CRPropa / CRPropa3

CRPropa is a public astrophysical simulation framework for propagating extraterrestrial ultra-high energy particles.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Small fix for EMPairProduction when haveElectrons=False and small Optimizations #491

Closed LeanderSchlegel closed 1 month ago

LeanderSchlegel commented 1 month ago

Dear all,

@lukasmerten , @JulienDoerner and me discussed a possible fix of #488 and thought of opening this very small PR. We switched the order of the lines in EMPairProduction.cpp that in the current master-version would prevent the catastrophic energy loss of the pairproduction in the case of haveElectrons=False. We also noticed two very small optimizations that could be done in EMDoublePairProduction.cpp and EMInverseComptonScattering.cpp that we included in this PR, that do not affect the physics and could lead to a little speedup in the runtime of the modules.

Thank you in advance!