 5272.81 Set undefined: time = 2138.38 Vp = 4915.08 Set undefined: time = 2138.71 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2235.37 Rho = 2.94 Set undefined: time = 2235.48 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2236.38 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2245.42 Rho = 3.15 Set undefined: time = 2245.53 Rho = 3.15 Set undefined: time = 2245.87 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2279.33 Vp = 4517.22 Set undefined: time = 2279.44 Vp = 4628.65 Set undefined: time = 2279.56 Vp = 4565.07 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:12 Vs:0 Rho:10) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.663. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 22.8 degrees. 6507_7_A_9 : Set undefined: time = 2163.83 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2165.94 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2202.65 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2202.71 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2202.76 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2236.37 Vp = 4567.20 Set undefined: time = 2236.43 Vp = 4742.86 Set undefined: time = 2236.43 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2236.49 Vp = 4712.72 Set undefined: time = 2236.49 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2250.04 Vp = 4572.20 Set undefined: time = 2250.09 Vp = 4691.25 Set undefined: time = 2250.14 Vp = 4662.61 Set undefined: time = 2250.19 Vp = 4543.14 Set undefined: time = 2252.54 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2262.33 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2264.87 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2275.20 Vp = 4500.82 Set undefined: time = 2300.34 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2341.54 Vp = 4591.76 Set undefined: time = 2341.59 Vp = 4658.06 Set undefined: time = 2341.63 Vp = 4648.61 Set undefined: time = 2341.68 Vp = 4567.85 Set undefined: time = 2344.28 Rho = 1.52 Set undefined: time = 2344.33 Rho = 1.46 Set undefined: time = 2344.37 Rho = 1.52 Set undefined: time = 2365.80 Rho = 1.44 Set undefined: time = 2365.85 Rho = 1.50 Set undefined: time = 2375.90 Vp = 4620.46 Set undefined: time = 2375.94 Vp = 4748.65 Set undefined: time = 2375.98 Vp = 4819.74 Set undefined: time = 2376.02 Vp = 4829.97 Set undefined: time = 2376.06 Vp = 4762.18 Set undefined: time = 2376.10 Vp = 4604.60 Set undefined: time = 2399.90 Rho = 0.03 Set undefined: time = 2400.37 Rho = 0.54 Set undefined: time = 2400.46 Rho = 3.21 Set undefined: time = 2400.51 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2401.07 Rho = 0.20 Set undefined: time = 2401.11 Rho = 0.36 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:18 Vs:0 Rho:22) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.848. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 72.6 degrees. Well is treated as deviated.


Well Merges Vp Vs Rho synthVs/Corr Deviated/Angle

6507_7_2 0 22 9 72 no / 0.995 no / 3.3 6507_7_3 0 9 0 20 no / 0.997 no / 1.6 6507_7_4 0 9 2 3 no / 0.998 no / 2.5 6507_7_5 0 28 10 4 no / 0.996 no / 0.8 6507_7_6 0 12 2 3 no / 0.971 no / 4.4 6507_7_8 0 9 3 15 no / 0.993 no / 2.6 6507_7_A_17 0 9 0 15 no / 0.667 yes / 63.6 6507_7_A_23 0 0 0 35 no / 0.597 yes / 56.0 6507_7_A_27 0 0 0 10 no / 0.605 no / 23.3 6507_7_A_33 0 4 0 0 no / 0.555 yes / 47.1 6507_7_A_35 0 37 0 10 no / 0.701 yes / 74.0 6507_7_A_40 0 0 0 5 no / 0.674 yes / 40.5 6507_7_A_43 0 0 0 4 no / 0.590 no / 24.5 6507_7_A_46 0 0 0 14 no / 0.832 yes / 30.8 6507_7_A_49 0 0 0 2 no / 0.762 yes / 40.5 6507_7_A_50 0 4 0 24 no / 0.703 yes / 68.1 6507_7_A_51 0 7 0 0 no / 0.675 yes / 67.3 6507_7_A_52 0 0 0 0 no / 0.910 yes / 62.6 6507_7_A_53 0 26 0 38 no / 0.750 yes / 61.7 6507_7_A_56 0 12 0 10 no / 0.663 no / 22.8 6507_7_A_9 0 18 0 22 no / 0.848 yes / 72.6

Facies distributions for each well:

Well Nonsand Sand

6507_7_2 0.3104 0.6896 6507_7_3 0.2371 0.7629 6507_7_4 0.2228 0.7772 6507_7_5 0.2629 0.7371 6507_7_6 0.4433 0.5567 6507_7_8 0.2341 0.7659 6507_7_A_17 0.0276 0.9724 6507_7_A_23 0.2112 0.7888 6507_7_A_27 0.2039 0.7961 6507_7_A_33 0.0021 0.9979 6507_7_A_35 0.2359 0.7641 6507_7_A_40 0.4774 0.5226 6507_7_A_43 0.5496 0.4504 6507_7_A_46 0.4993 0.5007 6507_7_A_49 0.3468 0.6532 6507_7_A_50 0.3065 0.6935 6507_7_A_51 0.3422 0.6578 6507_7_A_52 0.6945 0.3055 6507_7_A_53 0.2900 0.7100 6507_7_A_56 0.1974 0.8026 6507_7_A_9 0.1044 0.8956

Facies counts for each well:

Well Nonsand Sand

6507_7_2 1551 3445 6507_7_3 716 2304 6507_7_4 554 1933 6507_7_5 469 1315 6507_7_6 939 1179 6507_7_8 567 1855 6507_7_A_17 43 1515 6507_7_A_23 658 2457 6507_7_A_27 240 937 6507_7_A_33 1 478 6507_7_A_35 860 2785 6507_7_A_40 613 671 6507_7_A_43 815 668 6507_7_A_46 720 722 6507_7_A_49 465 876 6507_7_A_50 1018 2303 6507_7_A_51 1166 2241 6507_7_A_52 691 304 6507_7_A_53 982 2404 6507_7_A_56 319 1297 6507_7_A_9 515 4417

* Estimating amount of memory needed *

Memory needed for reading seismic data : 16702.73 MB Memory needed for holding internal grids (15): 26440.98 MB Memory needed for holding other entities : 4583.11 MB

Memory needed by CRAVA: 30.3 gigaBytes

* Prior Facies Probabilities *

Facies Probability

Nonsand 0.5000 Sand 0.5000

* Prior Expectations / Background Model *

Multizone background model:

Zone 1: Well 6507_7_4: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_5: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_8: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_27: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_51: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_52: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_56: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

WARNING : The calculation of the vertical trend for parameter 'Vp' using local linear regression failed for cells [0-16] where the log is undefined. The first defined value of 3584.98 in cell 17 will be used throughout this region.

WARNING : The calculation of the vertical trend for parameter 'Rho' using local linear regression failed for cells [0-16] where the log is undefined. The first defined value of 2.47 in cell 17 will be used throughout this region.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_A_53 415.9 187.2 0.160 6507_7_A_46 521.4 108.1 0.121 6507_7_A_23 388.5 211.3 0.050 6507_7_A_33 349.7 157.3 0.059 6507_7_A_49 267.0 160.2 0.103 6507_7_A_35 319.9 71.6 0.073 6507_7_A_40 319.8 31.0 0.105 6507_7_A_17 220.5 122.8 0.025 6507_7_A_50 102.0 138.3 0.075 6507_7_3 200.9 61.5 0.075 6507_7_A_43 9.8 47.9 0.171 6507_7_6 112.9 48.4 0.064 6507_7_A_9 39.5 75.0 0.040 6507_7_2 107.9 25.8 0.051

Zone 2: Well 6507_7_6: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_17: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_23: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_27: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_33: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_40: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_56: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

WARNING : The calculation of the vertical trend for parameter 'Vp' using local linear regression failed for cells [0-19] where the log is undefined. The first defined value of 3441.56 in cell 20 will be used throughout this region.

