CRI-iAtlas / iatlas-app

R Shiny app for CRI iAtlas, an interactive web portal for exploring immuno-oncology data. (iAtlas portal 2022 and beyond)
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Allow download of summary information from plots when applicable #14

Closed vthorsson closed 3 years ago

vthorsson commented 5 years ago

From a summary barchart allow download e.g. the means and std devs as a tsv file. Same for similar instances of summary information shown in other plots.

vthorsson commented 4 years ago

Plotly now allows download of data going into the plot, for some of our plots.

andrewelamb commented 3 years ago

@vthorsson I think this is completed? I think I've added the ability to download the data that went into each plot. Can you check?

vthorsson commented 3 years ago

Agreed that it is completed @andrewelamb . Checked on immunomodulator violin plot on public app.

vthorsson commented 3 years ago

@andrewelamb , I noticed the following difference, with the Immunomodulator example

current testing app Downloaded file x,y C4,1.203598516335235 C4,2.733643371826536 C4,0.47057218190538247 C4,1.3767502753074006 C4,2.040428271015897 etc.

Public app x,y,label C4,2.0356978372618983,TCGA-02-2485 C3,2.3131434962893227,TCGA-05-4410 etc

Thus data download does indeed happen in both cases, But is it possible that the TCGA IDs are not included in what is sent to plotly, in the newer plots?

andrewelamb commented 3 years ago

@vthorsson That's likely, I didn't have the download file sin mind when redoing a lot of the code. I'll add them back in.

andrewelamb commented 3 years ago

@vthorsson This and the io targets plots have been fixed, and pushed to staging.

andrewelamb commented 3 years ago

@vthorsson Let me know if there are any other plot downloads that you'd like me to update otherwise I'll go ahead and re close this.

vthorsson commented 3 years ago

Thanks @andrewelamb for getting that in. As regards plot download checks - it might require a pass through all of them with this check in mind. Perhaps that can be added as a separate issue?

andrewelamb commented 3 years ago

@vthorsson Either way is fine with me.