CRI-iAtlas / shiny-iatlas

An interactive web portal for exploring immuno-oncology data. This repo now superseded by iatlas-app
Apache License 2.0
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Finalize Shiny prototype layout #15

Closed jaeddy closed 6 years ago

jaeddy commented 6 years ago

The Shiny app will initially be the initial version of the iAtlas portal on release (pre-April 5th, 2018). Need to settle on a more suitable overall layout for visualization panels and any other information we want to include.

andrewelamb commented 6 years ago

The development version is now in dashboard form, is this sufficient?

jaeddy commented 6 years ago

Definitely a good start, but still some more figuring out to do in terms of organization and layout. I'll take a pass on the current version.

jaeddy commented 6 years ago

Feeling OK about overall layout after PR #22; will attempt to tackle module organization next. After looking at the manuscript figures some more, I think the modules we have are a reasonable starting point.

Note: I'm envisioning the modules as all being fairly "rich" with multiple sections and views to explore results related to a particular theme (this is inspired somewhat by the ICGC Data Analysis modules, which each have multiple components).

My current idea would look something like this:

Sample Groups Overview:

Tumor Composition

Clinical Outcomes

Genomic State

Immune Interface

Immunomodulator Genes

Regulatory Networks

Taking a stab at mocking up these ideas in the app today! Comments welcome.

Other thoughts:

Gibbsdavidl commented 6 years ago

On Mar 26, 2018, at 9:09 AM, James Eddy wrote:

I'm not sure if it makes sense to have a separate module for prognostics / survival, as a lot of these results are related to other categories and features — I could be convinced otherwise. I think it makes sense, especially if people go: choose a sample grouping (or upload one? maybe for later) then see the survival curves.

I'm also contemplating whether to make "sample groups" a global option — i.e., users would select 'Immune Subytpe', 'TCGA Study', 'TCGA Subtype' in the left/side panel and results for each module would be broken down accordingly.

Yes, I like it. Because additionally, I like making sample groups out of features like has/or-has-not a given mutation in gene X. Then you might look at the survival curves. If we could (even very simply) define sample groups from our features, that would be really cool. Maybe save for later.


jaeddy commented 6 years ago

OK, makes sense! Will plan to keep survival as a separate module for now.

And yeah — making the sample groups a global option would definitely enable one to "define" their own groups somehow. This is also more similar to how the ICGC Portal works. I think for now, we can just require people to use our pre-defined groups. :)

jaeddy commented 6 years ago

After speaking with @vthorsson, we're going to hold off on including the Genomic State and Immune Interface modules for the initial release. For the latter, the information we currently present in clonaldiversitymodule should be covered by the violin plots in Sample Groups Overview.

I'll comment these sections out for now, so we can focus our attention more easily.

I've been sketching out ideas for possible layout of the Sample Groups Overview and Tumor Composition pages, which I'll test out in the app soon.

jaeddy commented 6 years ago

Calling this done for now (as of PR #34)