WARNING : The calculation of the vertical trend for parameter 'Vs' using local linear regression failed for cells [0-19] where the log is undefined. The first defined value of 1731.49 in cell 20 will be used throughout this region.

WARNING : The calculation of the vertical trend for parameter 'Rho' using local linear regression failed for cells [0-19] where the log is undefined. The first defined value of 2.40 in cell 20 will be used throughout this region.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_A_46 591.8 198.0 0.103 6507_7_5 311.5 148.3 0.095 6507_7_A_43 223.8 72.0 0.192 6507_7_3 255.5 137.9 0.045 6507_7_4 190.6 96.8 0.125 6507_7_A_49 95.4 95.1 0.147 6507_7_2 243.3 93.1 0.038 6507_7_A_51 72.6 121.3 0.111 6507_7_A_50 110.5 97.2 0.083 6507_7_A_52 156.4 34.9 0.104 6507_7_A_35 143.6 54.9 0.046 6507_7_A_53 100.6 61.5 0.045 6507_7_8 81.3 29.0 0.032 6507_7_A_9 70.9 27.0 0.039

Zone 3: Well 6507_7_A_17: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_27: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_33: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_A_51 273.2 123.0 0.106 6507_7_8 221.1 82.6 0.087 6507_7_A_49 193.4 57.0 0.144 6507_7_5 186.1 99.8 0.063 6507_7_A_46 266.8 75.6 0.034 6507_7_4 226.7 69.9 0.072 6507_7_A_43 203.0 21.5 0.149 6507_7_A_52 132.2 87.7 0.079 6507_7_A_50 112.8 112.1 0.031 6507_7_A_35 177.2 28.4 0.094 6507_7_A_40 134.6 60.2 0.056 6507_7_A_53 111.3 59.0 0.057 6507_7_3 116.6 45.1 0.053 6507_7_A_23 123.6 40.1 0.039 6507_7_A_9 127.1 51.7 0.017 6507_7_2 84.8 47.7 0.040 6507_7_6 125.5 36.0 0.019 6507_7_A_56 92.5 24.2 0.027

Zone 4: Well 6507_7_A_17: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_27: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_33: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_52: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_2 368.4 187.3 0.094 6507_7_A_43 402.8 92.1 0.183 6507_7_6 365.0 151.4 0.099 6507_7_A_46 394.5 81.7 0.099 6507_7_A_50 343.9 96.0 0.073 6507_7_5 207.0 132.9 0.072 6507_7_A_23 346.8 26.1 0.096 6507_7_A_35 240.6 62.3 0.084 6507_7_A_56 216.7 75.5 0.068 6507_7_A_40 166.2 110.8 0.047 6507_7_4 148.2 80.4 0.051 6507_7_3 143.5 56.8 0.053 6507_7_A_51 144.7 70.8 0.032 6507_7_8 123.7 56.1 0.055 6507_7_A_53 186.6 32.1 0.030 6507_7_A_9 115.8 39.2 0.045 6507_7_A_49 47.6 29.0 0.012

Zone 5: Well 6507_7_A_17: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_27: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_33: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_52: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_A_50 429.7 128.8 0.112 6507_7_6 371.7 157.2 0.060 6507_7_A_51 364.8 117.4 0.116 6507_7_A_40 274.5 161.8 0.078 6507_7_A_35 341.7 80.4 0.089 6507_7_A_9 259.0 131.4 0.054 6507_7_4 237.6 130.2 0.053 6507_7_3 196.2 99.2 0.074 6507_7_A_46 257.4 67.8 0.057 6507_7_5 172.5 94.1 0.064 6507_7_8 170.7 85.3 0.064 6507_7_A_53 223.7 59.7 0.035 6507_7_A_23 209.8 24.8 0.073 6507_7_A_56 147.1 51.1 0.070 6507_7_2 104.7 69.8 0.051 6507_7_A_43 164.8 44.8 0.037 6507_7_A_49 83.8 28.2 0.057

Zone 6: Well 6507_7_A_17: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_33: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_40: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_43: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_46: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_49: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_50: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_51: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_52: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_53: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_A_35 478.4 163.8 0.121 6507_7_A_9 307.9 164.0 0.066 6507_7_A_27 233.1 129.1 0.060 6507_7_5 201.6 140.2 0.065 6507_7_6 222.1 92.9 0.052 6507_7_3 109.1 67.1 0.058 6507_7_4 125.4 69.5 0.028 6507_7_A_23 162.6 45.5 0.008 6507_7_2 68.5 52.6 0.047 6507_7_A_56 45.7 38.0 0.054 6507_7_8 49.1 19.7 0.056

Zone 7: Well 6507_7_3: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_4: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_5: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_6: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_8: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_17: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_23: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_27: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_33: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_35: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_40: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_43: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_46: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_49: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_50: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_51: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_52: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_53: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_56: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_9: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_2 21.2 15.9 0.010

Building multizone background: Building trend in multizone background: Writing SEGY file Gankrun_MultizoneBG_25Oct2013_06Cube_test1/background/Background_Trend_Vp.segy...done

Writing SEGY file Gankrun_MultizoneBG_25Oct2013_06Cube_test1/background/Background_Trend_Vs.segy.

okATnr commented 10 years ago

Hi It is not easy to see from this log-file that there is a problem that the wavelet length is too long.

What I see related to the wavelet estimation which is strange is the output is:

Settings for AVO stack 1: Angle : 7.0 SegY start time : 0.0 Data : 06near16.segy Estimate wavelet : yes Signal-to-noise ratio : 2.8

It seems that you want CRAVA to estimate the wavelet, but not the signal to noise ratio. Which you fix at 2.8. If this is the case this is not a good practice. If you want to run CRAVA with an estimated wavelet and a given Signal to noise ratio, you should run CRAVA in estimation mode, to get the Estimated wavelets and then use these wavelets as input to the model, together with a fixed signal to noise ratio. (You do the same for several stacks)


From: ganpan [] Sent: 29. oktober 2013 15:55 To: CRAVA/crava Cc: Odd Kolbjørnsen Subject: Re: [crava] wavelet length estimated too long (#47)

Hi, FYI. Thanks.

Best regards,


From: okATnr [] Sent: 29. oktober 2013 15:33 To: CRAVA/crava Cc: Ganpan Ke Subject: Re: [crava] wavelet length estimated too long (#47)

Hi Ganpan If you want us to look into this please send

1)log file and 2)model file,

for one case where this occurs.

Best Odd

From: ganpan [] Sent: 29. oktober 2013 14:50 To: CRAVA/crava Subject: [crava] wavelet length estimated too long (#47)

I have observed in some cases the CRAVA estimated too long wavelet than what we expected. The default wavelet length in CRAVA is 200ms. And the CRAVA estimated wavelet should usually be close to 200ms. But there are some cases CRAVA estimate wavelets which are as long as 2000ms. It will easily end to an abortion because there are usually no wells have such long continuous logs.

