CS-451-Spring-2015 / CCSC_Submission_System

Submission system for the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges - Central Plains Conference
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Automatic e-mail generation #15

Open heised opened 9 years ago

heised commented 9 years ago

Right now, the system does not satisfactorily send automated e-mails when:

  1. users register (contrib or reviewer)
  2. users submit
  3. users change any details (to submission, user profile, etc.)
  4. paper/nifty/workshop chairs assign reviewers
  5. reviews are submitted
  6. admins want to contact groups of users (authors, reviewers, chairs, etc.)

Facility is programmed, but not working (commented) because many (est. 30%) get caught in spam filters.

amandajcoffelt commented 9 years ago

After reviewing some suggestions about avoid spam I saw the following reasons causes the email to end up in the spam folder: 1) Sloppy Coding 2) Using "TEST" in the subject line 3) Using all caps in the subject line I am sure there are more but this might help solve the emails getting caught in spam.