CRPropa / CRPropa3

CRPropa is a public astrophysical simulation framework for propagating extraterrestrial ultra-high energy particles.
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Dolag Magnetic Field Parameters #379

Closed JonPaulLundquist closed 7 months ago

JonPaulLundquist commented 2 years ago

The Dolag magnetic field (dolag_B_54-186Mpc_440b.raw) provided does not include any instructions on how it should be used. Such as the size and b_factor. Loading the field with:

gridSize = 440
size = 186*Mpc
b_factor = 54*10**9 * nG
boxOrigin = Vector3d(-0.5*size,-0.5*size,-0.5*size)

Assuming supergalactic coordinates I would assume that I would be able to pick out the features shown in Figure 12 of the paper CRPropa references for this field ( This is not the case. Nor, assuming galactic or equatorial coordinates. This paper seems to use a different field with a different size and grid size. The CRPropa paper ( also used a different size and number of cells than are compatible with this file.

This is how I'm finding coordinates:

steps = linspace(-(size/2)/Mpc, (size/2)/Mpc, gridSize)
x = zeros((steps.size**3), dtype='float16')
y = zeros((steps.size**3), dtype='float16')
z = zeros((steps.size**3), dtype='float16')
i = 0
for j in range(steps.size):
    for k in range(steps.size):
        for m in range(steps.size):
            x[i] = steps[j]
            y[i] = steps[k]
            z[i] = steps[m]
            i = i + 1

D = norm([x, y, z], axis = 0) #Distances from coordinates

supergalactic = cartesian_to_spherical(x,y,z)
supergalactic = SkyCoord(sgl=supergalactic[2], sgb=supergalactic[1], frame='supergalactic', unit='rad')

Bmag = zeros(steps.size**3, dtype='float32')
i = 0
for line in fileinput.input(['DolagField.txt']):
    Bmag[i] = norm(fromstring(line, sep=' '))/(1000*nG)
    i = i + 1

This should give the magnetic field and positions for the grid points in the file. Please also see this thread If the parameters to use this file are unknown it should probably not be provided with an outdated reference.

JonPaulLundquist commented 2 years ago

This paper seems to imply that the size is 186 - 54 Mpc = 132 Mpc. If that's the case I would recommend the file name be changed as that is highly unintuitive... Using:

size = 132*Mpc
b_factor = 0.001 #10*10**9 * nG

I can find Virgo less than 10 degrees from where it's supposed to be at 20 Mpc (a Mpc or so off from Dolag) with a field of 2.4 microGauss. Good enough. It looks like this: MapDolagField_20Mpc

I can also find Perseus a couple of degrees from where it's supposed to be at 69 Mpc ( about 3 Mpc or so off from Dolag) with a field of 2.7 microGauss. Good enough. Though the field is a bit low. It looks like this:


And Coma cannot be found because we're running out of box volume.

Does this appear to be correct? If so, I again recommend changing that file name and changing (or adding) a reference if it can be done.

Laruku25 commented 2 years ago

Hey John you want discuss this through discord or something? Can I have your email? I think I can get the quimby file which is more accurate to Dolag's paper. We could work on using that instead. Here's my email:

JulienDoerner commented 7 months ago

I close the issue. If there are still issues please re-open it.