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* C R A V A - 4.0.0 beta *

Compiled: Oct 25 2013/03:57:18

License expiration : Never Licensed to : Norsk Regnesentral/Statoil

Log written by : gank Date and time : Fri Oct 25 16:58:36 2013 Host : tr-lcdapp02

* Model settings *

General settings: Modelling mode : prediction Kriging : no Facies probabilities : yes Synthetic seismic : no

Settings for facies probability estimation: Use elastic parameters relative to trend : yes Include Vs information in estimation : yes Use filtered well logs for estimation : yes

Input/Output settings: Log level : HIGH Output directory : Gankrun_MultizoneBG_25Oct2013_06Cube_test1/

Grid output formats: Segy - SeisWorks : yes

Grid output domains: Time : yes

Output of elastic parameters: Pressure-wave velocity (Vp) : yes Shear-wave velocity (Vs) : yes Density (Rho) : yes Vp/Vs ratio : yes Background (Vp, Vs, Rho) : yes Background trend (Vp, Vs, Rho) : yes

Output of facies probability volumes: Facies probabilities : yes

Other grid output: Posterior correlations : yes

Advanced settings: Use intermediate disk storage for grids : no RMS panel mode : no Smallest allowed length increment (dxy) : 5.00 Smallest allowed time increment (dt) : 0.50

Unit settings/assumptions: Time : ms TWT Frequency : Hz Length : m Velocities : m/s Density : g/cm3 Angles : degrees (clockwise relative to north when applicable)

Settings for well processing: Threshold for merging log entries : 0.01 ms Threshold for Vp-Vs rank correlation : 0.99 Threshold for deviation angle : 30.0 (=0.58m/ms TWT) High cut for background modelling : 9.0 High cut for seismic resolution : 40.0 Estimate Vp-Vs ratio from well data : yes

Range of allowed parameter values: Vp - min : 1500 Vp - max : 4500 Vs - min : 100 Vs - max : 3000 Rho - min : 1.6 Rho - max : 2.8

Well logs: Time : TWT p-wave velocity : VP s-wave velocity : VS Density : RHOB Facies : FACIES

Well files: 1 : log_data/NO_6507_7_2.rms 2 : log_data/NO_6507_7_3.rms 3 : log_data/NO_6507_7_4.rms 4 : log_data/NO_6507_7_5.rms 5 : log_data/NO_6507_7_6.rms 6 : log_data/NO_6507_7_8.rms 7 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_17.rms 8 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_23.rms 9 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_27.rms 10 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_33.rms 11 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_35.rms 12 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_40.rms 13 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_43.rms 14 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_46.rms 15 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_49.rms 16 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_50.rms 17 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_51.rms 18 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_52.rms 19 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_53.rms 20 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_56.rms 21 : log_data/NO_6507_7_A_9.rms

Use well in estimation of: BackgroundTrend WaveletEstimation FaciesProbabilities 1 : yes no no 2 : yes yes yes 3 : yes yes yes 4 : yes no yes 5 : yes yes yes 6 : yes no no 7 : yes no no 8 : yes no no 9 : yes no no 10 : yes no no 11 : yes no no 12 : yes no no 13 : yes no no 14 : yes no no 15 : yes no no 16 : yes no no 17 : yes no no 18 : yes no no 19 : yes no no 20 : yes no no 21 : yes no no

Inversion area taken from grid Grid : 06near16.segy In-line start : 180 In-line end : 1500 In-line step : 1 Cross-line start : 900 Cross-line end : 1700 Cross-line step : 1

Time surfaces: Top surface : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Base_springar-300ms_chopped.storm Base surface : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Aare1+300ms_chopped.storm Number of layers : 300 Minimum allowed value for lmin/lmax : 0.41

Wavelet estimation interval: Start time : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Base_springar_for_wavelet_refined.storm Stop time : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Aare1_for_wavelet_refined.storm

Background model (estimated): Variogram Model : Generalised exponential Power : 1.0 Range : 1000.0 Subrange : 100.0 Azimuth : -0.0 High cut frequency for well logs : 9.0

Multizone background model: Top surface file : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Base_springar-300ms_chopped.storm Top surface erosion priority : 1

Zone 1 Base surface file : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Base_springar_chopped.storm Base surface erosion priority : 2 Base surface Beta uncertainty : 60.0 Correlation structure : Base

Zone 2 Base surface file : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Garn_chopped.storm Base surface erosion priority : 3 Base surface Beta uncertainty : 60.0 Correlation structure : Base

Zone 3 Base surface file : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Ile1_chopped.storm Base surface erosion priority : 4 Base surface Beta uncertainty : 60.0 Correlation structure : Base

Zone 4 Base surface file : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Tilje34_chopped.storm Base surface erosion priority : 5 Base surface Beta uncertainty : 60.0 Correlation structure : Base

Zone 5 Base surface file : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Aare62_chopped.storm Base surface erosion priority : 6 Base surface Beta uncertainty : 60.0 Correlation structure : Base

Zone 6 Base surface file : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Aare1_chopped.storm Base surface erosion priority : 7 Base surface Beta uncertainty : 60.0 Correlation structure : Base

Zone 7 Base surface file : Horizons/Horizons_fra_oyvind/Top_Aare1+300ms_chopped.storm Base surface erosion priority : 8 Base surface Beta uncertainty : 0.0 Correlation structure : Top

Prior correlation (of residuals): Range of allowed parameter values: Var{Vp} - min : 5.0e-04 Var{Vp} - max : 2.5e-02 Var{Vs} - min : 1.0e-03 Var{Vs} - max : 5.0e-02 Var{Rho} - min : 2.0e-04 Var{Rho} - max : 1.0e-02 Lateral correlation: Model : Generalised exponential Power : 1.0 Range : 1000.0

Prior facies probabilities: Nonsand : 0.50 Sand : 0.50

General settings for seismic: White noise component : 0.10 Low cut for inversion : 8.0 High cut for inversion : 50.0 Guard zone outside interval of interest : 100.0 ms Smoothing length in guard zone : 100.0 ms Interpolation threshold : 0.0 ms Angular correlation: Model : Generalised exponential Power : 1.0 Range : 10.0

General settings for wavelet: Minimum relative amplitude : 0.040 Wavelet tapering length : 200.0 Tuning factor for 3D wavelet estimation : 50.0 Smoothing range for gradient (3D wavelet): 100.0 Estimate well gradient for seismic data : no

Settings for AVO stack 1: Angle : 7.0 SegY start time : 0.0 Data : 06near16.segy Estimate wavelet : yes Signal-to-noise ratio : 2.8

Settings for AVO stack 2: Angle : 21.0 SegY start time : 0.0 Data : 06mid16.segy Estimate wavelet : yes Signal-to-noise ratio : 2.8

Settings for AVO stack 3: Angle : 33.0 SegY start time : 0.0 Data : 06far16.segy Estimate wavelet : yes Signal-to-noise ratio : 3.0

* Defining modelling grid *

Finding inversion area from grid data in file '06near16.segy'

Seismic data of type 'SIP' detected This traceheader format has the following values:

utmxLoc utmyLoc inlineLoc crosslineLoc scalcoLoc

181 185 189 193 71

Largest distance between trace location and centre of assigned grid node: 1.00m

ReferencePoint Length Increment

X-coordinate 412680.23 14262.59 12.50 Y-coordinate 7243699.35 20999.63 12.50 Azimuth 23.420

Inline Crossline

Start End Step Start End Step

SEGY-grid 141 1820 1 670 1810 1 Requested 180 1500 1 900 1700 1

Resolution x0 y0 lx ly azimuth dx dy

Grid data 414135.75 7243600.50 10012.56 16512.21 23.420 12.50 12.50

Time output interval: Two-way-time avg / min / max : 1952.0 / 1505.9 / 3359.5 Interval thickness avg / min / max : 892.1 / 600.0 / 1100.4 Sampling density avg / min / max : 2.97 / 3.67 / 2.00

Padding sizes estimated from lateral correlation ranges in internal grid: xPad, xPadFac, nx, nxPad : 488m, 0.049, 801, 840 yPad, yPadFac, ny, nyPad : 637m, 0.039, 1321, 1372

Padding sizes estimated from an assumed wavelet length: zPad, zPadFac, nz, nzPad : 200ms, 0.333, 300, 400

