CRPropa / CRPropa3

CRPropa is a public astrophysical simulation framework for propagating extraterrestrial ultra-high energy particles.
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Missing support for most current IRB fields & retrieval of CRPropa2 data tables for ElectronPairProduction #282

Open MHoerbe opened 4 years ago

MHoerbe commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone,

for the future custom photon fields to properly work on the ElectronPairProduction module, I need to be able to reproduce the data files being read in by this module. There is supposed to be one background photon file for each background, however, with only the CMB and the IRB_Kneiske04 existing for this module.

A look into the CRPropa3-data repo where there is a script responsible for generating data related to the ElectronPairProduction module revealed:

# Reformat CRPropa2 tables of differential spectrum of secondary electrons
# This should be reimplemented for extension to the other backgrounds,
# cross-checking and documentation.
# -------------------------------------------------
d1 = np.genfromtxt('tables/EPP/pair_spectrum_cmb.table', unpack=True)
d2 = np.genfromtxt('tables/EPP/pair_spectrum_cmbir.table', unpack=True)

The tables which are loaded to exist in the data repo yet I could not find any script producing these (and in particular not in the CRPropa2 repository). Hence, I see two ways to proceed here:

1) Does anyone know where these scripts are and how they work? 2) Does anyone have an idea what exact data these tables contain beyond "spectra of secondary electrons"? Since then we could try and construct our own, new ones?

Cheers, Mario

lukasmerten commented 4 years ago

Hi @Froehliche-Kernschmelze For the moment I can just add to this discussion, that I alos stumbled over these lines a couple of month ago. I mentioned this briefly during the discussion of #255. However, I will help to investigate this.