CRPropa / CRPropa3

CRPropa is a public astrophysical simulation framework for propagating extraterrestrial ultra-high energy particles.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Source spectra is getting modified after propagation #330

Closed PrantikS closed 3 years ago

PrantikS commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am trying to plot cosmic rays at the source and at the observer for a 1D simulation using the following code and I am also attaching the result I am getting. I have chosen a power law -2 at the source. Without any interaction module added, the source and observer spectra are exactly overlapping but when I add the interaction modules the source spectrum is completely modified. Shouldn't the source spectrum remain the same? Or am I doing any mistake?

Also, what is the maximum number of particles CRPropa can simulate? In my case, I am able to simulate successfully about 1e8 particles but beyond this, the program automatically gets killed. I am using a system with 8GB RAM and 1.8 GHz 8 core processor.

from crpropa import *

photons=True neutrinos=True electrons =False

sim = ModuleList() sim.add( SimplePropagation() ) sim.add( Redshift() ) sim.add(PhotoPionProduction(CMB(), photons, neutrinos, electrons)) sim.add( ElectronPairProduction(CMB(), True) ) sim.add( MinimumEnergy( 0.1 * EeV) )

observer and output

obs = Observer() obs.add( ObserverPoint() ) output = TextOutput('testProton.txt', Output.Event1D) output.disableAll() output.enable(Output.SourceIdColumn)
output.enable(Output.CurrentEnergyColumn) obs.onDetection( output ) sim.add( obs )

nucleusId(1, 1)

source = Source() source.add(SourceParticleType(nucleusId(1, 1))) source.add(SourcePowerLawSpectrum(1 EeV, 10000 EeV, -2.0)) source.add(SourcePosition(Vector3d(50,0,0) *Mpc)) source.add( SourceRedshift1D() )

run simulation

sim.setShowProgress(True), 100000, True)

from pylab import *

import pylab as t

output.close() figure(figsize=(6,6)) a = loadtxt("testProton.txt") E = logspace(17,22,20) idx0 = a[:,2] == 1000010010 sprotons = a[idx0,3]1e18 idx = a[:,0] == 1000010010 protons = a[idx,1]1e18

bincenter = (E[1:] -E[:-1])/2 + E[:-1] binwidth = E[1:] -E[:-1]

data,bins = histogram(sprotons,E) J = data/binwidth plot(bincenter, J * bincenter**2,label="source Protons, 1e5")

data1,bins = histogram(protons,E) J1 = data1/binwidth plot(bincenter, J1 * bincenter**2,label="Protons propagated")


loglog() xlim(3e18, 3e21) ylim(1e20, 1e26) legend(loc="lower right") xlabel("Energy [eV]") ylabel ('$E^2 dN/dE$ [a.u.]') show()


rafaelab commented 3 years ago


There is no reason to expect the spectral shape to remain the same if interactions are included. There will be energy losses, production of secondary particles, etc. Your figure shows exactly that (the GZK cut-off, in this case).

The memory problem you are encountering is because many secondaries are produced by interaction, quickly exceeding the memory of most machines. You can, for instance, deactivate photons and electrons to solve this (at least in part). Or you can run many simulations with fewer events and combine the results afterwards.