Time simulation grids: Output grid 801 * 1321 * 300 : 317436300 FFT grid 840 * 1372 * 400 : 460992000

* Reading and processing wells *

FaciesLabel FaciesName

0 Nonsand 1 Sand

6507_7_2 : Set undefined: time = 2130.54 Vp = 4762.50 Set undefined: time = 2163.77 Rho = 3.14 Set undefined: time = 2179.69 Rho = 2.97 Set undefined: time = 2185.86 Rho = 2.91 Set undefined: time = 2187.22 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2190.63 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2253.86 Vp = 4507.21 Set undefined: time = 2274.47 Rho = 1.43 Set undefined: time = 2274.58 Rho = 1.44 Set undefined: time = 2299.22 Rho = 1.39 Set undefined: time = 2299.33 Rho = 1.56 Set undefined: time = 2299.43 Rho = 1.59 Set undefined: time = 2299.52 Rho = 1.41 Set undefined: time = 2305.66 Vp = 4771.57 Set undefined: time = 2305.75 Vp = 5358.96 Set undefined: time = 2305.75 Vs = 3287.15 Set undefined: time = 2305.84 Vp = 5605.52 Set undefined: time = 2305.84 Vs = 3413.52 Set undefined: time = 2305.93 Vp = 5467.36 Set undefined: time = 2305.93 Vs = 3310.49 Set undefined: time = 2306.02 Vp = 5017.53 Set undefined: time = 2306.02 Vs = 3000.49 Set undefined: time = 2309.19 Rho = 1.41 Set undefined: time = 2344.48 Vp = 1493.24 Set undefined: time = 2344.58 Vp = 1490.47 Set undefined: time = 2344.68 Vp = 1486.83 Set undefined: time = 2344.79 Vp = 1492.28 Set undefined: time = 2365.68 Rho = 1.46 Set undefined: time = 2368.65 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2368.75 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2368.85 Vp = 4540.78 Set undefined: time = 2368.85 Rho = 1.37 Set undefined: time = 2374.40 Vp = 4955.90 Set undefined: time = 2374.40 Vs = 3006.52 Set undefined: time = 2374.40 Rho = 3.76 Set undefined: time = 2374.49 Vp = 5232.62 Set undefined: time = 2374.49 Vs = 3148.14 Set undefined: time = 2374.49 Rho = 3.52 Set undefined: time = 2374.58 Vp = 4976.48 Set undefined: time = 2374.58 Rho = 3.24 Set undefined: time = 2374.67 Vp = 4566.50 Set undefined: time = 2374.67 Rho = 2.94 Set undefined: time = 2377.93 Rho = 3.20 Set undefined: time = 2383.77 Rho = 1.50 Set undefined: time = 2384.76 Rho = 1.52 Set undefined: time = 2389.16 Rho = 3.04 Set undefined: time = 2389.72 Rho = 1.54 Set undefined: time = 2389.84 Rho = 1.54 Set undefined: time = 2390.07 Rho = 1.35 Set undefined: time = 2390.75 Rho = 1.52 Set undefined: time = 2390.98 Rho = 1.37 Set undefined: time = 2391.33 Rho = 1.60 Set undefined: time = 2394.75 Rho = 1.60 Set undefined: time = 2398.63 Rho = 1.57 Set undefined: time = 2398.73 Rho = 1.19 Set undefined: time = 2398.84 Rho = 1.15 Set undefined: time = 2399.35 Rho = 1.04 Set undefined: time = 2399.97 Rho = 1.39 Set undefined: time = 2400.07 Rho = 1.31 Set undefined: time = 2400.28 Rho = 1.22 Set undefined: time = 2407.62 Rho = 1.43 Set undefined: time = 2407.73 Rho = 1.34 Set undefined: time = 2407.95 Rho = 1.55 Set undefined: time = 2408.61 Rho = 1.48 Set undefined: time = 2409.05 Rho = 1.54 Set undefined: time = 2409.16 Rho = 1.59 Set undefined: time = 2409.59 Rho = 1.50 Set undefined: time = 2409.70 Rho = 1.37 Set undefined: time = 2411.38 Rho = 1.36 Set undefined: time = 2433.92 Rho = 1.58 Set undefined: time = 2464.13 Rho = 3.10 Set undefined: time = 2489.26 Rho = 1.53 Set undefined: time = 2489.36 Rho = 1.44 Set undefined: time = 2489.47 Rho = 1.41 Set undefined: time = 2489.57 Rho = 1.33 Set undefined: time = 2489.68 Rho = 1.49 Set undefined: time = 2489.78 Rho = 1.50 Set undefined: time = 2497.08 Rho = 3.27 Set undefined: time = 2499.92 Rho = 2.91 Set undefined: time = 2511.29 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2511.47 Vp = 4626.79 Set undefined: time = 2511.55 Vp = 4876.67 Set undefined: time = 2511.64 Vp = 5122.60 Set undefined: time = 2511.64 Vs = 3136.02 Set undefined: time = 2511.64 Rho = 2.97 Set undefined: time = 2511.73 Vp = 5243.87 Set undefined: time = 2511.73 Vs = 3211.77 Set undefined: time = 2511.82 Vp = 5166.17 Set undefined: time = 2511.82 Vs = 3189.12 Set undefined: time = 2511.91 Vp = 4867.24 Set undefined: time = 2560.72 Rho = 1.47 Set undefined: time = 2561.08 Rho = 1.43 Set undefined: time = 2561.20 Rho = 1.47 Set undefined: time = 2563.00 Rho = 1.47 Set undefined: time = 2563.12 Rho = 1.37 Set undefined: time = 2564.20 Rho = 1.59 Set undefined: time = 2565.65 Rho = 1.38 Set undefined: time = 2565.75 Rho = 1.55 Set undefined: time = 2567.44 Rho = 1.36 Set undefined: time = 2568.75 Rho = 3.43 Set undefined: time = 2570.49 Rho = 1.56 Set undefined: time = 2570.58 Rho = 1.41 Set undefined: time = 2572.64 Rho = 1.56 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:22 Vs:9 Rho:72) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.995, but well log is defined as real. Maximum local deviation is 3.3 degrees. 6507_7_3 : Set undefined: time = 2261.01 Rho = 2.97 Set undefined: time = 2261.10 Rho = 3.27 Set undefined: time = 2301.12 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2301.21 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2301.31 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2302.66 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2302.86 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2302.95 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2325.61 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2325.72 Rho = 3.09 Set undefined: time = 2341.76 Vp = 4689.21 Set undefined: time = 2341.86 Vp = 4743.97 Set undefined: time = 2346.63 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2348.02 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2355.41 Rho = 3.06 Set undefined: time = 2356.34 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2356.72 Rho = 2.94 Set undefined: time = 2360.30 Vp = 4557.76 Set undefined: time = 2364.80 Rho = 2.92 Set undefined: time = 2365.46 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2387.27 Vp = 4507.17 Set undefined: time = 2387.36 Vp = 4635.71 Set undefined: time = 2387.45 Vp = 4790.57 Set undefined: time = 2387.53 Vp = 4540.84 Set undefined: time = 2457.54 Rho = 1.47 Set undefined: time = 2457.64 Rho = 1.44 Set undefined: time = 2457.73 Rho = 1.49 Set undefined: time = 2470.06 Vp = 4771.82 Set undefined: time = 2510.04 Vp = 4734.76 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:9 Vs:0 Rho:20) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.997, but well log is defined as real. Maximum local deviation is 1.6 degrees. 6507_7_4 : Set undefined: time = 2338.56 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2338.66 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2338.76 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2408.70 Vp = 4626.91 Set undefined: time = 2408.79 Vp = 4680.23 Set undefined: time = 2414.48 Vp = 4857.37 Set undefined: time = 2414.57 Vp = 4609.49 Set undefined: time = 2414.66 Vp = 4566.32 Set undefined: time = 2444.96 Vp = 4752.89 Set undefined: time = 2445.05 Vp = 5277.92 Set undefined: time = 2445.05 Vs = 3183.39 Set undefined: time = 2445.15 Vp = 5166.19 Set undefined: time = 2445.15 Vs = 3094.23 Set undefined: time = 2445.25 Vp = 4653.68 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:9 Vs:2 Rho:3) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.998, but well log is defined as real. Maximum local deviation is 2.5 degrees. 6507_7_5 : Set undefined: time = 2182.12 Vp = 4790.62 Set undefined: time = 2221.09 Vp = 4566.23 Set undefined: time = 2221.18 Vp = 5038.01 Set undefined: time = 2221.18 Vs = 3092.62 Set undefined: time = 2221.28 Vp = 5080.00 Set undefined: time = 2221.28 Vs = 3124.24 Set undefined: time = 2221.38 Vp = 4819.02 Set undefined: time = 2225.78 Vp = 4818.89 Set undefined: time = 2225.86 Vp = 5312.42 Set undefined: time = 2225.86 Vs = 3005.82 Set undefined: time = 2225.94 Vp = 5232.62 Set undefined: time = 2226.02 Vp = 5188.09 Set undefined: time = 2226.10 Vp = 5166.11 Set undefined: time = 2226.18 Vp = 5069.44 Set undefined: time = 2226.18 Vs = 3039.05 Set undefined: time = 2226.26 Vp = 5166.10 Set undefined: time = 2226.34 Vp = 5199.14 Set undefined: time = 2226.34 Vs = 3017.38 Set undefined: time = 2226.42 Vp = 5359.10 Set undefined: time = 2226.42 Vs = 3334.40 Set undefined: time = 2226.50 Vp = 5567.12 Set undefined: time = 2226.50 Vs = 3167.12 Set undefined: time = 2226.58 Vp = 5529.25 Set undefined: time = 2226.58 Vs = 3462.53 Set undefined: time = 2226.66 Vp = 5529.25 Set undefined: time = 2226.66 Vs = 3148.99 Set undefined: time = 2226.74 Vp = 5467.28 Set undefined: time = 2226.74 Vs = 3249.78 Set undefined: time = 2226.82 Vp = 4936.11 Set undefined: time = 2261.72 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2284.79 Vp = 4515.56 Set undefined: time = 2284.79 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2298.21 Rho = 2.99 Set undefined: time = 2300.50 Vp = 4515.56 Set undefined: time = 2324.43 Vp = 4626.87 Set undefined: time = 2324.52 Vp = 4847.71 Set undefined: time = 2324.61 Vp = 4781.20 Set undefined: time = 2324.70 Vp = 4523.97 Set undefined: time = 2334.79 Vp = 4532.22 Set undefined: time = 2334.89 Vp = 5017.28 Set undefined: time = 2334.98 Vp = 4549.37 Set undefined: time = 2348.31 Rho = 2.93 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:28 Vs:10 Rho:4) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.996, but well log is defined as real. Maximum local deviation is 0.8 degrees. 6507_7_6 : Set undefined: time = 2044.53 Vp = 4557.77 Set undefined: time = 2044.62 Vp = 5277.92 Set undefined: time = 2044.62 Vs = 3273.28 Set undefined: time = 2044.72 Vp = 5188.08 Set undefined: time = 2044.72 Vs = 3205.62 Set undefined: time = 2045.83 Vp = 4523.95 Set undefined: time = 2045.92 Vp = 4753.22 Set undefined: time = 2199.84 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2215.91 Vp = 4566.29 Set undefined: time = 2216.39 Vp = 4644.60 Set undefined: time = 2216.49 Vp = 4867.07 Set undefined: time = 2216.58 Vp = 4653.41 Set undefined: time = 2254.16 Vp = 4566.30 Set undefined: time = 2254.25 Vp = 4635.74 Set undefined: time = 2265.56 Rho = 2.95 Set undefined: time = 2265.65 Vp = 4583.46 Set undefined: time = 2265.65 Rho = 2.82 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:12 Vs:2 Rho:3) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.971. