CRE4MPIE / StatusBar

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Battleye #2

Open Farinius opened 9 years ago

Farinius commented 9 years ago

Hi Cre4mpie,

I get an #32 "ons\restart.paa' color='%10'/>%18:%19",

"%", count playableUnits, _damage, _wallet, _hunger, _thirst, _serverFPS, _ene"

Ist there any code for the script.txt from the Battleye Filter?

kind regard´s


breaup commented 9 years ago

same issue on my end

khafir commented 8 years ago

This should do the trick if added to line 32:

!="ons\restart.paa' color='%10'/>%18:%19",\n\n"%",\ncount playableUnits,\n_damage,\n_wallet,\n_hunger,\n_thirst,\n_serverFPS,\n_ene"