When trying to calculate the angles from y_pc_nu I get an error on np.atan2. Also the code coverts to degrees, but I think the notation in the paper suggests radians? Also, the function returns y_alon and y_athw, which is undefined in the paper. Perhaps update the paper? The name of the function is also erroneous since the function does not return the electrical angles (Eq 13 and 14), but partially calculates the physical angles by calling the arctan2 but not the correction factor and the arcsin/arccos step in the function (Eq15&16 in the paper).
In [144]: y_theta_n, y_phi_n = ekcalc.calcElectricalAngles(y_pc_nu)
When trying to calculate the angles from y_pc_nu I get an error on np.atan2. Also the code coverts to degrees, but I think the notation in the paper suggests radians? Also, the function returns y_alon and y_athw, which is undefined in the paper. Perhaps update the paper? The name of the function is also erroneous since the function does not return the electrical angles (Eq 13 and 14), but partially calculates the physical angles by calling the arctan2 but not the correction factor and the arcsin/arccos step in the function (Eq15&16 in the paper).
In [144]: y_theta_n, y_phi_n = ekcalc.calcElectricalAngles(y_pc_nu)
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)