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 4.4 degrees. 6507_7_8 : Set undefined: time = 2339.10 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2339.19 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2339.28 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2339.37 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2340.60 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2389.00 Rho = 2.90 Set undefined: time = 2389.10 Rho = 2.99 Set undefined: time = 2389.19 Rho = 2.95 Set undefined: time = 2389.29 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2389.38 Rho = 3.04 Set undefined: time = 2389.48 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2389.86 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2389.95 Rho = 2.93 Set undefined: time = 2396.65 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2413.82 Vp = 4930.86 Set undefined: time = 2413.91 Vp = 5166.10 Set undefined: time = 2413.91 Vs = 3028.12 Set undefined: time = 2419.40 Vp = 4734.76 Set undefined: time = 2419.49 Vp = 4680.27 Set undefined: time = 2419.68 Vp = 5128.03 Set undefined: time = 2419.68 Vs = 3101.37 Set undefined: time = 2421.77 Vp = 5144.30 Set undefined: time = 2421.77 Vs = 3118.51 Set undefined: time = 2421.86 Vp = 4609.59 Set undefined: time = 2476.83 Vp = 4626.86 Set undefined: time = 2476.92 Vp = 4781.18 Set undefined: time = 2501.65 Rho = 1.49 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:9 Vs:3 Rho:15) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.993, but well log is defined as real. Maximum local deviation is 2.6 degrees. 6507_7_A_17 : Set undefined: time = 2164.21 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2164.28 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2164.35 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2172.33 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2172.77 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2172.84 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2172.92 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2172.99 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2173.06 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2173.14 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2173.21 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2173.28 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2173.36 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2192.84 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2208.81 Vp = 4511.73 Set undefined: time = 2208.90 Vp = 4829.41 Set undefined: time = 2208.98 Vp = 5048.27 Set undefined: time = 2209.06 Vp = 5147.93 Set undefined: time = 2209.15 Vp = 5249.43 Set undefined: time = 2209.23 Vp = 5402.84 Set undefined: time = 2209.31 Vp = 5288.18 Set undefined: time = 2209.39 Vp = 4635.17 Set undefined: time = 2224.51 Rho = 2.93 Set undefined: time = 2229.17 Vp = 4612.55 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:9 Vs:0 Rho:15) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.667. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 63.6 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_23 : Set undefined: time = 2039.80 Rho = 3.44 Set undefined: time = 2039.89 Rho = 3.45 Set undefined: time = 2041.20 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2041.29 Rho = 3.21 Set undefined: time = 2111.36 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2113.03 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2113.10 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2113.68 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2134.32 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2137.19 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2137.28 Rho = 3.08 Set undefined: time = 2142.85 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2147.25 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2147.79 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2147.88 Rho = 2.91 Set undefined: time = 2147.97 Rho = 2.90 Set undefined: time = 2148.06 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2148.15 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2149.41 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2149.50 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2149.58 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2164.03 Rho = 3.15 Set undefined: time = 2164.12 Rho = 3.14 Set undefined: time = 2169.86 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2198.20 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2198.28 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2198.66 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2198.74 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2239.99 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2246.77 Rho = 1.53 Set undefined: time = 2266.89 Rho = 1.42 Set undefined: time = 2266.96 Rho = 1.36 Set undefined: time = 2267.03 Rho = 1.49 Set undefined: time = 2267.11 Rho = 1.36 Set undefined: time = 2267.18 Rho = 1.45 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:0 Vs:0 Rho:35) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.597. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 56.0 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_27 : Set undefined: time = 2253.66 Rho = 1.31 Set undefined: time = 2253.78 Rho = 1.39 Set undefined: time = 2261.89 Rho = 2.90 Set undefined: time = 2263.61 Rho = 1.52 Set undefined: time = 2300.09 Rho = 1.57 Set undefined: time = 2314.52 Rho = 1.48 Set undefined: time = 2314.63 Rho = 1.32 Set undefined: time = 2314.75 Rho = 1.32 Set undefined: time = 2314.86 Rho = 1.57 Set undefined: time = 2336.40 Rho = 1.56 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:0 Vs:0 Rho:10) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.605. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 23.3 degrees. 6507_7_A_33 : Set undefined: time = 2165.71 Vp = 4660.29 Set undefined: time = 2165.81 Vp = 4503.99 Set undefined: time = 2166.24 Vp = 4505.93 Set undefined: time = 2166.34 Vp = 4631.26 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:4 Vs:0 Rho:0) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.555. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 47.1 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_35 : Set undefined: time = 2231.33 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2231.36 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2231.40 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2231.43 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2297.50 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2297.56 Rho = 2.97 Set undefined: time = 2297.62 Rho = 2.91 Set undefined: time = 2330.08 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2330.14 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2330.19 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2347.79 Vp = 4560.89 Set undefined: time = 2374.36 Vp = 4562.56 Set undefined: time = 2374.42 Vp = 4841.38 Set undefined: time = 2374.47 Vp = 5013.85 Set undefined: time = 2374.53 Vp = 5007.84 Set undefined: time = 2374.59 Vp = 4927.15 Set undefined: time = 2374.65 Vp = 4916.53 Set undefined: time = 2374.71 Vp = 4946.68 Set undefined: time = 2374.77 Vp = 4878.23 Set undefined: time = 2374.83 Vp = 4662.82 Set undefined: time = 2389.66 Vp = 4642.03 Set undefined: time = 2389.72 Vp = 5061.12 Set undefined: time = 2389.78 Vp = 5355.78 Set undefined: time = 2389.84 Vp = 5460.85 Set undefined: time = 2389.91 Vp = 5562.11 Set undefined: time = 2389.97 Vp = 5667.04 Set undefined: time = 2390.03 Vp = 5734.73 Set undefined: time = 2390.09 Vp = 5748.70 Set undefined: time = 2390.15 Vp = 5671.87 Set undefined: time = 2390.21 Vp = 5635.19 Set undefined: time = 2390.27 Vp = 5047.54 Set undefined: time = 2412.25 Vp = 4552.43 Set undefined: time = 2412.31 Vp = 4758.93 Set undefined: time = 2412.37 Vp = 4779.20 Set undefined: time = 2412.43 Vp = 4720.56 Set undefined: time = 2412.49 Vp = 4654.25 Set undefined: time = 2412.56 Vp = 4604.23 Set undefined: time = 2412.62 Vp = 4548.06 Set undefined: time = 2414.18 Vp = 4610.13 Set undefined: time = 2414.24 Vp = 4889.87 Set undefined: time = 2414.29 Vp = 5103.87 Set undefined: time = 2414.35 Vp = 5311.10 Set undefined: time = 2414.41 Vp = 5290.49 Set undefined: time = 2414.47 Vp = 5184.38 Set undefined: time = 2414.53 Vp = 4951.28 Set undefined: time = 2414.58 Vp = 4710.75 Set undefined: time = 2414.64 Vp = 4512.46 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:37 Vs:0 Rho:10) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.701. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 74.0 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_40 : Set undefined: time = 2061.11 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2061.56 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2061.67 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2061.79 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2168.01 Rho = 2.87 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:0 Vs:0 Rho:5) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.674. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 40.5 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_43 : Set undefined: time = 2095.52 Rho = 1.60 Set undefined: time = 2095.62 Rho = 1.60 Set undefined: time = 2095.71 Rho = 1.60 Set undefined: time = 2184.91 Rho = 2.80 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:0 Vs:0 Rho:4) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.590. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 24.5 degrees. 