Credits Node is the main module that provide an opportunity to run a node and participate in CREDITS blockchain network.
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Running 2 consensus node with same (50k) wallet #9

Closed micmac0 closed 5 years ago

micmac0 commented 5 years ago

OPEN QUESTION I did a test with two nodes using same wallet for staking. The result is both node work and get trusted. But they get TRUSTED for always same blocks and same trusted [number]. So obviously only one trust count each time.

It looks ok if we agree that having 2 nodes running do not give 2 more chance to have one of these 2 nodes selected for consensus ?

Additional context

here an exemple og log in each node : [2019-05-27 20:15:02.505822] [0x00007feced629700] [info] ============================== R-2'662'425.0 TRUSTED [3] ============================== [2019-05-27 20:15:02.505827] [0x00007feced629700] [debug] Node key FD370D1F5B3E3535052A90A6D47F68F890252AFFB2736384AF45ADA1D80DA960

and [2019-05-27 20:15:02.525672] [0x00007f3c798ff700] [info] ============================== R-2'662'425.0 TRUSTED [3] ============================== [2019-05-27 20:15:02.525689] [0x00007f3c798ff700] [debug] Node key FD370D1F5B3E3535052A90A6D47F68F890252AFFB2736384AF45ADA1D80DA960

tkoen93 commented 5 years ago

I'd say that when a node connects, it should get rejected when the public key is already being used by another node.

kondrashovsv commented 5 years ago

Credits p2p does not reject node registration if the public key is already in use. This behavior can be observed for nodes with a changing dynamic IP address. However, we do not recommend using identical keys on servers, as the overhead costs associated with changing the list of neighbors increase. This reduces the likelihood of being in the list of trusted nodes.

micmac0 commented 5 years ago

OK for me, if it reduces chances to be in trusted node I think it s ok. But nodes were trusted quite often that s why we wondered if malicious person will set up many nodes with only 1 50K wallet.

kondrashovsv commented 5 years ago

For this amount you can run only 3 nodes. And with an increase in the number of IP addresses, the chances of getting into the list of trusted ones will decrease.

micmac0 commented 5 years ago

thanks for make it clear.