CRI-iAtlas / iatlas-app

R Shiny app for CRI iAtlas, an interactive web portal for exploring immuno-oncology data. (iAtlas portal 2022 and beyond)
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Make modules have their own links in order to track usage #43

Open vthorsson opened 4 years ago

vthorsson commented 4 years ago

vthorsson commented 4 years ago

Would be nice if we can include in 1.3

andrewelamb commented 4 years ago

@vthorsson I think this is something that should wait for after the UX redesign. Anything we come up with for 1.3 may have to be significantly changed for 2.0+, and I'd hate to waste anyones effort.

heimannch commented 4 years ago

Although I agree with @andrewelamb point of optimizing efforts, I also believe that tracking usage could be helpful for the UX redesign. I don't know how much effort this task would demand, and I assume that testing it would require deploying the app?

andrewelamb commented 4 years ago

@heimannch That might be true. I do think the UX redesign with be in stages however. The first being the landing experience, cohort selection and module navigation to some degree. I think after that would be a good time to implement this, and get feedback about which modules are being used. After that we could prioritize which modules get a UX redesign based on the usage. Anyway that's how I would see the process going.

andrewelamb commented 4 years ago

@heimannch To your question I'm pretty sure this would have to be tested in deployment.

vthorsson commented 4 years ago

Thanks , @heimannch and @andrewelamb for thinking about this beyond my "would be nice" statement. Do you think there is a way to assess the work required (using one module) , or is there just a substantial chance of going into a research/testing rabbit-hole for an unknown amount of time.

heimannch commented 4 years ago

From what I read about this topic, I believe that implementing this would require changes in the global settings of the app - so it seems unlikely that testing in one module would be an option. Perhaps a good compromise would be to implement this for 2.0+, as @andrewelamb suggested, and adapt 1.3. in a later moment, depending on the complexity of the changes and our timeline of releases.

vthorsson commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the research on this @heimannch. Let us focus on implementing in 2.0+ then.

heimannch commented 3 years ago

Both Sample Group Overview and Tumor Microenvironment in the left menu were adapted to have a specific URL at the following app:

My initial tests with Google Analytics show that traffic through these links is recorded, which is good news. However, I've spotted some issues so far:

It was: menuSubItem( "Sample Group Overview", tabName = "groups_overview", icon = icon("cog") )

It was changed to:

 HTML("<a href='?module=groups_overview'>Sample Group Overview</a>"),
 tabName = "groups_overview",
 icon = icon("cog"))
heimannch commented 3 years ago

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