6507_7_A_46 : Set undefined: time = 2036.14 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2036.29 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2036.43 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2065.53 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2065.67 Rho = 2.95 Set undefined: time = 2065.81 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2083.50 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2094.90 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2095.17 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2097.77 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2097.84 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2137.66 Rho = 2.99 Set undefined: time = 2163.73 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2164.54 Rho = 2.85 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:0 Vs:0 Rho:14) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.832. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 30.8 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_49 : Set undefined: time = 2159.47 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2295.82 Rho = 2.80 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:0 Vs:0 Rho:2) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.762. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 40.5 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_50 : Set undefined: time = 2180.34 Rho = 3.79 Set undefined: time = 2180.41 Rho = 3.28 Set undefined: time = 2205.53 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2286.90 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2286.97 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2287.03 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2307.02 Vp = 4602.23 Set undefined: time = 2307.07 Vp = 4669.70 Set undefined: time = 2307.13 Vp = 4647.79 Set undefined: time = 2307.19 Vp = 4548.67 Set undefined: time = 2338.98 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2339.03 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2339.09 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2339.15 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2339.77 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2339.83 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2339.88 Rho = 2.90 Set undefined: time = 2339.94 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2340.00 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2340.05 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2340.11 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2340.40 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2340.45 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2340.51 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2343.52 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2343.57 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2343.63 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2343.69 Rho = 2.86 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:4 Vs:0 Rho:24) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.703. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 68.1 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_51 : Set undefined: time = 2329.70 Vp = 4508.06 Set undefined: time = 2329.75 Vp = 4911.73 Set undefined: time = 2329.81 Vp = 5066.32 Set undefined: time = 2329.86 Vp = 4959.51 Set undefined: time = 2329.92 Vp = 4694.49 Set undefined: time = 2420.90 Vp = 4534.70 Set undefined: time = 2420.96 Vp = 4535.51 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:7 Vs:0 Rho:0) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.675. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 67.3 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_52 : Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.910. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 62.6 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_53 : Set undefined: time = 2158.94 Rho = 3.00 Set undefined: time = 2159.01 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2172.94 Vp = 4887.21 Set undefined: time = 2173.00 Vp = 4801.60 Set undefined: time = 2173.07 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2173.13 Rho = 3.00 Set undefined: time = 2173.20 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2176.34 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2176.40 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2177.38 Vp = 4725.12 Set undefined: time = 2177.45 Vp = 4964.74 Set undefined: time = 2177.51 Vp = 4703.76 Set undefined: time = 2177.78 Rho = 2.90 Set undefined: time = 2177.84 Rho = 2.98 Set undefined: time = 2179.87 Rho = 2.95 Set undefined: time = 2179.94 Rho = 3.00 Set undefined: time = 2180.00 Rho = 3.00 Set undefined: time = 2180.46 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2182.56 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2182.69 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2183.68 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2183.74 Rho = 2.93 Set undefined: time = 2187.83 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2297.69 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2297.75 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2297.81 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2297.87 Rho = 2.86 Set undefined: time = 2298.76 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2298.82 Rho = 2.88 Set undefined: time = 2298.87 Rho = 2.95 Set undefined: time = 2298.93 Rho = 2.91 Set undefined: time = 2299.23 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2301.43 Vp = 4502.18 Set undefined: time = 2301.49 Vp = 4505.08 Set undefined: time = 2301.61 Vp = 4662.82 Set undefined: time = 2301.67 Vp = 4756.80 Set undefined: time = 2301.73 Vp = 4957.81 Set undefined: time = 2301.79 Vp = 4862.86 Set undefined: time = 2301.85 Vp = 4630.77 Set undefined: time = 2301.91 Vp = 4569.18 Set undefined: time = 2322.76 Vp = 4521.16 Set undefined: time = 2322.83 Vp = 4640.96 Set undefined: time = 2332.54 Rho = 2.94 Set undefined: time = 2332.60 Rho = 3.00 Set undefined: time = 2332.67 Rho = 2.91 Set undefined: time = 2332.73 Rho = 3.00 Set undefined: time = 2339.32 Vp = 4752.01 Set undefined: time = 2339.39 Vp = 5392.08 Set undefined: time = 2339.45 Vp = 4825.64 Set undefined: time = 2339.71 Rho = 2.94 Set undefined: time = 2341.15 Vp = 4688.64 Set undefined: time = 2341.21 Vp = 5143.66 Set undefined: time = 2341.28 Vp = 4948.25 Set undefined: time = 2348.78 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2348.85 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2349.17 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2350.22 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2359.42 Rho = 2.89 Set undefined: time = 2364.77 Vp = 4633.53 Set undefined: time = 2364.83 Vp = 5000.71 Set undefined: time = 2364.90 Vp = 5169.98 Set undefined: time = 2364.96 Vp = 5029.40 Set undefined: time = 2365.03 Vp = 4521.39 Set undefined: time = 2387.77 Rho = 3.00 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:26 Vs:0 Rho:38) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.750. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 61.7 degrees. Well is treated as deviated. 6507_7_A_56 : Set undefined: time = 2131.94 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2132.05 Rho = 2.90 Set undefined: time = 2136.54 Vp = 5046.90 Set undefined: time = 2136.65 Vp = 5769.84 Set undefined: time = 2136.76 Vp = 5895.38 Set undefined: time = 2136.86 Vp = 5474.66 Set undefined: time = 2136.97 Vp = 4657.97 Set undefined: time = 2138.06 Vp = 4826.73 Set undefined: time = 2138.06 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2138.16 Vp = 5168.69 Set undefined: time = 2138.27 Vp = 5272.81 Set undefined: time = 2138.38 Vp = 4915.08 Set undefined: time = 2138.71 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2235.37 Rho = 2.94 Set undefined: time = 2235.48 Rho = 2.85 Set undefined: time = 2236.38 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2245.42 Rho = 3.15 Set undefined: time = 2245.53 Rho = 3.15 Set undefined: time = 2245.87 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2279.33 Vp = 4517.22 Set undefined: time = 2279.44 Vp = 4628.65 Set undefined: time = 2279.56 Vp = 4565.07 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:12 Vs:0 Rho:10) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.663. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 22.8 degrees. 6507_7_A_9 : Set undefined: time = 2163.83 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2165.94 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2202.65 Rho = 2.81 Set undefined: time = 2202.71 Rho = 2.83 Set undefined: time = 2202.76 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2236.37 Vp = 4567.20 Set undefined: time = 2236.43 Vp = 4742.86 Set undefined: time = 2236.43 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2236.49 Vp = 4712.72 Set undefined: time = 2236.49 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2250.04 Vp = 4572.20 Set undefined: time = 2250.09 Vp = 4691.25 Set undefined: time = 2250.14 Vp = 4662.61 Set undefined: time = 2250.19 Vp = 4543.14 Set undefined: time = 2252.54 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2262.33 Rho = 2.87 Set undefined: time = 2264.87 Rho = 2.84 Set undefined: time = 2275.20 Vp = 4500.82 Set undefined: time = 2300.34 Rho = 2.82 Set undefined: time = 2341.54 Vp = 4591.76 Set undefined: time = 2341.59 Vp = 4658.06 Set undefined: time = 2341.63 Vp = 4648.61 Set undefined: time = 2341.68 Vp = 4567.85 Set undefined: time = 2344.28 Rho = 1.52 Set undefined: time = 2344.33 Rho = 1.46 Set undefined: time = 2344.37 Rho = 1.52 Set undefined: time = 2365.80 Rho = 1.44 Set undefined: time = 2365.85 Rho = 1.50 Set undefined: time = 2375.90 Vp = 4620.46 Set undefined: time = 2375.94 Vp = 4748.65 Set undefined: time = 2375.98 Vp = 4819.74 Set undefined: time = 2376.02 Vp = 4829.97 Set undefined: time = 2376.06 Vp = 4762.18 Set undefined: time = 2376.10 Vp = 4604.60 Set undefined: time = 2399.90 Rho = 0.03 Set undefined: time = 2400.37 Rho = 0.54 Set undefined: time = 2400.46 Rho = 3.21 Set undefined: time = 2400.51 Rho = 2.80 Set undefined: time = 2401.07 Rho = 0.20 Set undefined: time = 2401.11 Rho = 0.36 Log entries have been set undefined (Vp:18 Vs:0 Rho:22) Vp-Vs rank correlation is 0.848. (Well log is defined as real.) Maximum local deviation is 72.6 degrees. Well is treated as deviated.


