I already ran dos2unix on EnsemblePredictions.m cause octave was giving errors when trying to run the script from the command line. I also made the script executable so please refresh your source tree (on master branch)
When I run EnsemblePredictions.m with no arguments I get this error message:
error: Invalid call to exist. Correct usage is:
-- Built-in Function: C = exist (NAME)
-- Built-in Function: C = exist (NAME, TYPE)
error: called from
print_usage at line 90 column 5
./EnsemblePredictions.m at line 21 column 1
octave does not like using exist on to_process variable. I wasn't sure what is trying to be done here so I made a ticket.
I used this previously to call ensemble predictions directly from another script,
but is a bit of a inflexible structure, better to pass arguments your way,
so i just took it out now
I already ran dos2unix on EnsemblePredictions.m cause octave was giving errors when trying to run the script from the command line. I also made the script executable so please refresh your source tree (on master branch)
When I run EnsemblePredictions.m with no arguments I get this error message:
octave does not like using exist on to_process variable. I wasn't sure what is trying to be done here so I made a ticket.