CReizner / SharpAstrology.HumanDesign

The Human Design Extension for the SharpAstrology project.
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Feature request: Light and Shadow Aspects #5

Closed offline-first closed 2 months ago

offline-first commented 2 months ago

Can you calculate for the gates, the light and shadow aspects which are next to the planets in the chart as triangle upwards (light), triangle downwards shadow, star (if both aspects are extremely lived out)? Unfortunately, I can't find any information on how these are determined. ..

CReizner commented 2 months ago

Hello @offline-first, thanks for your question.

You actually have properties available in all three HumanDesign Charts to get this information. Search the charts for properties with Fixation in their names. There you will find a Dictionary<Planets, PlanetaryFixation> of which planet produces which fixation. In PlanetaryFixation.FixingState you will find the states you are looking for as Exalted (up), Detriment (down) and Juxtaposed (star).

CReizner commented 2 months ago

using SharpAstrology.DataModels; using SharpAstrology.Enums; using SharpAstrology.Ephemerides; using SharpAstrology.Interfaces;

var date = new DateTime(1988, 9, 4, 1, 15, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

var ephemeridesService = new SwissEphemeridesService(ephType: EphType.Moshier); using IEphemerides eph = ephemeridesService.CreateContext();

// Create chart var chart = new HumanDesignChart(date, eph);

// Personality planets foreach (var (planet, activation) in chart.PersonalityActivation) { Console.WriteLine($"{planet} - {activation.Gate.ToNumber()}/{activation.Line.ToNumber()} {chart.PersonalityFixation[planet].FixingState}"); } // Output: // Sun - 64/1 None // Earth - 63/1 None // Mars - 21/2 Exalted // Mercury - 18/3 Exalted // Venus - 56/1 None // Moon - 45/6 None // Jupiter - 20/6 None // Saturn - 11/4 None // Uranus - 11/5 None // Neptune - 58/4 Detriment // Pluto - 44/3 None // NorthNode - 63/3 None // SouthNode - 64/3 None

// Design planets foreach (var (planet, activation) in chart.DesignActivation) { Console.WriteLine($"{planet} - {activation.Gate.ToNumber()}/{activation.Line.ToNumber()} {chart.DesignFixation[planet].FixingState}"); } // Output: // Sun - 35/3 Detriment // Earth - 5/3 None // Mars - 37/3 Detriment // Mercury - 12/5 None // Venus - 12/5 None // Moon - 41/1 None // Jupiter - 23/2 Exalted // Saturn - 10/3 None // Uranus - 10/2 None // Neptune - 58/6 Detriment // Pluto - 44/3 None // NorthNode - 22/2 None // SouthNode - 47/3 None

offline-first commented 2 months ago

Thank you very much for your help! I'm seriously wondering how you found all this out! I spent hours researching...

CReizner commented 2 months ago

I feel you :D @offline-first I've no short answer for you, but if you want to know, how something is calculated, then ask.