Well Merges Vp Vs Rho synthVs/Corr Deviated/Angle

6507_7_2 0 22 9 72 no / 0.995 no / 3.3 6507_7_3 0 9 0 20 no / 0.997 no / 1.6 6507_7_4 0 9 2 3 no / 0.998 no / 2.5 6507_7_5 0 28 10 4 no / 0.996 no / 0.8 6507_7_6 0 12 2 3 no / 0.971 no / 4.4 6507_7_8 0 9 3 15 no / 0.993 no / 2.6 6507_7_A_17 0 9 0 15 no / 0.667 yes / 63.6 6507_7_A_23 0 0 0 35 no / 0.597 yes / 56.0 6507_7_A_27 0 0 0 10 no / 0.605 no / 23.3 6507_7_A_33 0 4 0 0 no / 0.555 yes / 47.1 6507_7_A_35 0 37 0 10 no / 0.701 yes / 74.0 6507_7_A_40 0 0 0 5 no / 0.674 yes / 40.5 6507_7_A_43 0 0 0 4 no / 0.590 no / 24.5 6507_7_A_46 0 0 0 14 no / 0.832 yes / 30.8 6507_7_A_49 0 0 0 2 no / 0.762 yes / 40.5 6507_7_A_50 0 4 0 24 no / 0.703 yes / 68.1 6507_7_A_51 0 7 0 0 no / 0.675 yes / 67.3 6507_7_A_52 0 0 0 0 no / 0.910 yes / 62.6 6507_7_A_53 0 26 0 38 no / 0.750 yes / 61.7 6507_7_A_56 0 12 0 10 no / 0.663 no / 22.8 6507_7_A_9 0 18 0 22 no / 0.848 yes / 72.6

Facies distributions for each well:

Well Nonsand Sand

6507_7_2 0.3104 0.6896 6507_7_3 0.2371 0.7629 6507_7_4 0.2228 0.7772 6507_7_5 0.2629 0.7371 6507_7_6 0.4433 0.5567 6507_7_8 0.2341 0.7659 6507_7_A_17 0.0276 0.9724 6507_7_A_23 0.2112 0.7888 6507_7_A_27 0.2039 0.7961 6507_7_A_33 0.0021 0.9979 6507_7_A_35 0.2359 0.7641 6507_7_A_40 0.4774 0.5226 6507_7_A_43 0.5496 0.4504 6507_7_A_46 0.4993 0.5007 6507_7_A_49 0.3468 0.6532 6507_7_A_50 0.3065 0.6935 6507_7_A_51 0.3422 0.6578 6507_7_A_52 0.6945 0.3055 6507_7_A_53 0.2900 0.7100 6507_7_A_56 0.1974 0.8026 6507_7_A_9 0.1044 0.8956

Facies counts for each well:

Well Nonsand Sand

6507_7_2 1551 3445 6507_7_3 716 2304 6507_7_4 554 1933 6507_7_5 469 1315 6507_7_6 939 1179 6507_7_8 567 1855 6507_7_A_17 43 1515 6507_7_A_23 658 2457 6507_7_A_27 240 937 6507_7_A_33 1 478 6507_7_A_35 860 2785 6507_7_A_40 613 671 6507_7_A_43 815 668 6507_7_A_46 720 722 6507_7_A_49 465 876 6507_7_A_50 1018 2303 6507_7_A_51 1166 2241 6507_7_A_52 691 304 6507_7_A_53 982 2404 6507_7_A_56 319 1297 6507_7_A_9 515 4417

* Estimating amount of memory needed *

Memory needed for reading seismic data : 16702.73 MB Memory needed for holding internal grids (15): 26440.98 MB Memory needed for holding other entities : 4583.11 MB

Memory needed by CRAVA: 30.3 gigaBytes

* Prior Facies Probabilities *

Facies Probability

Nonsand 0.5000 Sand 0.5000

* Prior Expectations / Background Model *

Multizone background model:

Zone 1: Well 6507_7_4: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_5: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_8: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_27: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_51: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_52: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_56: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

WARNING : The calculation of the vertical trend for parameter 'Vp' using local linear regression failed for cells [0-16] where the log is undefined. The first defined value of 3584.98 in cell 17 will be used throughout this region.

