The following project from Braga et al was headless tested.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// par de chaves de Ana e configurações do criptosistema
KeyPairGenerator kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("EC","SunEC");
System.out.println("KeyPairGen "+kpg.getProvider().getName());
Signature signerAna = Signature.getInstance("SHA512WithECDSA","SunEC");
System.out.println("Signer "+signerAna.getProvider().getName());
// Beto configura seu criptosistema
Signature verifierBeto = Signature.getInstance("SHA512WithECDSA","SunEC");
System.out.println("Verifier "+verifierBeto.getProvider().getName());
I get an inconsistency between the error markers in the IDE console and the specification of expected errors in the headless test itself.
The error marker in the console shows:
ConstraintError violating CrySL rule for (on Object #cdc10a3b31851aec5bfa5ba0d51d63d9cc0be3bf89fec1ba3fc1d1b3770cceba)
First parameter (with value "SHA512WithECDSA") should be any of {SHA256withECDSA, SHA256withDSA, SHA256withRSA, SHA224withDSA, NONEwithDSA, SHA1withDSA}
at statement: r2 = staticinvoke < getInstance(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)>(varReplacer10, varReplacer11)
As seen above, the error marker shows only one ConstraintError violation for the Signature object, when in fact there are 2 in total for two different Signature objects.
On the other hand, when specifying the correct expected errors in the headless test itself, the test passes.
The following project from Braga et al was headless tested.
I get an inconsistency between the error markers in the IDE console and the specification of expected errors in the headless test itself.
The error marker in the console shows:
As seen above, the error marker shows only one ConstraintError violation for the Signature object, when in fact there are 2 in total for two different Signature objects.
On the other hand, when specifying the correct expected errors in the headless test itself, the test passes.
I have stated that the printed error markers are not complete for the ConstraintError for 2 or more objects of the same type (e.g Signature).