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Copy + Paste over existing row fails to overwrite previous data #67

Open tylerstright opened 1 year ago

tylerstright commented 1 year ago

Copy + pasting data over existing rows of data in the Edit activity window fails to update the values of the records unless one cell within each row is entered and exited (Esc) by the user. More detailed description below.


In the NPT CDMS, we have some activities created that do not have the detail records attached, but have been pre-populated with a "dummy record" as a placeholder until the actual data for that activity is entered. This is happening in while Editing an activity.

Let’s say for this scenario the user has the true data for the survey, which is 10 total records. Those records are prepared properly in an excel file and the field order matches the order in the activity detail in CDMS perfectly.

  1. When you enter into the activity, there is the single detail record as expected (see picture).
  2. The user adds +9 rows, making the total detail rows = 10 (see picture): 1 with the dummy record, and 9 more to house the incoming data.
  3. The user copies the 10 rows of data from the excel file, clicks into the top left cell of the detail table in CDMS, and pastes the data. (this happens without issue)
  4. The data show up properly, the first row is overwritten with the first record's data from the excel file, and the remaining nine empty rows populate with the remaining data. (working as expected) a. Hitting save at this point shows success. However, when you re-visit that activity, you will find the original dummy record NOT overwritten, and the 9 other records saved properly.

Testing revealed two other slightly different behaviors…

  1. First anomaly: If you perform the same steps as above through step 4, but after pasting the data: a. Double click into the top left cell (i.e., the first cell of the previously existing dummy record), and hit Esc to leave it. This leaves the pasted data in-tact and doesn't change anything. However, pressing save will now properly overwrite the pre-existing dummy record with new data as well as the other 9.
    b. Entering and exiting the first cell of the first, pre-existing row seems to alleviate the odd behavior.
  2. Second anomaly: If you delete the pre-existing row, add 10 new empty rows, and copy paste the data, everything saves properly.