WARNING : The calculation of the vertical trend for parameter 'Rho' using local linear regression failed for cells [0-16] where the log is undefined. The first defined value of 2.47 in cell 17 will be used throughout this region.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_A_53 415.9 187.2 0.160 6507_7_A_46 521.4 108.1 0.121 6507_7_A_23 388.5 211.3 0.050 6507_7_A_33 349.7 157.3 0.059 6507_7_A_49 267.0 160.2 0.103 6507_7_A_35 319.9 71.6 0.073 6507_7_A_40 319.8 31.0 0.105 6507_7_A_17 220.5 122.8 0.025 6507_7_A_50 102.0 138.3 0.075 6507_7_3 200.9 61.5 0.075 6507_7_A_43 9.8 47.9 0.171 6507_7_6 112.9 48.4 0.064 6507_7_A_9 39.5 75.0 0.040 6507_7_2 107.9 25.8 0.051

Zone 2: Well 6507_7_6: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_17: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_23: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_27: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_33: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_40: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_56: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

WARNING : The calculation of the vertical trend for parameter 'Vp' using local linear regression failed for cells [0-19] where the log is undefined. The first defined value of 3441.56 in cell 20 will be used throughout this region.

WARNING : The calculation of the vertical trend for parameter 'Vs' using local linear regression failed for cells [0-19] where the log is undefined. The first defined value of 1731.49 in cell 20 will be used throughout this region.

WARNING : The calculation of the vertical trend for parameter 'Rho' using local linear regression failed for cells [0-19] where the log is undefined. The first defined value of 2.40 in cell 20 will be used throughout this region.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_A_46 591.8 198.0 0.103 6507_7_5 311.5 148.3 0.095 6507_7_A_43 223.8 72.0 0.192 6507_7_3 255.5 137.9 0.045 6507_7_4 190.6 96.8 0.125 6507_7_A_49 95.4 95.1 0.147 6507_7_2 243.3 93.1 0.038 6507_7_A_51 72.6 121.3 0.111 6507_7_A_50 110.5 97.2 0.083 6507_7_A_52 156.4 34.9 0.104 6507_7_A_35 143.6 54.9 0.046 6507_7_A_53 100.6 61.5 0.045 6507_7_8 81.3 29.0 0.032 6507_7_A_9 70.9 27.0 0.039

Zone 3: Well 6507_7_A_17: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_27: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_33: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_A_51 273.2 123.0 0.106 6507_7_8 221.1 82.6 0.087 6507_7_A_49 193.4 57.0 0.144 6507_7_5 186.1 99.8 0.063 6507_7_A_46 266.8 75.6 0.034 6507_7_4 226.7 69.9 0.072 6507_7_A_43 203.0 21.5 0.149 6507_7_A_52 132.2 87.7 0.079 6507_7_A_50 112.8 112.1 0.031 6507_7_A_35 177.2 28.4 0.094 6507_7_A_40 134.6 60.2 0.056 6507_7_A_53 111.3 59.0 0.057 6507_7_3 116.6 45.1 0.053 6507_7_A_23 123.6 40.1 0.039 6507_7_A_9 127.1 51.7 0.017 6507_7_2 84.8 47.7 0.040 6507_7_6 125.5 36.0 0.019 6507_7_A_56 92.5 24.2 0.027

Zone 4: Well 6507_7_A_17: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_27: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_33: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_52: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_2 368.4 187.3 0.094 6507_7_A_43 402.8 92.1 0.183 6507_7_6 365.0 151.4 0.099 6507_7_A_46 394.5 81.7 0.099 6507_7_A_50 343.9 96.0 0.073 6507_7_5 207.0 132.9 0.072 6507_7_A_23 346.8 26.1 0.096 6507_7_A_35 240.6 62.3 0.084 6507_7_A_56 216.7 75.5 0.068 6507_7_A_40 166.2 110.8 0.047 6507_7_4 148.2 80.4 0.051 6507_7_3 143.5 56.8 0.053 6507_7_A_51 144.7 70.8 0.032 6507_7_8 123.7 56.1 0.055 6507_7_A_53 186.6 32.1 0.030 6507_7_A_9 115.8 39.2 0.045 6507_7_A_49 47.6 29.0 0.012

Zone 5: Well 6507_7_A_17: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_27: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_33: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_52: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_A_50 429.7 128.8 0.112 6507_7_6 371.7 157.2 0.060 6507_7_A_51 364.8 117.4 0.116 6507_7_A_40 274.5 161.8 0.078 6507_7_A_35 341.7 80.4 0.089 6507_7_A_9 259.0 131.4 0.054 6507_7_4 237.6 130.2 0.053 6507_7_3 196.2 99.2 0.074 6507_7_A_46 257.4 67.8 0.057 6507_7_5 172.5 94.1 0.064 6507_7_8 170.7 85.3 0.064 6507_7_A_53 223.7 59.7 0.035 6507_7_A_23 209.8 24.8 0.073 6507_7_A_56 147.1 51.1 0.070 6507_7_2 104.7 69.8 0.051 6507_7_A_43 164.8 44.8 0.037 6507_7_A_49 83.8 28.2 0.057

Zone 6: Well 6507_7_A_17: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_33: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_40: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_43: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_46: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_49: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_50: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_51: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_52: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_53: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_A_35 478.4 163.8 0.121 6507_7_A_9 307.9 164.0 0.066 6507_7_A_27 233.1 129.1 0.060 6507_7_5 201.6 140.2 0.065 6507_7_6 222.1 92.9 0.052 6507_7_3 109.1 67.1 0.058 6507_7_4 125.4 69.5 0.028 6507_7_A_23 162.6 45.5 0.008 6507_7_2 68.5 52.6 0.047 6507_7_A_56 45.7 38.0 0.054 6507_7_8 49.1 19.7 0.056

Zone 7: Well 6507_7_3: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_4: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_5: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_6: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_8: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_17: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_23: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_27: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_33: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_35: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_40: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_43: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_46: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_49: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_50: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_51: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_52: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_53: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_56: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Well 6507_7_A_9: IGNORED. Well does not hit the inversion volume.

Summary of average deviation from vertical trend (well with largest misfit listed first):

Well Vp Vs Rho

6507_7_2 21.2 15.9 0.010

Building multizone background: Building trend in multizone background: Writing SEGY file Gankrun_MultizoneBG_25Oct2013_06Cube_test1/background/Background_Trend_Vp.segy...done

Writing SEGY file Gankrun_MultizoneBG_25Oct2013_06Cube_test1/background/Background_Trend_Vs.segy.

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alfbr commented 8 years ago

I believe this issues is resolved, closing. Please re-open if issue still remains.